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Everything posted by hedgehog337

  1. These banked TPE were from S56 AT. This is S57.
  2. There's your 20 TPE @evrydayimbyfuglien
  3. @evrydayimbyfuglien to Riga LR. @Beketov @Devise
  4. To S59 RIG 2nd To Augustus Gloop Yes. @Tyler
  5. Player Name: Fredinamijs Krīgars VHL Team: Riga Reign Cash you have: 3,75M Purchase Name: Double Award Predictions Cost of Purchase: 2,5M Cash Left: 1,25M
  6. And even this is a bit of a stretch, not every 1000+ TPE player is a HoF.
  7. Imagine thinking high TPE numbers guarantees you HoF performance every season
  8. D - Pablo G - Norris Stropko @Smarch
  9. It's not that hard when you have a lot of rookies and some fillers.
  10. Another poll time! Curious to see who is the #1 GM of this year. The VHLM awards aren't included, but I may add if you want it. @Devise (New York) - 2x Devon Marlow-Marta Trophy, 2x Continental Cup winner (both in S52-53); David Knight Trophy in S52 @Banackock (Seattle) - 2x Victory Cup winner (S52-53) @ADV (Stockholm) - Terence Wong Trophy (S53); 2x David Knight Trophy (S53-54) @Higgins (Helsinki) - 2x Terence Wong Trophy, 2x Continental Cup winner (both in S54-55), David Knight Trophy in S55 @Frank (Quebec) - 4x Devon Marlow-Marta Trophy (S54-57), Continental Cup winner in S56, David Knight Trophy in S54 @Smarch (Davos) - Terence Wong Trophy in S56 @hedgehog337 (Riga) - 2x Victory Cup winner (S56-57), Terence Wong Trophy in S56, Continental Cup winner in S57, David Knight Trophy in S56 @Bring Back Chat (Calgary) - David Knight Trophy in S57 @DollarAndADream (Toronto) - no awards at this moment was close to a David Knight Trophy this season Also, it could be interesting to make some other year-ending nominations for fun.
  11. Nobody was surprised and nobody even cares
  12. def Niko Bogdanovic and forward Shawn Gretzky @Smarch
  13. Today I woke up, did my morning things and logged in into the VHL. I see that the VHL award show has happened so I check the results. All results seems legit, the right people won. All, but one. That result made me butthurt a lot, because I fully disagree with this bullshit. Executive of the Year - David Knight Trophy: Austin Gow (CGY) Gow (CGY) - 4, Boychuk (TOR) - 3, Chadwick (QUE) - 1, Krigars (RIG) - 1 WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS TRAVESTY? A fifth place team GM gets an award? Are you serious? Let's look at their progress since S56: Gow - 1 big trade, 1 low TPE FA signing, +23 point progress since S56. The problem is Calgary still wasn't quite there, they still finished behind every contender team but Seattle. But apparently it's enough to take a best GM award lmao. Boychuk??? - 1 good trade, +4 point point progress since S56. Yet he gets 3 votes, are you serious? Apparently being a consistent #2 NA team is good enough for being close to winning an award hahhaaaaaa. Frank - multiple big trades, 8-point decrease since S56, but staying as a #1 NA team. I don't like 4F/3D setup, but at the end of the day, his team was above of all NA teams once again. Is that a TOP GM award worthy? Maybe not, but he's still is more legit candidate. Me - 1 good trade (Locke actually was a game changer but hey, let's just look at TPE numbers), 1 low TPE FA signing, +6 point progress since S56; making my team even more dominant as the the #2 reg. season team finished 19 points behind us. Yet, ONLY ONE VOTE FROM FRANK? Bitch please. It should've been me vs Frank and then vs Gow, but in reality this voting became a joke. So I won't accept this result and name myself THE BEST S57 GM! And don't even @ me, I won't change my opinion. Executive of the Year - David Knight Trophy: Benjamin Zeptenbergs (RIG) Zeptenbergs - 1 TPE goes to Krīgars
  14. There is a difference between me winning an award last season and Eagles winning this season. My team went from a bottom feeder to a Victory cup winner. Calgary never was a bottom team since S54.
  15. So basically three members just voted for him as a thank you for the steping into the role even if he hadn't much time? That's all fine, but a TOP GM? And how about a "turnaround", Calgary still finished behind of all contender teams besides Seattle. The only difference is this team was closer to the top than in S56.
  16. The top GM award is a joke tbh. A team stays in the third place in NA just like last season = award. fuck outta here
  17. REVIEW: 40 points for a rookie dman is a fine feat. I think Keaton is gonna score even more now as Quebec enters into the rebuilding mode. He's still young so it only a matter of time when he's gonna be a Labatte award nominee. But for now, good luck with a rebuilding and possibly being a future Quebec franchise def. @Beaviss
  18. REVIEW: So much scrubs in this list with Muller being the worst of them. Like the Game 7 game losing penalty against Toronto, that was horrible. It's fun to see a member producing his best effort to date after 40 something season since his first player, I think nobody was able to pull that in any sim league...well because VHL is the oldest working league. Will see if Gretzky > Muller after his career ends. And good luck in make Davos great again. @TheLastOlympian07
  19. REVIEW: THIS IS WHY QUEBEC DIDN'T WIN THE CHAMPIONSHIP!!!! ...psyke. Shit happens, the S57 was so boring at times even updaters didn't care much. At the end, every player was updated so we're good. But I don't get it, why Fabio just didn't punch these two guys to their faces? He's a big guy, isn't it? Or he couldn't do it because his balls were too dr....you know. @jRuutu
  20. REVIEW: Dis Trifecta, again on his tense shit. But it made some activity in that day, so we can't complain here. I was also about to join the GMMT movement, but then why I even need that when my player leads the league with 400 TPE anyway. And I don't need to Hrdina to rack up much TPE to make our contender stronger. So stay with 100 something TPE, ok? ...but then this movement died in the same day anyway @diamond_ace
  21. REVIEW: How many times I said about Petenis? Anyway, an old man Verner? Imagine the S54 Verner old being in S57. But he indeed had a good season and he's gonna benefit a lot in this season from playing in a first line with Snatch. TOR first line looks dangerous at this point and I'm finding a lot of similarities with Riga's first line. Snatch vs Shankly; Verner vs Rusty; Muller vs Boeser. Gonna be interesting to see this matchup. And you had a longer streak than Krīgars @Devise
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