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About Kelsier

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  1. But is it remotely possible for a first-gen to skip the E, since this is all factoring in having maxed out recreate TPE?
  2. Happy Birthday/Draft day, VHL. Here's to 14 more years
  3. Enjoy 22. I'll be heading for the top 10.
  4. Only like 3 of these logos, and of those 3 I only really like 2 of the names, so...pretty easy for me.
  5. Player Information Username: Kelsier Player Name: Logain Ablar Recruited From: SisterLeague Age: 18 Position: RW Height: 76 in. Weight: 225 lbs. Birthplace: Croatia Player Page @VHLM GM
  6. The accusations against Mo were so fleshed out and accurate, and ended well. Let's see what happens here.
  7. Hey everyone, thanks for having me. Since I came into the league, a few seasons ago, it's been a slow going time. I've been in and out, working on getting better, and sometimes forgetting to do things. Times are tough sometimes, as a lot of other people are multi-league, like myself, but it's never an excuse. I wanted to really put out this small bit to really say that I'm shifting gears. My desires to do minimal work and still succeed have, obviously, been pipedreams. I am, from this moment, dedicating myself and promising Moscow and Las Vegas that I'm moving forward and going to put my effort into this league. I have had a wonderful opportunity, playing for Las Vegas, and having been drafted to Moscow. Both organizations have really helped and been supportive. The Ace's have been very good, competitively, since I arrived, and it's not really due to my presence. But, Spartan and Jiggly have been helping me form my dedication to this league, and now I'm driving as hard as I can to join Moscow in the VHL. So, it's a lot of words to not say much, except I am, from here in, aligning myself to a goal. I'm going to follow suit with the rest of the league and start truly working towards being a good player. That comes with taking the time to put forth work, and being in other leagues doesn't excuse my lack of effort.
  8. 1.) I can't help but feel we underachieved, especially compared to last season. But, we have a bunch of people here working their hardest, and the results are what they are. 2.) I leave that kind of thinking to our wonderful front office staff. But we need to become more consistent, in my opinion. 3.) Santa Clause. Keeping your children's belief alive and doing everything you can to foster that spirit hits home. 4.) Maybe not too many people know that, over my 9 years in the military (real life??!), I've battled with depression, anger and even alcohol abuse. I've had a rough time, especially over the last 6 years, but things are always getting better, even if I don't know it. 5.) I mean, you do your job. Goalie? Keep the puck out of the net. 6.) Like I said last week, seeing my son's face light up last year really melted my heart. I'll never forget it.
  9. Breeze Ladrian, Born Edward Ladrian, was always a multi-sport athlete. Throughout his youth, he played various levels of hockey, basketball and football. While he never excelled in the other two, he found a skill on the ice. At the young age of 10 years old, he began to flourish. In his small town, guided by his parents, he spent his time away from school to practice. In middle school, Breeze had registered and joined a small youth league of 6 teams, and quickly grew to be the best player in the league. As a defenseman, Breeze focused his efforts on blocking shots and getting hits, sometimes violently, to disrupt opposing offense. It was in high school, however, that the dream of playing professionally truly grew roots. Though he remained playing basketball, starting on his varsity team by his Sophomore year, he was one of the top rated prospects in his region. Joining the juniors league as early as he could, troubles began to arise. Breeze was repeatedly and consistently noted as being conflicted. As a multi-sport athlete, his dedication to hockey was questioned openly on a regular basis. His defense continued to be a strong suit, but offensively he never really shined. His skill on the skates left plenty to be desired, and out of high school, it is reported he was offered basketball scholarships. With his dedication in doubt, his agressive playstyle causing penalty concerns, and his raw skills leaving much to be desired, it is no wonder that Ladrian slipped so far into the draft. To this date, his commitment is questionable at times, but reportedly he's been around the Ace's facilities more and more. When asked directly about it, Breeze has consistently hedged. "I want to be as great as I can be...but I don't know if I want to be great on the ice or on the court. My coaches and managers throughout my life have always said I could be one of the best, but I just can't bring myself to believe it.". By many metrics, Ladrian underperformed in his Junior's career, and was reportedly a no show frequently. After moving out of the Juniors, he signed with Mexico City and was later drafted by the Reapers, and both organizations openly stated he was hardly at their facilities. Could this be the start of a diamond being refined? Or will he continue to be a massive question mark on his path to the professionals league?
  10. 1.) It's good to see trades. Vegas usually does well making trades, and it's a message to the league that we are gearing up to make a run this season. 2.) Honestly, I love the reactions from my kids when Santa brings what they wished for. When my son comes down the stairs all wide-eyed and excited, it makes the entire season worth it. 3.) Haha I remember a lot of things. Not one I was involved with, there was a fight in the main hallway during classes, and someone threw multiple firecrackers into the middle of the fight. School closed for the day. 4.) I have no clue. 5.) Eh. I'm alive, I guess. So, could be worse. 6.) I love sweets. I have a hella bad sweet tooth. Cakes, cupcakes, cookies. Crazy bad for me.
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