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Everything posted by hedgehog337

  4. Oh, it's again me. WITH THE FIFTH PICK RIGA REIGN CHOOSES: AND THERE'S A SIXTH PICK AS WELL! Welcome to the team!
  5. First of all, I want to sleep. Second of all, THE RIGA REIGN TEAM HAS DECIDED TO USE THE THIRD PICK TO CHOOSE: Welcome to the team!
  6. Round One: 1. SEATTLE BEARS(From Toronto): Matt Thompson 2. QUEBEC MEUTE (From Riga) : Samuel Gate 3. RIGA REIGN (From Quebec): Podrick Cast 4. SEATTLE BEARS: (From Davos) : Roger Sterling 5. RIGA REIGN (From Calgary) : Arvid Aamo 6. RIGA REIGN (From Seattle) : Edwin Preencarnation 7. TORONTO LEGION (From New York) : Robert Malenko 8. SEATTLE BEARS : Sergei Kovalev Round Two:  9. TORONTO LEGION: Jesper Stromberg 10. QUEBEC CITY MEUTE: Mikhail Vega 11. QUEBEC CITY MEUTE(From New York via Riga) : Marvin Harding 12. DAVOS DYNAMO: Alvaro Jokinen 13. CALGARY WRANGLERS: Lev Bronstein 14. SEATTLE BEARS: Jacob Smith 15. RIGA REIGN (From Quebec via New York) : Jordan Tonn 16. TORONTO LEGION (From Helsinki): Chat
  7. My last deal happened even before S60 has ended. It was with Quebec where I moved down to the third pick and also took the 15th pick in hopes of drafting a steal. Probably nobody remembers, but I made the similar deal with @Smarch's Davos back then in S55 off-season. Here's the deal btw. Basically, I moved down from 3rd to 4th pick + took a 14th pick with the same hopes. I was hoping that Les Clarke ( @AwfulHomesick ) would end up as a steal. Fast forward, AH went inactive shortly after the draft and never came back. Sad lyf. Now I'm doing the same thing. Will the second try be a more successful one? It may be, given the depth of this draft, but there is also a possibility that I will fail again. We shall see in two or so seasons. I need to write more words, but idk really what to write about. The draft happens today. I have three first round picks. The draft is going to be a good one. What else? It's going to happen at 4AM for me, that's wassup and I already want to sleep. Maybe taking a couple bottles of bear may help me, idk. Enough. 2 TPE goes to Kurtutecis.
  8. 1. The mocks are suggesting Vega could be drafted to Riga. Any reactions to this? 2. Are you hyped for the draft? 3. Is he gonna be more successful than Teuvo Ruutu, your last good player before Vega? 4. Do you like VHLM? 5. do you believe you could take Vegas into the promising land?
  9. *yeah, something like that* I see some hyped faces here. The S61 draft is approaching us! Prepare yourselves! I have no reasons to do a mock draft right now, so I'm just looking at other mocks. This gave an idea for this mock draft - to see what people are thinking about the potential Riga picks. And yes, I know more than half mocks are copied, but let me continue with this article, ok? Let's see what people are predicting at the third pick. I saw 32 mocks so far. So... RIGA REIGN THIRD PICK: Podrick Cast [22/32] Roger Sterling [5/32] Samuel Gate [5/32] Majority of members are thinking that Cast will be picked third. It makes sense as Cast right now is third in TPE and I'm owning the third pick. While Sterling has only 5 votes, this pick also makes sense as I would be interested to choose a goalie. I don't have a young G yet. Gate is a more surprising pick. That could happen if he falls into the third spot, but I don't see this. But everything can happen, so I can't say this is a crazy prediction. Anyways, Cast is a favorite for the third pick according to 22 members. RIGA REIGN FIFTH AND SIXTH PICKS: Roger Sterling [25/32] Mikhail Vega [17/32] Robert Malenko [9/32] Edwin Preencarnation [9/32] Jesper Stromberg [2/32] Arvid Aamo [2/32] I've decided to split these two picks together as it doesn't really matter in which order I'm going to pick certain players. Well, we're seeing a familiar name - members are thinking Seattle won't pick a goalie with their two first picks and Sterling just falls to me. Vega is more surprising pick here - probably a copy paste thing as this player isn't a TOP 6 player in TPE. Will I pull a wildcard move and indeed pick him? It isn't impossbile, you know. Then we have a first gen Malenko and Preencarnation. Malenko pick makes sense here - an active first gen + a defenseman since I'll likely won't get Gate. Edwin also is good here - he has a good amount of TPE already. Another defenseman Stromberg and the second active goalie Aamo are also mentioned in people mocks. RIGA REIGN FIFTEENTH PICK: Jordan Tonn [18/33] Lew Bronstein [10/33] Ryan Skinner [5/33] It's really hard to predict the later pick cause it's a crapshot tbh. Anyways, Tonn comes out as the most likely candidate of being my attempt on pick a draft steal. This member is having a decent activity so I'm not surprised about this guess. Then we have a welfare Bronstein who only comes here to get 7 TPE from PF and aforementioned welfare. Still it's a fine thing for a late second round player. The last guy mentioned is Ryan Skinner, whose member was popping in, but seems like he can't find a motivation anymore. Did you also notice I can't even figure it out how much people actually submitted their mocks? 32 or 33? oh damn lol. This was an article about me looking at other people mocks. Are they correct with their guess? Let's find out at 9PM EST / 7 PM MNT when the draft kicks off! HYPE! That's it and I'm out 6 TPE goes to Kurtutecis.
  10. fuckaround season continues Riga offers: S61: 7M @BluObieZ
  11. Riga offers: S61: 7M I'm having fun in FA @solas
  12. Another fuckaround from me. But hey, look how many teams are interested in you. Riga offers: S61: 7M @Quik
  13. Unlike Seattle GM, I'm 100% sure you'll go back to NY, but I'm going to fuck around anyways. Riga offers: S61: 7M @Kendrick
  14. Not the first time. It was actually one of best outcomes for me. The same time on workdays would've been a lot worse.
  15. Predicting the top 2: 1. Thompson 2. Gate tbh
  16. Draft Facts: only now I realized The S61 VHL Draft is happening TONIGHT and I don't know wtf is going on. 

  17. Conclusion: you need great players.
  18. I had same problems in SBA on my laptop, but can delete and type after tag on my PC. prolly again a Windows thing like it was here
  19. Moreso, the GM is a hedgehog. This mix is incredible tbh.
  20. I was expecting a shitstorm, but then I realized there no boubs.
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