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Everything posted by hedgehog337

  1. 1 11 games in, we are currently sitting at the 4th rank in the Eastern Conference. Can we keep it up and make the playoffs? gotta hope Calgary collapses. 2 This start of the season has been wild to say the least. Defending champions in Seattle is 10th in the league. Perennial laughing stock of the league in Davos is 5th, 1 position behind our expansion rivals in Prague. What's your biggest surprise so far? Seattle was indeed the biggest surprise. Nothing much now, although Toronto is still trying. 3 Who has been the Dragons best player so far? Not Kallis. 4 What do your individual stats look like af the moment and what do you hope they'll look like in another 10 games? typical Kallis stats, I only can hope he gets into .920 eventually. 5 What song do you think they should play when you guys jump on the ice before our home games? don't care 6 What's worse: snow or rain? rain and snow mixed is trash. snow > rain btw
  2. 1. Welcome back to the podium! We heard there was a HUGE party with some Vice players last night - who else was there? a basketball league players are still watching VHL? interesting. 2. What was your kids'/midget league team name? Baby Reign. 3. We recently saw some construction across the street from your practice facility. What is the franchise building over there? nah, that's just some commishes tried to build a wall around a trivia facility 4. Someone just leaked a recording of a couple of your teammates. One can sing super well and the other... not so much. Who's who? apparently Finn learned something from his idol so he's aight with singing. meanwhile, ACL...he probably has his voice torn smh. 5. Lots of players have a pre-game ritual. What's yours? sleeping, what else can I do 6. What's your ritual if your number is called during a shootout? sleeping, what else can I do x2 7. What's one hobby/topic/subreddit, etc. you follow that people might be surprised by? chess 8. You know, I recently went to Wuhan, China and... excuse me... [reporter sneezes all over you]. What were you saying again? the reporter is fired
  3. after the next game, we played them all 8 times. gotta love this funny ass schedule
  4. I'm only trading 11th ov for inactive player
  5. no thanks. you can suck even further so we can get a lotto pick
  6. Isn't Bridges retired though?
  7. 1. Did you watch the VHL entry draft? Do you think any player went too high or slipped too low? Some lil out of the reach picks by Helsinki, but nothing major there. 2. Who is the biggest European competition this season? Is it hedgehog and why? Yes, because Randoms might suck and team will fail in playoffs again. 3. How do you think victor and eagles did in the S70 draft for Moscow? If Grant can stay on, could be a decent steal. 4. Do you tape your stick heel-to-toe or toe-to-heel, and do you do any like zebra designs or anything cool with the knob/shaft? (pause) More like random design that even I don't unerstand. 5. What one individual stat do you have as a target for yourself over the course of the S70 reg. season? (goals, assists, hits, pims, etc.) can't decide tbh. Every mentioned stat prolly. 6. Do you brush your teeth before bed, or when you wake up in the morning, or both? How often do you floss your teeth? Oral health is important. I'm doing this randomly. either 4 times in a day or 4 times in a month. or 2 times in 4 days. or *insert any other random number here*
  8. 1. We're off to a pretty rough start. Why are we 9th in the standings? A little bit higher now. We're still playing with a CPU backup and waiting for the later moment to add another player. Our roster isn't finalized yet so we're being aight so far. 2. In your opinion, who's the biggest practical jokester in the league? I've heard Hogan has some jokes about him being the toughest guy on the league. 3. If you(r player) could have been born in any other country, where would your first pick have been? Latvia. 4. What countries have the most attractive people? Latvia. 5. New year (for 3 weeks now lmao), new you. What's your new year's resolution(s)? Keeping my optimal sleeping schedule. 6. I saw the boss working out the other day. Who do you think he's trying to impress? Lincoln Tate since he was drafted by a current AGM due to boss sleeping. 7. A reporter recently told me that 4 different fans fainted when Patrik Tallinder made his pro debut. How is this man so handsome? Beating someones from Prague ass, that's so cute. 8. Of the past four or five drafts, which bust would you love to see make a comeback? Ben Storm. Could've been one of the next big thing with Tallinder. smh
  9. Well, that's where are your points going @Patrik Tallinder
  10. for some reason I read it as pack of bugs
  11. thought this about the be ez for Helsinki. @Poptart said no
  12. Tallinder what a future stud we have in Riga
  13. John Frostbeard Lincoln Tate @McWolf
  14. ? sucks to end it all like that, but such is cap. Good luck in Davos! @Anthony Matthews
  15. If only we had way more teams than now. and how about drafts as well
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