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Everything posted by Xflexz

  1. The only issue I have with this is that A dark mode user like myself could bot read this very easily with the font color being what it is lol. Good job tho 9/10
  2. I loved this. Please continue doing these. 10/10 If you dont keep doing it i will hunt you down
  3. 1. It could be better 2. It for sure has helped! Im happy with how im starting 3. We have a chance for sure but if we make it. It will be very tough to win it all 4. My backup has been doing very well and if he has an off night I come in to assist but hes doing great 7. Reaction Time. If I can react to a puck right off the stick nothing will go by 8. I have a team list I put together since I can listen to anything
  4. This is my first attempt at graphics and I plan on expanding on this but I wanted a base and felt I could always build on it next week!
  5. 1. I hope to play decently well and have a solid rookie year 2. Ate some pasta. Pasta is love 3. I rested. No need to go all out and burn yourself out 4. My backup goalie so I can make his life suck for the day 7. It already is changing but my starts have increased so im happy 8. Dont grind to hard or you'll burn out quickly. go easy
  6. With @Beaviss stepping down as GM, I want you to say your best memory of him. Maybe it's advice he gave or a time you had with him. Just him being excited for me to be on the team How to do you focus on the league with the changes going on in the Front Office. Does it make it harder or are you looking forward to trying impress whomever the new boss is its easier to not think about anything other than yourself What is your favorite workout to do during the offseason? Working out is for the weak who arent good enough What's your mindset during a game, any pregame rituals? Stuff a subway footlong down my throat and hope the defense can do its job What is one piece of advice that your parents gave you? Not care what other people think If you were the blues, who would you have step up and be the next GM? I have zero idea what this means we talkin IRL
  7. 1. Who do you think was the biggest steal of the draft last night? I fell asleep before the draft so i have 0 clue 2. Say words of advice to the new Vancouver Wolves. What is something you should tell them? Dont get behind on updating like I have been 3. What is your expectation for your player this season? I expect to be pretty average 6. How would you describe the locker room to new members? Great! it's not as overwhelming as I thought it would be when I first jumped up 7. What is your favorite memory of the VHL so far? Just making it to the playoffs in my first season was amazing!
  8. Super happy to see Mexico win the cup after I was with them last season and we fell just short. great job with this going in depth of the season and playoffs, you'll have a great career! 10/10
  9. Super interesting to see cup droughts in the VHL. Never really though of it before. Great job doing all this research! 10/10
  10. 1. The season did not end up as planned as we fell short to the Chicago Phoenix in the second round. What's something you can takeaway from this season? We made it to the playoffs and played decently well. Gettin that EXPERIENCE 2. What is your player's plans for the offseason? Relaxation station 3. What is your favorite meal from Chick Fil A? spicy chicken sandy with no pickles 4. Do you have any pets? If you don't what would you get and why? I have a cat 5. If you could play any other position in the VHL, what would it be? Why? I wouldnt. I'll always be a goalie forever 7. What team do you like seeing lose? Why? Any team from chicago no matter what
  11. 1. Would you ever get a cybernetic body part to improve your performance out on the ice? You'd be stupid not to 2. Do you think there would be more or less issues between humans if we discovered aliens? It would depend if they look like us or not. If they do then we'd be better to each other if they were very different we'd be ass hats 4. Would you ever throw a game for money? How much we talkin 8. Fill in this blank: I do it for the ____________? (Money, fame, Glory, to see the tears of my enemies?) Glory 9. What is the one Ace up your sleeve you always save when your team needs a miracle? I turn a magnet on in my glove to stop all the pucks on the planet 13. At what point are we good enough? When you're happy
  12. Great read! I really like the send and the email logo at the top. Got to maintain that immersion. Only thing I have to say bothers me is the numbers are on their own line. Maybe keep them with the rest of the paragraph and it would be perfect. 9.5/10
  13. This was a masterpiece that belongs in the hall of robotic work. The pure entertainment of this was amazing I freakin love it 10/10
  14. 4.) Do you think Valentines day is a real holiday? Why or Why Not? Sorta, If you have a life then it is but if you're a loner its not 5.)Do you have romantic plans for your Valentines day? Yes but im not telling 6.) What do you consider to be a "sexy" or "romantic" song? Love me sexy by Jackie Moon 7.) Have You (or Would you) ever kissed someone on a kiss cam? (Imagine it's not covid, it would be a horrible idea in covid lol) If my family or friends weren't there then maybe 8.) Do you think theme week themes should be told to the VHL general public in advance? Maybe the week before so everyone is prepared 9.) Are you a person who usually has they task done way in advance or are you last minute? Do you feel that theme weeks affect how you get your tasks out? I used to always get my stuff done the day it went up but since school started its been all over the place
  15. 1. You discover a beautiful island upon which you may build your own society. You make the rules. What is the first rule you put into place? Everyone must make me food when I request 3.) You have been given the opportunity to create the half-hour TV show of your own design. What is it called and what’s the premise? 4 people have to fight to the death using chopsticks. It'll be called chop before you drop. 4.) Name the top five hockey related things to take with you during a zombie outbreak. (Think of things that you would have in your hockey bag, locker or at home) Skates, pucks, stick, shin pads and helmet 5.) What are things that management can do that makes you feel supported as a player? (what is important to you?) Win the freakin cup :)))) 8.) When was the last time you screamed at the top of your lungs during a game? What were you yelling about? When the Blues won the cup for the first time. I was at Busch Stadium for the game it was amazing! 10.) Is there anything hanging in your Team Locker that motivates you? My GIANT fuzzy dice that only have the number 2 on each of the 6 sides
  16. As someone whos rather new I can relate to a lot of this. Now that i know what im doing everything seems so easy comapred to when I first jumped in. Great job! 10/10 maybe next we can get a new what i've learned after your first season the the VHL
  17. Fantastic read. My favorite articles are those that look back on teams and players. BEAUTIFUL (Indent your damn paragraphs!!!!!!!!) 9.9/10 because you didn't indent smh
  18. This could be an excellent idea. We'd just have to hope people would be honest and not abuse their power to gain that extra tpe but this could work very well and add a new layer to being a Captain! 10/10
  19. After my goalie career I was wanting to do some defensive work. Thanks for putting it in nice simple numbered list too. Makes it easy to keep track of. 10/10
  20. 1.Coming to the start of week two of S76 season where we find the Wolves atop the VHL Overall standings after 12 games with a record of 9-2-1, what has been the key factor in the wolves hot start ? Weve been riding solid goaltending and an amazing offence. This team is just overall amazing 3.Express your feelings about this season so far in two words? Taking Dubs 6.)Following last question about the Pups we cant forget @Xflexz Markus Emerson Jr, already with 6 starts in the first 12 games, how many more starts will Emerson get? Another 15 minimum 7.) What is the one piece of advice you would give to anyone drafted to The Vancouver Wolves They talk A LOT which isnt a bad thing 10.) What area of your game do you think needs the most work to improve your game as the season continues ? Rebound control 11.) What are your thoughts on the Covid-19 Vaccine the birds work for the bourgeoisie
  21. The VHL Draft has come and gone, were you watching the Draft Livestream? No, I was too busy sleeping in What skills have you been working on the most during the offseason to improve going into S77 Mostly in hand speed and reaction time Who do you believe is most likely on the verge of a massive breakout season and why Me ofc well as a backup lol Which player on any team are you most looking forward to playing against and why I’m just happy to play idc who its against Wolves are also ECSTATIC to announce the official signing of our S74 prospect Markus Emerson Jr Voted S76 VHLM Top Goaltender winning the Award "Benoit Devereux Trophy". How many Starts to you expect to see Emerson play? I’m hoping to get at least 15 but any amount is great The Wolves are welcoming rookie from the S75 Draft , from the Mexico Kings Jacob Sosa. With Sosa and @Sixersfan594Zolnek both joining the pro roster were now at 8 forwards. What do you expect from these two rookie forwards ? I know Sosa from the VHLM so I expect big things from him but i dont know as much about the other guy so well see what happens
  22. Very very good article. Good in-depth read on the team and formatted very nicely (except paragraphs aren't indented) Also love the title being a gradient really catches the eye! 10/10
  23. Great job! It's a little funky to read on dark mode but I wont fault you for that. Also happy to see you trying to revive some old things! 9.99/10
  24. 1. It will only matter if we win it all 2. Hot streaks always make for amazing finishes 3. That massive cold streak we went on in the middle of the season. Very scary times 4. Me ofc :))))))))) 5. Yes ish. More likely a name change tbh 6. idk, havent tried it
  25. 1. 100%, Only we can beat ourselves at this point 2. Helps increase the odds of the cup even higher 3. Depth = CUPS 4. With the Offence already so amazing having the Defense scoring too makes us unstoppable 5. Phat Staks 6. Spring person. Summer is too hot and winter is too cold
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