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Everything posted by hedgehog337

  1. 1) What is your player's favourite alcoholic (or non-alcoholic) drink? apple juice/cognac or brandy from alco 2) VHL recent repealed their trivia answer sharing ban. Are you happy about this or do you think everyone manually doing the trivia themselves is valid? gotta coppy paste myself - that projected punishment was doing nothing to fix that issue. 3) Which Menace player do you think is most likely to win their all-star skills competition event and why? Randoms. just a random answer 4) Smitty and Gritty have not re-signed in Moscow beyond this season. Please pitch them (and @ them) to convince them to stay in the motherland for at least another season. I thought Smitty re-signed? not worried about that though, Randoms is done following this season anyways. 5) VHL was recently canvassed regarding expansion locations. If you could choose only ONE north american and ONE european city for the VHL to expand to, what locations would you choose? Dallas and bring back Bratislava. 6) The S70 VHL playoff picture is becoming clearer. Who would you rather face in round 1? Helsinki, Prague, or Malmo and why? Malmo or Prague. Although I don't think Moscow should have much issues with winning against any of them in EU.
  2. 2. Who will be the biggest steal of the S71 draft? idk, maybe that Caps fan that joined recently? 3. Excluding current Riga players, which active players have the best argument for the Hall of Fame? Borwinn. Looks like Cricket about to be with him as well. 4. HHH and Julius Freeman are both among the highest-scoring players this season - do you think their concurrent success will help or undermine their case for the HoF later on? Might be. If they can susatain this pace for the remainder of their careers. 5. Helsinki has a +25 goal differential (3rd in the league), but somehow they're sixth in the standings. What's up with that? You gotta remember who handed them that big goal differental in the first place. Other than that, they're hella inconsistent. 6. What in your life has changed since joining the big leagues? My sleeping schedule became worse. Ironically. 7. What about the VHL (aside from STHS) confuses you to this day? How in the hell Bek managed to stay for so long in this league.
  3. Moscow's Randoms is surely a decent one. idk if that pace could've been enough for HoF though
  4. bruh @Poptart really saved us in this one
  5. Love those articles. one moment though gotta add Shush Nyko in this then, he's set to be playing in Riga next season.
  6. Hardest Shot - Ryan Kastelic @Enorama Shooting Stars - Guy Sasakamoose @Cxsquared Fastest Skater - Apollo Hackett @Renomitsu Accuracy Shooting - Patrik Tallinder @Patrik Tallinder Save Streak - Finn Davison @Poptart
  7. 240 Prague Phantoms @ Seattle Bears 241 Helsinki Titans @ Moscow Menace 242 Riga Reign @ D.C. Dragons 243 Vancouver Wolves @ Calgary Wrangler
  8. 243 Vancouver Wolves 3:1 Calgary Wranglers
  9. imagine how long the lockout should be to be only at S150 by that time
  10. 1) Who is your favorite teammate on Moscow and why? Jaguar carrying us so it gotta be him 2) If you had to bet $1,000,000 on a team to win the cup this year, would it be Moscow or a different team? Could be reasonable to gamble. The only other teams I can see gunning for the championship are Vancouver and maybe Seattle if they get lucky again. 3) One thing Moscow never has issues with is scoring goals. What do you think is the key factor behind that? Vic assembled a team full of shootas that ready to blast howitzers from everywhere. that certainly is working in our favor. 4) On the flip side, one issue Moscow runs into is preventing goals. What do you think is behind that? We chose our style. gotta sacrifice something, it had to be a defense. 5) Who is your favorite of the expansion teams just based on team name / logo / city? I like Prague and Malmo logo. 6) Who do you predict will be Moscow's leading scorer? Jaguar ainec
  11. 1. How do you feel about the trivia rule change (that has since been reversed)? That rule was doing nothing to prevent leaks so there was no reason put a punishment for that in the first place. 2. Kriketers has been wildly inconsistent between the pipes, should we give Pouta more of a chance? back to being trash? what a surprise. 3. Our 4 dmen are at basically the same icetime per game, is this balance good or bad for the team? as long as CPU don't get any minutes, that's prefectly fine. 4. The rookie winger Ritchie was recently moved to the top line with Graves and Aaltonen, what do you think of this change? well, why not. sometimes this does work. 5. How do you manage your money? Is it with your parents like Jack Johnson's was before they bankrupted him? spending them the first moment I get them. flex all around 6. Did you watch The Big Game? What did you think? what's that.
  12. 0/7 PP another garbage ass game when Randoms can't at least score if Riga loses
  13. Stamford ...wait, what do you mean they don't have a team?
  14. oh yeah, and welcome @Philliefan to Riga!
  15. before someone talks shit about this trade - this is the second part.
  16. @Patrik Tallinder some progress here ?
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