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Everything posted by hedgehog337

  1. There is always an option to draft a goalie, then after 2 or so seasons retire my goalie and put him as the starter. That's for the easier cap situation and long-term competing. But that's if that goalie is active as hell. This draft has only Nixon who might have a chance and he prolly goes to Moscow anyways. And then less active Cole and Chase.
  2. It's fitting that I'm taking two TPE for Randoms since this one is about him. I never was hoping to make at least a decent second player after I created Kallis. But then I didn't have a drive to continue this random shit. And this wasn't the original idea anyways. So he became a power forward. The interesting thing is he is being kind on fire lately. He was behind NY rookies, but now he's actually ahead of them. That's right, he's leading rookies in points. Also, he's the best hitter as well. The only players in league who are ahead of him in this category are Thompson and Irosnide. I think this is saying much. At this moment he definitely one of front runners for the RoTY award which is surprising. I never got this award so it would be nice to have it. The main competition for this? Definitely aforementioned NY rookies. Also, Brick Wahl may have a chance for this too. He has a decent .912 with 3 SO. I don't know if this would be enough, but I can't write this goalie off. So yeah, I hope Randoms will keep this pace up and get this award. It would be a nice start for a 24th OV pick. 2 TPE goes to Randoms
  3. 1. Who do you think won that three way trade? 2. Did Bass help your line to catch a fire? 3. Your reaction on Victor becoming a GM again? 4. Do you have any idea who will I protect? 5. Why Kallis is so inconsistent?
  4. Who do you think is more disappointed, Peace or you? I guess the Davos meme trend is about to end. Which is gonna be the next team? Are you sad Dtayl went inactive? Do you think he could come back? Do you hope to pull a playoff magic again? Your reaction on being the first rookie playoff MVP ever? Your opinion on NHL all-star festivities? Are the Flames the favorite to win it all?
  5. *making offers...* Kind of a clickbait, isn't it? Well, that's exactly what happened this Monday between these teams. Seattle, Quebec and Helsinki made a sequence of trades which pretty much became a three way. And it's not like it involved some small assets. It was indeed a big one which was promising a change of scenery of this season. The end result of this: Seattle receives: Veran Dragomir Quebec City receives: Jake Davis Konstantin Mulligan S65 DAV 4th S66 SEA 3rd Helsinki receives: The Charm What happened? Seattle. The rumors are swirling about Bana retiring from GM'ing after he beats a D_A record. It looks like he decided to make something big before doing that. He brought a big player who was supposed to be an offensive powerhouse for Quebec, but never had a proper chemistry with his teammates. He is doing a bit better job in Seattle, but it's still a Malenko-Thompson show there and I'm not sure if Veran will be the main figure in Bears' playoff run. More like there was another reasoning why Bana did this trade. What happened? Quebec. At the time of that trade, the Meute was still a team with so much promise but with a mediocre offense. And that's with two 800+ TPE forwards plus another solid ones like Palo and Harding. So Beav has decided to pull this trade to make a shakeup. He gave the one of the biggest stars in order to acquire Davis, The Charm and a couple of secondary picks. The Charm was traded to Helsinki then. Looks like it kinda worked. Davis was good in Seattle and he never missed a beat after moving to Quebec. That also helped Beau to stay at his level despite losing Veran. What happened? Helsinki. At the end of the day, they basically made a Mulligan - The Charm swap. Quik is trying to solidify the offence for a half of season (since an Irish centre is heading to FA regardless). I believe he was doing a bit better in Seattle, but that's mainly because of you know which two guys. So I guess he is still doing what Helsinki wants from him. WHO WON? - WON. To be fair, there is no such difference between Veran and The Charm as this moment. The another reasoning I was mentioned earlier was about a longterm. As we know already, The Charm will be FA and there's nothing Seattle management could've done. Veran Dragomir still has the next season under a contract and of course it's a better thing. Also, it allowed Garrop to make his proper debut which is also nice. Making a firesale following this season wouldn't be a pleasant experience, this is like only a second year Seattle is competing for real. Veran makes sure it isn't happening so that's win for this team even if they had to trade a solid player in Jake Davis. - WON. I think we can say surely that The Charm in better than Mulligan. That's definitely is a win. Even for a half of season. - WON? It's a bit harder to rate this trade from Quebec's perspective. They got Jake Davis which is great. He's also younger than Dragomir which is even nicer. So that's another plus for this team. And these picks might actually turn into steals as we are experiencing deep drafts lately. But...Konstantin Mulligan? No offense to this player, but I don't think he will bring something valuable to this team. He's not about scoring life and his build is weird. He has 93 checking? The problem is only Palo is having less than 70 checking and now they brought another power forward? Quebec doesn't needs that. Also, they had to trade Pat Svoboda. And meanwhile he was struggling there, I believe he still has more potential that Mulligan. So I can't say that Quebec definitely won. But they didn't lose either. It's just they won less than Seattle and Helsinki. So nobody lost in this three way trade. Some team got more, some less. But all three GM's can be happy with the result. That's it and I'm out. 6 TPE goes to Kallis.
  6. I'm demanding a double sim for Riga tomorrow.
  7. See? If you want to become a GM - join Riga and it's all yours! these changes exciting stuff
  8. Riga Reign 5:4 Seattle Bears   
  9. 215 Riga Reign @ Seattle Bears 216 HC Davos Dynamo @ Quebec City Meute 217 Helsinki Titans @ New York Americans 218 Toronto Legion @ Calgary Wranglers
  10. wow. so disappointed it's not Roy Krishna ?
  11. 8 SO is nice. .912 save % is not. Stopko so far is the front runner.
  12. -172k cap for Quebec though?
  13. It's been a month since I wrote the last article here. Two articles, to be more precise. And here I am with another one. For some of you this format is familliar. I did these rankings two times and this is going to be a third time. Let's see if something has changed since the last time. I'm too lazy to find the second edition of this but I believe I know teams placements there. 8. The first two teams are pretty much easy to rank since I never had any interraction with them. Maybe except for trade talks. No hate, it's just I don't know this and next team well to rank them higher. Last time I was mentioning the S47 NA finals as the reason why this team is low, but right now this is old news. I guess they could get up if some of my players ends up here, but not now. 7. The only reason I put them higher than NY is I had fun watching boubs going off against the whole league. Maybe because I was just a spectator there. And Helsinki has ex-Riga player Paolo Nano. Other than that, there are no difference between this team and the Americans. 6. Nothing changes here as well. I know that Seattle was #6 team last time and looks like they are lock number six for some time. It's just appeared that I like to beat this team. Good news, this team isn't going lower that this spot unless either Helsinki or NY gets my player. After all, I was playing for them for some time. 5. I think this team was higher in previous occasions. But there are no reasons why Calgary should be higher than #5. Yes, S47 and thing. But again, this is old news and after that I never had any experience with this team. I'm pretty neutral on this team at this moment. 4. This is the first time Quebec is out of TOP 3. I'm still fine with this team, but there is one team that is constantly climbing up in my rankings. And the fact I never was playing there more than season and a half with any of my players drags QC down too. I just never had a long term experience with them. But other than that, nothing bad can be said about this team. 3. Davos is the team that is climbing up in my rankings all the time. I could bring up the S56 EU finals when Davos threw my Riga out of playoffs, but that loss wasn't painful tbh. I had a positive relationship with the Dynamo most of times and also Randoms is playing there. So they are #3 here and may stay here for a while...if they won't hand us a painful loss in playoffs. 2. This team is #2 cause of multiple reasons. Last two seasons of Zeptenbergs when he took a part of building a team that eventually became the three peat team. Guntis Petenis also was playing there. Without a success, but at least he was there. Their current GM, Devise is also playing for Riga with Pajari. It remains to be seen if this team will hold the #2 spot in my heart, but it may be a while. The only reason why Toronto could slip up if I won't have any interraction with them in next 10-15 seasons. That might cool my feelings down towards this team. But until then, no changes here. 1. No comments/you don't say. That's it and I'm out. 6 TPE goes to Kallis.
  14. I already mentioned that neither Randoms and Kallis can play in WJC anymore. So let's just talk about their ex-team which appeared to be Europe. This team had a nice team in last two seasons, but never managed to win anything since Canada was too strong for everybody. Now let's see what they have now. This team is managed by Esso who quickly became a known name in this league. He is also a current updater. After checking this team I didn't see a single Riga Reign player there. That is sad. However, there is one ex-Riga guy who is still eligible and will play there. His name is Paolo Nano. He was playing 30 games for us last season before getting traded to Helsinki. But hey, I'm still gonna watch him cause never forget Riga players even if they are former. In overall, this team looks nice. There are a couple weak links like Edvin and that Greek player with a hard ass name. Other than that, this indeed is a good looking team. And perhaps they could finally dethrone Canada cause the seeing one team dominating others is boring as hell...if this team isn't the team I'm playing in ofc (or GM'ing). That's it and I'm out. 2+1 TPE goes to Randoms
  15. I think it's safe to say I can't make a long WJC article anymore since neither Randoms or Kallis are playing there anymore. But there are some interesting things surrounded by this event. Like appointing newer members for a couple of teams. A goalie Nixon became the USA GM, Bald Guy got an Asia team. It remains to be seen how they will handle the pressure of doing lines and trying to have a successful team but I assume some more experience guys are helping them at this moment. Another relatively new guy, Carles became the Team World GM. He joined in late November and he's not even two months on this site. And he never had any GM experience. So I guess I can say he's a newer guy here as well. This even also was having a controversy. Some of guys weren't happy Jubo was once again appointed as a Canada GM just because commishes gave him a chance for a three peat instead of giving this spot to other guy who never GM'ed a team. This calmed down pretty quick and I guess they will wait for the next time. It's not going to last a while since this even is going on every season (I assume). That's it and I'm not out yet. 2+1 TPE goes to Kallis
  16. 1. are you excited for WJC? 2. are you sad knowing that this will be your last juniors event? 3. your reaction on a new guy being appointed as USA GM? 4. how happy are you by taking a starter spot from Mertz? 5. does Mertz have any future now? 6. do you trust your Davos GM words that you will compete in two seasons? 7. do you hope to not finish last next season? 8. are you still excited for the next brands tourney? 9. who wins the continental cup? 10. who wins the founders cup?
  17. 1. Are you ok with losing a season like you're doing now? 2. Do you hope to make a proper debut next season? 3. But why didn't you sign with Seattle? weren't you ok with being a 7th forward? 4. Are you afraid this would take a hit to your activity here? 5. Is Gucci your fav brand? 6. Excited for WJC? 7. do you think Canada is the favorites? 8. Is Leafs your fav NHL team? 9. Is there any meaning behind your last name? 10. do you tape your stick by yourself?
  18. 148 Riga Reign @ New York Americans 149 Toronto Legion @ Seattle Bears 150 Quebec City Meute @ HC Davos Dynamo 151 Helsinki Titans @ Calgary Wranglers
  19. Riga Reign 4:3 New York Americans 
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