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Everything posted by Beketov

  1. Effects are pretty cool which is a major strong point. Text font fits really well with its simplistic lines but move it a tad bit closer the render's face to keep the focus right. Lighting could use some work, it isn't creating enough contrast right now; make him really pop with it. Effects along the bottom are a tad bit too sharp, not sure if you sharpened them or if they came like that but get the sharpness own so they aren't distracting.
  2. BG is simple and nice, text fits well, lighting is on point. The following complaints are minor at best. The stroke around the text seems like it's opacity is a tad high so it gets a little too much contrast. The mario text seems an odd opacity that I don't love. The effects on his left shoulder are sharp but his face looks a tad out of focus because of it. Blur the effect and sharpen his face instead. Well Done.
  3. The red feels a tad bit too strong for my liking, washes out any of the other effects you might have. Lighting is strong and nice which I like. I agree about the text, generally you don't want to mess with opacity on your main text, only on subtext or depth text. Get that at full opacity and drop the opacity on the subtext maybe so it stands out less.
  4. B&W works with this piece but you need to keep in mind that with B&W lighting needs to be on point to make the render pop, I don't believe it is here. The render has some good natural contrast on the face so work with it, get the right side (our right) of his face blasted with light and darken up the left side. Curves layers clipped to the render and masked off can help with this a lot, as can Burn and Dodge. Text is okay but overlay it on top of the render a bit and get some effects on it to make it pop more. I agree with Jack about getting some stock work on the render. Overall it's a good piece but needs a few more touches.
  5. Normally I love just about everything you do but this is a little out there for my taste. Jack talks about text but I honestly don't even see any. Technically speaking everything is fine I guess (contrast, colour, etc) but the green wash just makes it so hard to focus on any one thing that I can't keep the piece straight. I guess the effects work blending wise but I kinda wish I could see this without the Incredible Hulk vomit on it.
  6. Most votes overall in the previous week should get a bye, just saying
  7. I knew it was going to be a really tough series but figured we would st least be able to take one game. Really disappointed with my play. Sad way to end a decent season.
  8. Well that's not a good sign.
  9. It happens. Part of the reward for sticking around so long haha First-Gen talent often gets overlooked early on but you'll get your spotlight come the VHL draft. Some GM's like gambling on first gen players, especially if you can prove yourself.
  10. How many are we voting for per group? Just whichever ones we like the most?
  11. I've only been contacted by 2 teams
  12. Three teams that need a goalie pass on me but a team without the need takes me? Seems rather unlikely.
  13. I wouldn't want to remove potential reviews from us graders but I'll take you up on that offer and just post it for review later (won't claim twice obviously, will just edit my updates). Realistically, most people have a pretty set style so a well trained GFX eye can spot who does what anyway.
  14. Much Better
  15. Holy Shootout!
  16. That's my reaction. I don't know what the fuck this is.
  17. Is this supposed to be anonymous or can we post our sigs for it as PT's before the vote goes up? I can wait as long as the vote is posted this week, just curious.
  18. Well, I knew I couldn't hold Kendrick off forever. Oh well, as the theme this week implies, team needs are more important than TPE numbers anyway.
  19. Sexy. A little confused by the H being white like the first name but whatever.
  20. Colours are a little out there and honestly really confuse my eyes as to what I'm looking at. Render is kinda cool to have so large but doesn't really fill the space as much as it should. Lighting on it is okay. Text is a major flaw. The font is weird at best (wouldn't really fit most pieces) and it just sticks out awkwardly.
  21. BG is lacking a bit of depth IMO, seems to drop off to nothing really fast. Render effects are a little crazy and the contrast is kinda going all over the place. Text fits the piece. Overall I would think you need to get some control over it. All the elements are there but they are a bit scattered and don't really feel as if they flow well together.
  22. This is definitely something different, going at a sig without using any stocks. I like the idea. The render looks amazing IMO, the effects and the lighting are perfect. BG I'm a bit iffy on, I agree with Jack that maybe blurring instead of those lines would have been better. Maybe the lines could work if they were just toned down a tad. I don't mind the text but I also don't think it fits the piece perfectly either.
  23. Right side kinda disappeared into pure black a little too much for my liking. I know it was to get the focus where you wanted it but there are other ways aside from making it look like they turned the lights off in that part of the arena. Font is kinda fun, could use a simple grunge texture clipped to it maybe to give it some depth but it's fine as is. Lighting is pretty good. Render feels a tad bit too sharp so maybe just add some sharpness to certain parts (his face for example) and let the rest be normal.
  24. A great example of a clean sig. Simple lines, good (not not overbearing) stock work, simple text. I agree that it's a bit under-contrasted so getting your blacks up to a slightly higher level could help. I'm actually backwards from Jack on the text. I think the Humbert font matches the style much better and the Thaddeus font is a little too out there for a clean sig. To each his own I guess.
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