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Everything posted by hedgehog337

  1. So I can consider myself as the clown huh? And here I thought I'm too grumpy and unhappy with everything for that. Speaking of being unhappy - THIS LIST SUCKS AND YOU SHOULD BE ASHAMED OF YOURSELF!!!!!!!!!!
  2. No game or series over can be a viable answer Part I - Pick em' (Pick the correct winners of all three games for 2 TPE) Game 3 - Helsinki Titans @ Vancouver Wolves Game 4 -Helsinki Titans @ Vancouver Wolves Game 5 - Vancouver Wolves @ Helsinki Titans Part II - Predict the Score (Predict the correct score and winner of this game for 3 TPE) Game 5 - Vancouver Wolves 2:4 Helsinki Titans Part III - Player Predictions (Predict the correct player for each category, 1 TPE for each correct answer) Series leader in points: Glade Series leader in goals: Borwinn Series leader in assists: Glade
  3. 1) Riga faces Davos in the first round of the European Conference playoffs - if the series hasn't started yet, who do you think wins, and in how many games? If it's started already, is it going/did it go the way you thought it would? I think this is going to be somewhat tight series. Davos has a more stacked offense, but that could be flaw cause there would be no true leader in that team. Cause their offense could to too stacked. Riga in 6 imo. ...and then I woke up. sad life. 2) Who do you think is most deserving of Rookie of the Year? If you picked someone on our team, who from another team is deserving? HHH had the most points so I guess him. Hackett had a good season as a DD as well. From another team? Idk, Jaguar > Mars I guess. 5) Suppose you were banned from playing the sport of hockey forever. What other sports league do you think you'd excel in? Probably cricket cause Kallis Kriketers. you know. 7) If the VHL were to expand in a few seasons, where would you want to have the next franchise(s)? to China to make Fong happy. 8 ) Do you ever get a feeling that maybe Benjamin Zeptenbergs (our GM) is actually a hedgehog? He's definitely a hedge. Mind you, a pretty rude one. this guy thinks only his team has right to win this all and other teams sucks. Well, I inclined to agree, other teams indeed suck. 9) Are you a fist bump or high five kinda guy? Handshake cause I'm not original and do boring things.
  4. 1. do you want to see a VHL(M) team in Oregon? 2. do you think you could hit at least 200 TPE? 3. what made you return into the VHL? 4. any preferable VHL destinations? 5. same for VHLM? 6. how's Sasky? 7. is Oregon Trail the best game ever? 8. how happy are you to have +1 in playoffs considering that you're pre-much not playing at all? 9. have you ever been in both Portland and Seattle IRL? 10. what type of D you wanna create?
  5. for Kallis media quote 8 TPE for Randoms media quote 8 TPE
  6. at least you got swept by eventual champs ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  7. I'm continuing to watch our player's playoff performance. It appears that only two players got 3 points. in 4 games. OOF. These guys were Edwin and Cast. What a suprise, isn't it? It's not like thay had previous seasons amirite? Unfortunately, it's enough with two guys even if they are superstars. Kastelic is the another of few guys who got more than 1 point. He had 2. By the way, his shooting percentage was pretty decent one - 12.50. Maybe he should've shot a bit more eh? Could've helped our offense probably. The most PIM's player was Hackett...what a surprise hehe. Considering that he also lead our team with 20 hits. He probably is going to eat for a long time in terms of hits as long as I don't put him in same pairing with Kastelic. Or I don't acquire a def who is hitting too. So I guess I have nothing more to talk about. Shouldn't be a surprise considering that out playoff journey ended after four games. And as I said, I don't care much about the rest of the playoffs. And the only time I checked the playoff index is today when I needed these bonus TPE for playoff related articles. So ya, see ya in next season and I hope in next playoffs too. bonus 1 TPE goes to Randoms
  8. So I have a chance at some more bonus TPE huh? Ok. Just saw our playoff scroing for the first time. All of our players were minus players. Except of Edwin and...Sigurdsson. I get it, he never played enough to get negatives, but hey we have Matthews who is -1 despite playing even less. So does it means Arnor showed his defensive potential? Stay tuned for the next season. Also, it was Apollo Hakcett with the most blocked shots with 13. The next big D thing in Riga after Kastelic is retired? Ok, Ryan has a career to S70 so Reno's player could become an award winner guy by his own by that time. I just meant we won't have only Slovenian defenceman with the superstar skillset. By the way, the worst +/- players were Cayden Saint, Chico Smeb and...HHH! @Beaviss YOU BUUUUUUUUUST!!!! They all finished the playoffs at -4. What a shame. The upside of this situation is Chico and Helmsley only played their first season in the big. So a lot of big things should happen to them in the future. And Saint also has three seasons left. So yeah, this is another random thing about these playoffs. bonus 1 TPE goes to Kallis.
  9. So, this us supposed to be some random ramblings about the S66 playoffs. And my thoughts about that. The second line Americans going through. I mean, I haven't watched their lines, but I assume both Jerwa and Puigdemont are second pair/line players. Yet, they were the best point scorers during the series against Vancouver. Which makes it more funny is they are both inactive below 500 TPE guys. I would've said BIG OOF to the Wolves, but they managed to take the series in 6 anyways. Glade reign in Vancouver continues. See what I did there? Reign? Anyone? Glade has gained a second life after he got traded to Beaviss. It's not like he was performing bad in Davos, but his peformance reached a new level in his new team. The playoffs are not different so far. 8 assists in 8 games makes him one of the best point scorers at this moment. He found an ideal team eh for his skills eh? Davos = new Islanders? They swept Riga in round 1, but Helsinki wants to do the same with them. It's too early to tell anything, but seems like the Titans didn't lose a step after convincingly winning a regular season. 2-0 lead isn't easy to blow if you're the S66 Helsinki. The Dynamo will need to do something extraordinary to turn this series around. Kallis Kriketers - second save %. What a shame. I'm wondering if he could manage to do these numbers in next playoffs. Or it's just better for all of us to see him going .890 in order to win the championship? 5.88% PP. LOOOOOOL. And I thought I could find the way how to make our power play more legit. Not in this playoffs, it seems. 48 PIM's never helped us either, but it definitely wasn't the only problem we had against Davos. Peace is still Davos leader. Guess I did him a favor when I traded him to Shawn. First, he showed his potential last season with 100+ point performance. His point totals was down this season for obvious reasons. But he remains one of these guys who is carrying Davos so far. So far, he has 8 points in 6 games. Looks like he should do even more in order to kick Hesinki out though. I'd like to point out that Svoboda who is mainly being a second echelon type of a player is being a solid these playoff too. 6 points ain't too shabby from him tbh. Honestly, I can't find anything else what to write about. I don't care much about the playoffs since our team is out. But I assume Helsinki has the better chance than the others. Personally, it would be interesting to see Vancouver win. Although it would be fun to poke fun on Beaviss and mention his 0 rings, but I wouldn't mind seeing him win too. Maybe Davos too, that could being more relvancy to them and not being a meme team anymore. So yeah, the end. That's it and I'm out. bonus 6 TPE goes to Randoms
  10. So I figured it out that I haven't written anything about playoffs yet. I'm using this time before I'll go complete drunktard to inform you that everybody all knows: my team Riga Reign was swept the fuck out by Davos. What a shame. What happened? It's hard to explain what happened. We were a solid team in the regular season despite having a whopping 9 forwards. And yes, it's harder to be good when your star players aren't getting max amount of chances. But is this the only reason? Probably not. And not every player was bad in playoffs. My fav punching bag Kallis was actually a good one in three out of four games. He def choked game 2, but it could've been worse. Edwin and Cast tried too. Yet, it was mainly the offense that couldn't get past the Davos defence and Davison. What a shame. Why it happened? I don't know why I did create another section cause I already was trying to explain something in the previous one. There are a couple of reasons probably: 1. didn't peak at the right time. I remember that our team was being almost dominant by the end of the reg season and the win it all. It definitely happened in S58 when we could take the Victory Cup at the end and then keeping this form in playoffs. The S63 was also an example. This season? We had a nice win streak somewhere before the mid-season. And ofter that, it was all about the inconsistency. So this could be the case of peaking too early; 2. Too much youngins. No diss here. But probably half of our roster consisted of rookies that were somewhere at 300-400 TPE range. Obviously, it was hard for them to hold off the league's superstars. It especially showed in our series against Davos. I see them being capable of trouncing MVP's in the future. But it wasn't meant to be this season. Well, they still have 6-7 seasons left to prove. 3. I can't do lines. Maybe this too. I don't know if this is a truth. But perhaps I never figured it out how to make an ideal 9 forward lineup to prevent this sweep happen. But is it even possible to win with unique three lines these days? Maybe. Quik tried in S64 and fared better, but even he couldn't avoid the sweep. Only that time it happened in the finals. My reaction. Some people probably were expecting me going ape shit like in S64-65 playoffs. Yet nothing of that happened. That's somewhat a shame, but I only felt a slight disappointment after the game 4. I even cracked up when I saw the shot totals cause it was hilarious. The whole ''good, but not good enough'' season was summed up in that game. Maybe because I didn't care that much, like in last two seasons. Or maybe because this wasn't even the only sweep loss that happened in my GM career. So obviously, being swept isn't the best experience that could happen to a GM or a player. We also could mention that we lost to a ''meme Davos team'', but it doesn't really matter. Sweep is a sweep, no matter of a status of an opponent. I only can hope this will never happen again (we also need to secure the playoff spot place in the first place in S67. I could see EU conf being a bloodbath and a half). Anyways, what a shame. bonus 6 TPE goes to Kallis.
  11. I'm gon be surprised if Helsinki doesn't wins it all this season sometimes the clear 1st place teams fucking up in playoffs, but seems it's not this case
  12. I'm still shit in English so...Cologne would be the right answer in this example?
  13. @Enorama I think we need to test golf clubs a bit more. Too many missed shots tbh. Can we get game 5 for that please?
  14. for real, we made some golf club tests on the ice already. it's a shame it had to be these series, but I think it will make our golfing more quality.
  15. 1. how disappointed are you with Cast's S66 performance? 2. how did Edwin manage to have such a fire second half of the season? 3. can we except Moscow doing big moves in a following offseason? 4. rate Kallis chances to choke the playoffs again. 5. in S65 draft, Vanvouver stole an active (at that time) goalie Joe Nixon from you. Then you drafted Owen May in the S66 draft who already passed Nixon in TPE. Are you laughing at them now? 6. how tragic is the story of Kyson Blake - from RoTY to a player that nobody needs in one season? 7. what happened with Tannahill? (that gregreg guy, not Vasteras) 8. could he be the biggest S66 bust for Moscow? 9. how much do you hope I will go back to 6 forward setup? 10. is there any chance that even 1 VHL team will only have 6 forward in next season?
  16. 1. how many seasons you're ok to play as a backup in the big league? 2. what is your biggest weakness? 3. at this moment, there are 8 players in the VHL database that are coming from Poland. is hockey not that popular there? 4. can you see yourself being drafted before the third round? 5. your fav teammate as of now? 6. do you feel like Sean McGee deserved to play more games? 7. do you know MORPHEUS DESTRUCTIOUS (another guy from Poland) 8. currently, two best players from Poland are inactive. how easy it will be for you to suprass them in TPE? 9. do you hope to get 20 TPE from the achievement tracker? 10. your fav current VHL goalie?
  17. Shawinganen had a nice season on a rebuilding Seattle. But he def isn't their future and will be dumped out as soon as they're gon get enough active young players.
  18. The part two! Mixed emotions. GM: @Beaviss Beaviss is a GM who likes to add players to his existing core and try to make a contender from it. And this season wasn't an exception. There are a couple of S66 draftees that could make a splash in the future: Shawnomir Jagr, Julius Freeman, Hans Gruber. Obligatory callup mention too: Hafkey and Sabertooth. With a couple notable S65 players it looks like this team has a healthy future, just like other team that does pretty much the same thing [*all fingers pointed at me now*]. So why mixed emotions and Vancouver are mentioned in the same sentence? Here comes the problems! First of all, Beau Louth. He formed an real nice duo with Jake Davis, but all nice things has to come to and end. No, this is not his last season, but he isn't young either. The next big thing at center? No offence to Gruber, but I doubt he reach Louth's level before S69 and there is no other viable option from young guns. Rauno Palo is S62 so he would only have one season left after Beau. But if you think this is the biggest problem, hell na! At least there is some time to prepare before the one half of Vanocuver's main one-two puch hangs up the skates. The biggest problem of them all is a goalie. Roger Sterling will have two seasons left following S66. And given his inconsistency, I'm not sure if he will be a brick wall for his team in his swan seasons. Yes, he became a bit better when Draper updated him to 660+ TPE, but then he goes back to 500's next season. The worst part of this is a potential next starter Joe Nixon never managed to reach his full potential and went inactive on an early-May. So he's just in a backup level now. This is a postion that could bite the Wolves real soon if no big decision will be made soon. To summarize this, Vancouver has a decent future. Just find a good goalie to replace Sterling and it all can be continued. Perhaps this is exactly what Beaviss is going to do in the S67 draft. The peak. GM: @Quik Helsinki unsuccessfully was trying to claim a championship in last two seasons when they couldn't solve the Rubik's cube by Toronto. But this season is different. Their main core [Pepper - Borwinn - Bailey - Crosby - Wilson] are on prime and Kronos Bailey is the S64 player. They also added another superstar Thompson which made the Titans a cup favorite. It doesn't means that this peak will only last this season before they're fading down. This peak period may continue for the next or even two seasons. It's also encouraging to see that Quik didn't forget about some young players despite being on heavy contending mode. Jordan Tonn, Guillaume Fontenette, Rhys Chism and Bert Meyers could become this team's future at some point. So uhmm...some negatives again? Well, I don't see glaring holes in their future. Maybe only something for the distant future, like the defence. Both main core defencemans are not earning TPE on Borwinn, Bailey or Pepper's pace so at some point they might not be so useful like they used to be. Montgomery is the S62 player and will be regressed soon and Bald Guy never became something more than a depth D. Also, not every single Titans' draftee managed to keep the motivation for practicing: Sederstrom was taken fairly high, but it turned out he will likely not be their future player. We also could talk about Thompson and Slade leaving this team as well, but I think they can be replaced, given that Quik will be lucky in FA. So yeah, nothing really bad here. Some issues here, some issues there. But they should be a scary threat for a couple of seasons at least before their main core is aging. A future? That's questionable. GM: Dills Pic... @Spade18 We were just talking about this team in discord and how inactive it is. Well, this is not 100% truth about inactivity though. Dan Wilinsky, Leph Twinger and Esso Ylonen are still here and earning something. We also should mention Robert Malenko. Yes, he's not claiming any TPE now. But he's not inactive either. And even this team has a decent S66 youngster in Walter Clements. And after all, they made the playoffs. It's not like it's all darkness in the Big Apple. But there are still more negatives though. 1. First of all, the real life job that is keeping Spade out of the VHL. Good for him, earning some big money (I guess, he doesn't even has the time to pop in into this site. He got to be working a lot). But for the Americans, it's really meh. Good thing he managed to name the AGM before it went ugly. 2. Robert Malenko. Perhaps he doesn't likes NY much. I don't know if he was just trolling or not, but his almost-everyday trade requests to Calgary went out of the hand. But what if he wasn't joking? He has the player option for the S67 so he may as well leave this team and indeed sign with the Wranglers. That could leave NY with only two defencemans left. And while one of them is almost 800 TPE McWolf, their D lineup would be still too barren. 3. Spade also isn't having the best luck at drafting people. Puigdemont once was considered as the best S65 draftee. Right now, he is inactive 2C that likely be in shadow's of Ylonen for his whole career. Taking the S66 Kirbsson is also nothing to be proud about either. Just look at their current roster. Pre-much half of it is inacitve and the other half for some reason is underchieving and is not young anymore. Is there a future for this team? They might try for one more season while Kingfisher is on the roll, but then it will be hard to do something big without huge buyer deals. Just like I said in the discord: how to botch for two seasons in a row and turn this team status from the bright future to almost non-existing window of contention. What a shame. Very uncertain future GM: @Devise Devise sold all of his team's draft picks in order to compete year after year. The outcome of it? Two championships, enough said. This mortgaging the future tactic was risky, but it definitely paid off. However, this season appeared to be a painful one for the Legion crew. They missed the playoffs and that's after giving up yet more draft picks. But I feel like this is not even the worst part. What about the...future? They have so many players that will retire after this season. And I'm not even counting Hood. LPLL, The Charm and Lawson - these are notable names that helped this team to achieve the most recent two-peat. But...you guessed it right: all good things has to come to and end. You want to hear even more painful news for Toronto? Both The Charm and Lawson were centers. So the leaves this team with no faceoff taker. But hey, there's more. Arroyo will play his farewell season in S67. I'm also not sure about RSJ and his thoughts about missing the playoffs (since he never was re-signed yet). And what about Tzuyu - Fong likes to win and I'm sure he wasn't pleased with this season. So there are so much questions to answer with not much assets to sell (only S69 picks plus very minor S67 ones). Which is more interesting, Devise was even contemplating about the rebuild (!!!) at the trade deadline period so he definitely understands that the situation isn't easy for him. You gotta be impressed how long Toronto managed to stay as the contender considering that they never had much draft pick assets once Devise stepped in. But can this last even longer? Luckily for them, I see a couple of potential good FA's coming in this off-season. Kovalchuk, Dragomir, maybe Ironside too. I even got a rumor that Diljodh could test FA, although I'm really unsure about that. Also, the uncertainity that surrounds NY could help this team as well. So yes, it's not all hopeless for the Legion. But they need to have a perfect off-season to keep them afloat. Well, it's 3AM here and finally I finished this article. I'm kinda sure that botched some things at the end of this writing. That's obvious - I want to sleep already. And also, you can't expect something else from an armchair VHL expert who won less championships than...uhmm...Devise! Yeah, I know this was lame since nobody won more than him. But for now, I just want to hit 1500 words and claim three week for this underachiever Randoms. He really could fit in NY, maybe I should trade him to them. That's it and I'm out. 6x3=18 TPE goes to Randoms 11.06 - 17.06 18.06 - 24.06 25.06 - 01.07
  19. Wassup everyone. It's ya favorite GM (at least based on the ASG GM vote where I'll be voted in for like 287th time in a row). And also an armchair expert who like to predict things here in VHL. And being wrong all the time. It's time for another armchair type of an article. Let's talk about all 10 VHL team's future. And by future I mean about the next season, not S72. If you want to see a writing about the distant future; go and bug @CowboyinAmerica about the ''window of contention''. And I'm not even sure if we will even consider about doing that. But you know it's a lie when he's talking about how ''less active'' he will be, yet by the end of his career he's going to break another TPE record. So yeah, go and bother him. As for this article - this season we had 7 teams that definitely had the eyes on the ultimate price. One of teams is gone already as they didn't manage to make the playoffs. Which makes it more weird, their GM had to be Devise(!) of all people. Anyways, if you think this will be the rare case of an unlucky GM who had to be an odd man out - watch the next season. With no expasnion and another huge influx of members coming in, we could expect even more contenders in S68. Right now, I'm going to put teams in sort of a tiers. Like good future, bad future and so on. We've just only begun. GM: @Banackock Self explanatory. After the last playoffs, Seattle decided to start from the scratch with the hope that this rebuild will finally get them a championship. Also, they managed to get some older decent players from NY for almost non existing price to make them above the trash tier. Some players like Lando Baxter still have some value and they could be sent to a contender for a minor or multiple secondary picks. They do have problems with the S66 draftees, though. The activity of Dangles is inconsistent and Spade is still trapped at his real life job. The only bright spots at this moment are Clayton Park and an unexpected last round steal in Thomas Kennedy. However, by looking at their draft pick tracker we can see that Bana is banking heavily on the next draft class. So their success at rebuild definitely depends on how good he will be at finding S67 gems. I don't expect them to contend until like S69 (speaking about the windows of contention hah) so we won't talk about them a lot in two seasons or so. Getting closer. GM: @Victor This section will have two teams in it. And spoilers ahead: both of them are expansion teams. So first of all, Moscow. They had a rough last year, but even there they had some bright moments. Like Kyson Blake's RoTY. Things became even more bright this season - the second best offense in the league. They definitely have the potential - Jaguar and Volosenkov might become the next big one-two-punch thing. And these are not the only S66 players that are active: Beau Buefordsson, Owen May, AJ Axelssen, Dean Clarke, Devin Gabella, Edward Vigenault, Mat Tocco. Just look at that. So many more or less active S66 dudes this team has. They just can run four unique lines with all of them. There's also David Clarkson who's still around. Older players like Gebauer, Nano, Baillie and Weyed are solid too. Expect Victor to search for possibilities in the trade and FA market. But don't you think it's all positive and rainbow in Russia. I must say, their roster is too huge. The Menace GM will have to make the roster clearance in order to bring some superstars in. And don't you think this will be that easy. Some of low TPE players are inactive and don't hold a big value to any team in this league. They are lucky some of them are going to FA, like aforementioned Blake and von Moltke. But what about others, like S65 duo in Matthews and Matteo? Or Tannahill - he just broke the 200 TPE mark...and went south. @gregreg smh. I'd say, Victor will need to have more than one buyout chance to clear all that mess he's going to have next season. Other than that, their future is still good. It's just they can't hold on anymore - S62-64 active guys are becoming older and it's definitely the time when make things in EU more spicy. It's not like Riga or Davos will become that much better, the same for Helsinki. GM: @Advantage The rival of Moscow that also happens to be the most recent expansion team. They had a nice start this season, but it didn't last for long. And just like Moscow, they have the momentum to become the buyer. The young S66 guns that are lead by Jerry Garcia and Rusty Shackleford are rising and grinding (other notable names would be Blake guys a.k.a Laughton and Gaudette and LPLL reincarnation in Morpheus Destructious). The S65 players looks more active than Moscow's ones. Some older ones like Moose and the AGM Materazo are included too. So it seems like Malmo is more ready than their Russian counterpart, right? Well, maybe. However, the Nighthawks still has some flaws that needs to be adressed as soon as possible. Someone has told us that Malmo has the younger roster, but let me argue about this. At this moment they actually do have two S61 players. And if Mikka Pajari still has it and will serve as the solid 2C in his last two seasons. Kovalev on the other hand...eh. Which is more important, they are not the future and soon will become the past. But that's not the only thing to worry about. Advantage will really need to think about the goalie situation soon. Carison is enjoying the best times of his career, but he's a S62 guy and it's going to be hard to consider him as the starter caliber player in two seasons. The possible replacement in Jaundice has recently slowed up in practicing. Looks like he won't be something more than a backup tier who might not even be a better one than a bot goalie. I'd say this team really needs superstars to become a relevant contender. Otherwise, Advantage will need to pull a Devise magic to get Malmo into the promisd land. With all of these problems, Malmo still should be considered as the next big thing alongside with Moscow. We may see an exciting showdown between these two at the end of this decade. Healthy future, not much issues. GM: a guy who made Kallis Kriketers...BWAHAHAHAAAA Yeah, tooting my own horn here. But there is a reason why I'm doing that. Riga has a tons of active S66 draftees: 1. Apollo Hackett; 2. Aron Nielsen 3. Arnor Sigurdsson 4. Hunter Hearst Helmsley 5. Mikko Aaltonen 6. Chico Smeb Damn, that's a lot of quality here. And while majority of them went to welfare recently, they're still earning TPE. So I can't complain about this. Can't forget about the guaranteed callup in Alexander Rodriguez and more draft picks. So yes, the future should be nice in Latvia. Also, I'm not talking about S65 players very often in this article, but my bias will make me to mention a S65 draftee: Anthony Matthews. Some of you thought I would end this on a high note, right? Haha no. Even when it comes to my team, I'm still going to dig some issues and put up on the plate. Remember I was mentioning about the one-two punch stuff when I was typing things about Moscow? I didn't do this without a reason. If a GM can find the right guys to put in one line - he got himself a deadly line that is going to be a nightmare for the opposition. This league currently has a couple of them. Hell, even I had two already in my GM career so far. Krīgars&Locke and Edwin&Cast. This proved to be a winning formula for me most of times. And this is one of the issues I may have in the future. The next one-two punch for Riga? Preencarnacion and Cast are no young anymore and the S68 (last season for both) is not so far away. One of them could be HHH - a rapid TPE earning pace could make him a superstar soon. But what about a winger? Well, there's a problem for me to solve. The next young forward with the best scoring potential seems to be Aaltonen. But can he reach his maximum before it will be too late? Not being able to make this happen might put our team in ''just a good team'' tier. Which would suck for me since I'm not taking losses lightly. Other than that, I see no other big flaws that could derail the Reign's future so far. Between beginning and peak. GM: @Bushito Nothing much to comment about their current status. This is the first contending season after the rebuild and obviously there is some time before they're reaching a maximum. This is your classic young-mixed-with-veterans type of a team. I'm wondering why people are not talking much about this team, but I guess they're just prefering action over talk. Or their members are not that active, including Bash himself. Anyways, they became the best NA team in regular season. Can't complain when you're not forced to play in round 1. As I said already, their future looks fine. Both Bash players, Fish, Fizzlebeef and more S66 call-ups (Frostbeard, Doyle and Dissanayake) in addition. So the young depth is here, just add some superstars (or extend) and Calgary is on the roll again. But of course, I can't do things without mentioning some negatives. First of all, Bana has decided to take Kovalchuk to the FA market. That potentially could leave the Wranglers' defence in a questionable position, provided that he joins the other team in an upcoming off-season. Can't be 100% sure about Ironside, either. The offensive lineup looks nice and that could be enough to re-sign, but he also may search for more promising places. Another question is about Starload. Not his potential FA status. It's just @DilIsPickle is currently the Americans' AGM and is definitely helping them during Spade's MIA. Will Bush take this lightly? After all, the Wrangler's player is basically helping a rival NA team. So yeah, some problems here. But the FA and trade markets should have some star gems so it's not like this team couldn't replace current big players. And maybe they won't have to do it in case if both pending FA's will re-sign. At this moment, I don't see this team going downhill anytime soon. Middle of the road GM: @ShawnGlade Kinda weird description, ain't it? Like, this is the first season Davos makes the playoffs since S62 and already middle of the road? Well, the current roster def looks more they've been competing for more than one season. S60 Dragomir, S61 Harding, S61 Jokinen; these are some oldies. And I'm not saying they don't have young promsing players. Codrick Past, Charlie Paddywagon plus callups for Batz and Draper. And how about them S67 picks? So it definitely doesn't mean that the Swiss team will be burned out soon. But at some point Shawn will have to make some tough decisions in order to keep his team in contention status. The main core is from S64 and they will head into the prime years next season. And it will be damn hard to keep them in one team, considering that they also have more high profile players in Rylan Peace and Ryuu Crimson. I won't even be surprised if their GM is going make a big splash in the trade market following this season. Ok, now about their negatives. Oh, you thought I'm going to name them? The thing is, I already did it in the first paragraph. Other than having too much prime players, they don't have any other big flaws to cover. Expect them to refresh a roster in one or two seasons to keep the window of contention [AGAIN this phrase!]. Part 1 of this is done. Part 2 very soon, as always. 6x4=24 TPE goes to Kallis. 11.06 - 17.06 18.06 - 24.06 25.06 - 01.07 02.07 - 08.07
  20. 1. your opinion on Twinger under-performing all the time? 2. do you think NY has only made the playoffs because of Kingfisher? 3. do you think last offseason could've been better for NY? 4. the team is on fire as of late. is this gonna help in playoffs? 5. the most dangerous VHL team as of now?
  21. 1) We continue to have problems against Helsinki. Is RIG G enough to elevate us over them? Of course, he is. Like who tf is Kallis, he's just some playoff choker anyways. 2) Malmo went from top-two early season to eliminated from the playoffs with around 10 games to go. Did you expect them to make the playoffs after their hot start? Expected. And no, I didn't expect them to make the playoffs. Like I said earlier, STHS gassed up a mid team at the start, but brought them down soon after. 3) VHL GM jobs seem to come and go, with a switch or two every couple of seasons. Who would you like to see get the next general manager gig? Like GRZ, I'm not following this site or discord very closely so I can't say names. Maybe guys like Matt or Rayzor could be the ones. 5) Apollo Hackett recently considered further improving his checking, but decided against it. Why do you think he chose not to work on his checking more? Like he's not the best body hitta in Riga already. But better skating means more chances at checking anyways so he still should hit people a lot. 6) What's one way you would like to see the VHL (or VHLM) change? Idk, maybe make VSN more relevant. I even made the article last week about that. 7) Matt_O recently published an article about Discord vs. Forums, for locker rooms and otherwise. Where do you fall in this debate, and why? Neither side. I'm not that active in forums and not that active in discord either. And it's not like this debate will change anything. VHL discord will still live and VHL forum will still live as well. These 6 q's were answered for Kallis (2 TPE) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8 ) World Cup commish job recently went up for grabs. If the commish hasn't been picked yet -- who would you like to see take the job; if it's already been picked, who would you have selected as the best second choice? A couple of second best choices tbh. Rayzor, Gustav, maybe Thran as well. Eno seems like a nice fella. 9) Let's say it's the last game of the VHL Finals, tied 2-2 in a shootout. Who would you pick to take the last shot (a) from your team, and (b) from any other team in the league? From my team: let's say Apollo Hackett. He has no scoring skills and of course he will score because of that. Cause this is what happens all the times - once in a lifetime luck. From another team...I don't care. Apparently, Kallis is a scrub at PS anyways. 10) Every once in a while the league covers up something crazy a player or GM did over the weekend to prevent word from getting out. What's one example of those you've heard about another player in the league (promise we won't tell)?  idk what this q means, but I did something crazy today. like convicing Davos and Helsinki players to hold out from playoffs and make our series a cake walk. that's craaazy. these three q's were answered for Randoms (1 TPE)
  22. well, it's still a record though. but yeah, you gotta probably have 99 check, 99 fight and 99 strength to get much PIM's. and that's not even a guarantee.
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