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Everything posted by jacobcarson877

  1. Depending on what the "it" is then yes. - Everyone has had 9 season careers since S80, and will so long as the VHLE exists. - There will be a 1 season season gap in retirees, and therefore general strength of draft classes (between the 8 season 79s and 9 season 80+s), which is this upcoming S88 draft. - There will be a general overpopulation in the VHL this season, and next season as we wait for the 80s to retire.
  2. when the E was added they wanted to make sure that players didn't lose a VHL season, so they added an extra season onto careers to account for a VHLE season. Most people still play 8 VHL seasons, but 9 after their draft. That's why the VHL is stuffed with players this season, and there's no real retiring class this season.
  3. https://anchor.fm/jacob-carson
  4. Welcome back!
  5. Tossing around the idea of doing a podcast for next week's PT!

    I've got a lot of words in my head already but if anyone has anything they'd like to hear my input on, let me know!

    1. Triller
    2. Viper


      I'd give it a listen for sure

  6. That's incredible!
  7. Were you always that high?? I swear you've done a whole heck of a lot of catching up since your draft at least.
  8. Oh yeah you've got plenty of time to work that out. earning really becomes about sustainability after a while, and really whatever you can do the easiest becomes the best. There's so much excitement and change at the beginning of a career, so there's plenty of content, but as you go along, those management positions and league jobs and whatever PTs you find easiest really help to avoid burnout. Knowing I have to put out 500 words a week (I actually only do .com articles for affiliate leagues), makes it pretty easy to continue to max earn and keep my TPA high. Any other content that I put out is stuff I want to do, which has really invigorated me to do weird and wacky things knowing that the TPE is handled. It's crazy how much the focus has shifted over the last few months, and I'm excited to see what my brain, and yours, come up with down the road.
  9. I know I'm sitting here complaining about it as usual, and I have many times, but depreciation is meant to be a challenge, a testament to the dedication and hard work you put in to reach your peak. It will be fun to be in my final season, walking in again with a whole ton of TPA, ready to show the league that I worked hard and I get to have another opportunity to prove that I can win. The way I've started to think about it now is that a VHL career is 5 seasons, and for each season afterwards you have to be prepared to pay up. And that's not really how it gets portrayed these days, but it has been helpful keeping me focused on buying those last 3 seasons.
  10. Absolutely, and about half the time, the Janser Wolanin duo seems unstoppable and then for like a week we have absolutely nothing to show for it. Thank god for Leandro who has manages to put in the work solo and fills the void when we're not going or Calgary wouldn't be where we are today.
  11. I love that I'm trying to figure out how to catch up to you, and even still you're trying to see how you can catch up to the people ahead of you, it's a never ending cycle
  12. It has been about 2 weeks since I applied my last TPE and I am already going insane. I have no idea what to do with myself now that I have nothing to push forward with Landon Wolanin. It isn’t like my workload is different here, I still GM and I still do my point tasks. I still spy on the updater queue and read through the new forum content. I still stalk my players and teammates and try to give them the best advice I can. I still participate in league discussion and attempt to find meaning in general chat. I still dream of league changes and a new shiny sim engine that makes any sense at all. I still try to piece together what it is that separates Landon Wolanin from the HOF-calibre greats. And yet here I am trying to figure out what the heck to write about these days, and desperately hold myself back from applying my future depreciation-countering TPE.
  13. There used to be affiliate like there are between the NHL and AHL, where prospects of one team would move up to the big leagues, as far as I'm aware. This was WAY before my time though. Although I assume the answer you were looking for was at the bottom of this post in case you're curious!
  14. Glad to hear some good things! Congratulations to you!
  15. You've really hit the fun part of the VHL now! Keep up the awesome work!
  16. haha hehe hoohooo hehe haha Moscow has a PP Problem
  17. you actually don't even have to post it to imgur, if you upload it to discord and copy and paste it from there it just kinda works?
  18. Just got around to listening to this today (thanks Gustav for the reminder) Awesome podcast, great to hear about all of the things!
  19. After you post it on imgur, if you right click and click copy image link and paste it here, the picture embeds nicely! (don't take too many penalties though )
  20. Welcome back!
  21. Even good rookie seasons are tough, but watching yourself grow and start to hit your stride is eventually a really fun feeling. Until the VHL, being a good earner is enough to get yourself into a good position to be a key player for your team, but in the VHL being a good earner, over a period of time, is what gets you to be a key player. A real change of pace, but reaching something you're proud of makes up for it. Keep up the good work!
  22. 1. 10 might be a bit much, but I could see 6-8. 2. If we're going to, we have to capitalize on our easy games, and get as many points as we can against VAN and LAS. 3. Teach Landon Wolanin how to snipe and its game over, my shots keep going up and my shooting percentage keeps going down. 4. Praise be to Simon 5. Strawberry Milk, but either of those options are acceptable as well. 6. Nope, All-Star Weekend has been boring for like a decade now, everything about it is just boring to me now.
  23. Alright woo time to write a .com article I won’t claim! I wrote my last one on Tuesday, which happened to not be February yet, and now it is Sunday, so I need to decide whether I want the extra Affiliate Check TPE this week and write an extra article for no real reason just to get it in before the updates, or wait literally 12 hours and not write 2 articles. As you can see I picked the sane option. As you can see, my attempts to stop TPE-whoring so much have not gone well. Now that I’m at max build I want to take my time with my content and put out things other than just rambling about my stats. And maybe writing this now will let me do that next week. But part of what has made earning so easy for me, and something I’m conflicted about is that I never really felt the need to come up with a good topic, or even make something cohesive. As long as the words were going into the text box, they were contributing to my TPE, my team and our chances of success. And I know so many people out there hold themselves to a higher standard than that, and honestly I respect it. I hope to become someone that writes “must-read” content about the league, but it will take some time and some practice, since I’m so used to just slamming down on my keyboard and watching semi-legible sentences come out.
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