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Everything posted by Beketov

  1. You listened and used regular amounts of contrast, well done! Light source is a little oddly placed, try getting it up a bit more so it's not just casting half the face in darkness. Still though, much better overall. The BG flu of shapes is kinda need and I like how you made the tex work with it. The render effects kinda fit but aren't quite perfect, I see a lot of spots that are just pure black and that's a big thing to avoid. Overall though, I see some definite progress with this one. Well done.
  2. Loved this sig when I first saw it, still love it now. Such a great example of a clean sig, the BG is simple and nice, the text is both very fitting and very well made. Lighting and depth are both spot on. Colouring is great, need I go on? Only thing I would change is the removal of the subtext, whatever says god down there, I can't even really read it and I don't think it adds anything specifically.
  3. Damn this is some sexy shit. Effects are great, lighting is great, text is great. If I had to complain about something (and of course I do) it's that having both render's in focus makes things a little confusing. I would like to see one or the other put SLIGHTLY blurred but that really is a minor complaint. Well done.
  4. Search function. Still involved going into every championship team but saved going into the founders cup ones as well. I just went in and checked which goalie one the cup, then searched their name in the founder's cup section. If it came up as no results than they didn't win. It was time consuming and obviously I missed 1 at some point (I'm guessing I thought I counted someone when I hadn't actually) but not nearly as bad as checking every win if both cups and then cross referencing.
  5. They'll only be from 3 other people but I can definitely still put it together if you'd like to see it.
  6. Unfortunately I have only received PSD's from you, Solas and Jack so we haven't really gotten any.
  7. User Name: Beketov EASTERN CONFERENCE (M1) Washington vs (M2) Pittsburgh Winner: Washington # of Games: 6 (A2) Tampa Bay vs (W1) New York Islanders Winner: Tampa Bay # of Games: 7 WESTERN CONFERENCE (C1) Dallas vs (C2) St. Louis Winner: Dallas # of Games: 6 Anaheim/Nashville vs (P3) San Jose Winner: San Jose # of Games: 7
  8. This is just my opinion, maybe I'm way off. Honestly if updaters pay were 3 I think things would be pretty even because it's tough for us to consistently get 12 reviews. However updating was put as 2 a long time ago and never touched while getting 2 TPE for grading was cut in half work wise (it used to be 8 per TPE) the updaters have always been paid the same. I don't think the bulk of the problem is so much with the extra 1-3 TPE at its core, it's that we already are capable of getting 3 in a week and then get a bonus at the end of the season.
  9. This is a problem I've noticed with your work: too bright. Get the contrast down so that your dark colours actually look dark. The wavy effect is okay but I think it would be better if the waves were larger. Colours look okay but could be stronger; although that may be because they are washed out. Text needs to be closer to the render and I don't know how I feel about the overlay setting I seem to be seeing. I think clipping a stock to the text on normal might have turned out better.
  10. I don't know if you made that VS logo or not but it looks sick regardless. I don't know how much I like the yellow and green together but it does make sense with the teams so that's fine. The text for the records looks a little odd, I don't know if it's the placements or what but it could probably just go and it would be fine without it. The text for the date is well placed and not distracting but does look a tad too sharp so I would watch out for that. Overall a pretty nice and creative piece.
  11. I would kill a man to get my hands on that BG, just saying; it looks awesome. Effects all around a very good both in the render and in the text. Lighting is strong and good and everything blends together well. A perfectly executed clean sig.
  12. That is actually kinda hilarious haha. Not sure how much of the colouring you did vs. the original photo but the colours look great. The text is different yet effective, although I think it might be a tad tops harp. I'd like to see a little bit more light but it's not too bad. I would also like to see a little more depth created with those white dots but they are falling sadly a little flat.
  13. First off, I think the text effects are sleek and beautiful; they are really well done. Unfortunately I don't feel as if they fit the theme of the rest of the piece. It has almost a grungy feel to it with sleek text and that's throwing me off. Strong lighting would be good to see but overall render effects are solid. BG is pretty good but I would like to see a bit more blending. Overall it's pretty solid but not quite finished looking IMO.
  14. Contrast is the major issue here that needs to be addressed. Curves and exposure layers could help to bring everything together whereas right now everything just has an over contrasted feel. I also suggest if you don't want to do a straight photo manipulation that you work with cut-out renders has having the BG behind the player but then disappearing looks a little odd. Text is very vibrant which can work but it need to be closer to the render so that it isn't a distraction. Keep working at GFX, you're off to a good start.
  15. Definitely love the main text, easily the best part of the piece. The colouring, effects, font and placement are all perfect. I agree with Boubabi about the render size and sub-text, no need to cover those again. I do wish the BG was giving a BIT more depth as it falls a little flat right now but it is simple and does work decently well. Good Job.
  16. 'MURICA! Seriously though, I like this. Uses the flag as a texture really well and the effects and lighting are spot on. I actually kinda like the text style but I wish it could be blended with the effects a little bit more since it stands out a lot more than everything else. Overall I think this is a really good piece though.
  17. The contrast with this sig is definitely off; as Boubabi said it's too bright and levels or curves could really help to balance it back out. I'd like to see the right side a bit darker which would likely happen on it's own with those adjustments. Tex is simple but not too bad, positioning is a little far from the render for my liking and I think some subtext might have helped it out.
  18. I'd like to see a little more going on with this; the BG especially seems a little bland for my liking. I don't mind strokes like that but would like to see them a tad closer to the ender. Text is okay but the k is way sharper than the other letters which looks weird. Overall it's okay but feels a tad bit unfinished.
  19. 21 is insane, it makes no sense really. Having it that high is just going to make more people drink underage. Like, seriously, you will be basically done college before you can legally drink. But yeah, Bud of any kind is shit and generic American beer is especially shit.
  20. All my monitors (2 at home and 2 at work) run at 1080 and I don't have the sure button on any of them. This is also regardless of what skin I'm using.
  21. *blinks* is it... Is it over? Im going to have puck based PTSD after this.
  22. Nope, haven't had it in awhile. Maybe because I'm using the "broken" default skin to get around the ad on mobile issue?
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