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Everything posted by hedgehog337

  1. Someone told me I from now on I should name this threads to ''Riga GM notes'' or something like that. Ok, here we are. - Red hot Riga. At this moment, our team is on seven game win streak. Nice. I'm a bit surprised that this streak happens in mid-season. We're usually getting heated up at the ending stages of the regular season. I just hope this doesn't means we're peaking too early. - This also could become the career season of Dahlberg...this is what I was supposed to write until I recalled his S65 campaign. Still this could be his second best season. At this moment, he is the leader of the Reign's offense. Palo is actually trying to take this throne after a meh start of the season. One way or another, I'm happy our offense is starting to produce. The depth is also helping a lot. - Randoms is holding on. Unless Dahlberg or HHH goes off in the second half of the regular season, my guy could actually take the Szat award lol. A decent season for a 24th OV I guess. This could be my first Szat after S58. It's about time my player has a chance for awards since Cricket constantly underperforming show. - Not gonna lie, I had a crazy trade idea in last 2 days. I think this could've looked interesting for our team. But right now I'm hesitant to change things since our team is performing very well. Guess gonna hold on and see what happens before the trade deadline and then decide. Unless some other particular team isn't gonna do this faster (a team that likes to add young players each time). - I was looking at my GM career stat and I assume I have 581 wins at this moment. So 19 wins away from 600. I think it's possible to get that number this season, especially with this hot streak going on., But not gonna run ahead of the train. - I noticed all of these notes are pretty short. I definitely had longer ones in all previous occasions. My brains aren't creative anymore. - I also noticed the VHLPA hype has died down very quick. Even Dills promoting this stuff didn't help much. Although their idea last week was a decent one, but nothing much after that. RIP. Fong just ate them. - Most of our send downs are performing very well in minors. Tallinder has 59 points in 34 games, he seems ready for the big league. Storm only has one point lesser than his Mississauga rival that soon will turn into his teammate. Shush is doing pretty well in a heaby contender Mexico as well, 45 points in 34. Our future offense is going hard. Fomba trying to do stuff for the Kings with .879 and 2 shutouts. Fitzwell is doing his defensive stuff with 48 shot blocks on top of 106 hits. I believe Riga never had a Philly player that could make it into the bigs. So Tomato has a nice chance to fix it. So yeah, nothing more to say. That's it and I'm out. 6 TPE to Cricket.
  2. 1. VHL is in mid-season lull and Moscow is chugging right along. Are you hype for playoffs yet? Ye, both of my teams will make the playoffs 100%. should be nice. 2. The NHL is also fully underway, what team do you follow and how do you think they are doing this year? Every NHL team that has a Latvian in it. Columbus - expected since they lost the firepower, but for fucks sake when Elvis will get his first win smfh. Pens - expected too, a fine team fighting for the post-season. Buffalo...can they finally make the playoffs ffs? 3. Who is your favourite NHL player, both current and/or all-time? I like longevity so Jagr. 4. Randoms has been leading the league in scoring for some time. Will I jinx him by asking this presser question and drawing attention to it? Maybe? But I doubt that tbh. His 99's should come into play unless HHH or Dahlberg gonna go berserk in other 36 games. 5. Have you subscribed to the Disney+ streaming service? Do you think it's worth? What streaming services do you subscribe to? Nah. 6. Do you think Victor will be active at the VHL trade deadline? There are some rumours he might be. Who do you predict comes to Moscow for a cup run? Finn Davison to Moscow.
  3. 1. At this particular second we have the longest winning streak in the league (4 games). Was it an easy schedule, the right guys catching fire at the right time, or what? At this moment, 7 game streak. Winning all of these close games helps. 2. What do we need to do to close the gap between us and first place? Keeping up this offensive depth showdown. 3. What team are you most surprised by so far this season? Thought DC would be already out of the playoff zone. Apparently, Calgary doesn't even knows what they want, to tank or compete. 4. Ugh, why is this Apollo Hackett guy scoring your goals? Some goalies are even more trash than Cricket. Can't even save passes. 5. Some pundits are saying ACL TEAR is all washed up (11 points in 33 games). Why did he stop improving? This name came back to himself probably. 6. Aside from our very own Rauno Palo, who are you saddest about retiring this season? Another player who most likely will retire in this trade deadline. 7. Here's your chance to tag an inactive (user or player) that you really, really want to come back. Who is it? Could be nice to see some old-school Latvians here although I'm pretty sure this won't happen. 8. Expansion seems very unlikely in the next few seasons, but where would you like to see the VHL or VHLM go to next? Brink back Bratislava. 9. I saw the boss jumping on a stapler to put a packet of papers together. Why doesn't he just hire a secretary or a college student or something? nah, he's just too sleepy for that. 10. Who's the nicest player/user in the league? Give 'em a shout-out! Is there anyone who is not nice? Nice league, nice players, nice members, everything's nice, life is nice.
  4. yes, you should get used to be the first star of many games now.
  5. They will be drafted. no GM players anymore. And I don't care Vic beat me to do it with his post. and yes, Enorama won't create a player because he has one already.
  6. oh right, another dumbfuck game. how more can this happen
  7. 139 Helsinki Titans @ HC Davos Dynamo 140 Moscow Menace @ Vancouver Wolves 141 Calgary Wranglers @ Prague Phantoms 142 Seattle Bears @ Toronto Legion
  8. So it appears that VHLPA is for real, at least Ray is telling us. I know Nyko is in it. And other known members as well. I assume the reason why some of members are not taking this seriously is Dills happened to be the main promoter of that stuff. The player survey might not be the thing he should look at haha. Another two games are over. And these games were concerning. 3 goals against Davos (ok, the still have Davison. before he goes to Moscow prolly). Then 1/40 against Helsinki? this ain't it. Some of us are really unlucky. Kastelic catched a cold streak, Svoboda isn't lucky either. Imagine if they finally could have more consistency on scoring. We already have Dahlberg, but it appears that we need more. And someone in the net should be more of a savior than just a regular big TPE goalie. Am I bugging or the Marlins are taking all of them new members? Every time I see a new player's page, SD is always there with another signing. Rockstar and Cow really doing a job here. And yeah I think Davison will be traded to Moscow. Thank you very much. 2 TPE to Randoms
  9. He will not. He's a regular draftee unless Shawn spent his first round pick on himself.
  10. For some reason @Victor posted trivia answers today instead of Monday. And I was about to send answers. He really thinks I can scramble another 400 combined words while I was stuggling with my media. As I already mentioned in my today's media, if I can't come up with a shit, Kallis will take the most TPE. Poor Randoms, he is the better player, yet is getting less from me. First of all, I'm not ill anymore. I guess. Second of all, I'm waiting for sims. Third, I'm ready to blame Cricket again. Fourth, what's up with this VHLPA thing. I guess they're doing this seriously? I don't know, but their today's suggstion was a legit one. At least this one could be post in the suggestion section. Fifth, I'm wondering what zepheter gonna post this time. Sixth, he brought his three friends? That foot fetish guy, the hell. Seventh, Devise said he's simming minors first. Cmon, son. Eighth, I can't come up with stuff anymore so I guess there won't be a ninth and tenth point. Ok, for real. The only hope for now is Devise simming asap so I can scramble for more words. Otherwise, Randoms isn't getting a thing. 2 TPE to Cricket.
  11. I'm finding myself with a feeling that I lowkey waiting for the ending of careers of my both current players. No, it's not because Cricket isn't good enough. I'm just waiting when I can only have one player so I can claim welfare. It's tiring to make these ''scrambling for 6 TPE'' articles. But I'm gonna have to wait for 1.5 seasons. Welp. - The youtube ad. I believe it's the second time when we're bringing youtube audience in this league. The first one was pretty successful. So far, this one could bring some more fresh members. I guess I could use some S70 picks too. At one point it wasn't looking very deep, maybe this stuff is going to make it three rounds or something; - Most of them decided to create a goalie. The most possible reason for that is the advertiser himself, Finn created a goalie as well. So members just followed his footsteps. Some of them already changed position to player. But I actually don't mind to see more active goalie because Riga will need at least one as Cricket is and old fart (on top of being a perennial underperformer); - Riga is 10-9-1 so far. Kinda decent record. Could've been better though. We're now sitting 5th, but everybody knows Prague won't sit in the playoff zone for a long time. So my concern is still playoffs; - So far my only deal in this season was bringing Shane Mars in. This week I had a chance for other one. I was looking for Quik's second player. I'm kind of a fan of 40/99 and similar builds. If I won't have to create another goalie for Riga, I'll do a forward with exactly this build. Cause screw passing. At first, I was afraid of bringing ACL because who know what would happen. If Quik returns - will he continue with his player? Or will he re-sign with a team as this is his last rookie season? At the end of the day, I made an offer, but Vancouver won the bid. But Hafkey though? That's a 50/50 return as I don't see this player as the longterm solution for Helsinki, but ok; - MGS has requested a trade? To Seattle? Which is interesting I could see this happening. All Bana has to do is sending a fellow S67 draftee back and the deal is done. Will he even start talks about Motz though? Stay tuned I guess; - Randoms is leading the league in points. Well. He may as well take some awards this season. Moscow was always being known as a heavy offense hitting team and this might get Randoms into the spotlight. I kinda hope he won't choke this opportunity unlike another my player. And interesting fact - as I don't have the drive for articles anymore, it's Randoms who is always getting welfare points. My only HoF player was also getting welfare for like 1/3 of his career. One diff though - Randoms won't be inducted to the hall at all. End. That's it and I'm out. 6 TPE to Cricket.
  12. 1. 15 games into the season, the standings are much tighter in NA than Europe. Do you think the balance of power has swung back to NA being the stronger of the conferences in the VHL? I think yes, NA is becoming stronger. NY and DC about to break out next season while Helsinki and prolly Riga bout to do retool stuff. 2. Did you select any Moscow teammates in the S69 VHL Fantasy League? Who did you pick, and what pick did you take them with? I believe I took Randoms. I guess that shit is working so far. 3. Smitty and Gritty have become fan favourites in Moscow. Which of the two do you think will have the most points at the end of the season? Gritty. 4. Do you like that VHL Practice Facility changed from a forum thread to a button within the VHL portal? Have you forgotten to press that button within the VHL week tpe cycle, yet? I'm fine with it. And yes, I forgot once. Not a big deal obviously. 5. Moscow is currently 2 points ahead of Malmo, with 1 less game played. What will be the biggest point gap between the mighty Menace and the bumbling Nighthawks during S69? 5-7 points at most. Things are tight at the top of EU. 6. What time (EST) would you prefer the sim to be posted? Are you a morning sim fan, a late night degen sim fan, no preference? Don't care. Either I'm on when games being simmed, or just will see them next morning. Not a big deal.
  13. 1. Influx of new members! Any words for them? Riga Reign > 2. Start to the season thus far has been pretty rough. What do we need to fix to get back to the top half? Consistency from our netminders and more goals. 3. What songs do you listen to pre-game to pump yourself up? Don't listen anything before games. Maybe that's why Cricket is a dumpster tier oldhead. 4. Does this team have a scoring problem? A bit. We have our scoring leader(s), but sometimes we're too passive at offense. 5. Our boy Mikko is tearing it up in D.C. How long can he carry the Dragons above the bottom 2? DC might actually finish above the bottom 2. NY isn't that strong and unless Boris unleashes his scoring potential, DC can avoid being at the bottom. 6. It's kind of an open secret that Davos isn't the most ideal VHL destination at the moment. How can they fix that? Stick to one plan and then win the championship. 7. Do you think Micheal Gary Scott (MGS) will actually be traded after his recent request? There might be a chance when he there's a fellow S67 draftees swap. Other than that, no chance. 8. What's your opinion on requesting trades? Should players do it? In what situation would you request a trade? Sucks for GM's when they're hearing it. I don't know if I would request a trade. Maybe if my player is playing for a rebuilder for too long or getting too little time for a long time. 9. What do you see yourself accomplishing in the next 3 seasons? Not being grumpy in the retirement home. 10. Gritty, Smitty, and Randoms are currently the point leaders for the league, and all of them play for Moscow. The Menace are also 9 goals ahead of any other team just 20 games into the season. What's it going to take to stop this juggernaut? Pass some mids to Randoms.
  14. as much as some bloke named @hedgehog337 and then he traded you for an inactive defenseman smfh
  15. great. now we once again will have to wait for the end of the season when this underperforming bitch ass gonna wake up.
  16. he was. then the free TPE reroll and bright S54-55 period. tbf he was a solid D for his last two seasons as well.
  17. still hard carry Dahlberg and softy ass Cricket
  18. 97 HC Davos Dynamo @ Prague Phantoms 98 Toronto Legion @ Vancouver Wolves 99 Moscow Menace @ Calgary Wranglers 100 Riga Reign @ Helsinki Titans
  19. @VanCanWin get in here!
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