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Everything posted by eaglesfan036

  1. I was gonna work out today but I realized I forgot my handgun and no true American works out without weaponry 

    1. Enorama


      Bro my body is a weapon so I'm always packin

    2. Gustav


      I bring a small cannon with me everywhere I go, just to be safe.

  2. This should absolutely not be happening as the #1 priority of the VHLM is development, not winning. GMs should be very clear in their pitch where their team is at and how much playing time someone will get. Some players may prefer being on a contender with limited minutes while others may want to max out their playing time. The choice should entirely be up to the new player, and if their situation changes or they want to move they should be able to do so quickly.
  3. I was looking at the league standings and wondering why I couldn't find Malmo - Then I realized I had to scroll really far down

    1. Beaviss
    2. ThePerfectNut


      When it's only 2 pts behind second place ?

    3. McWolf


      time to buy a larger monitor

  4. Helsinki 3-2
  5. 97 HC Davos Dynamo @ Prague Phantoms 98 Toronto Legion @ Vancouver Wolves 99 Moscow Menace @ Calgary Wranglers 100 Riga Reign @ Helsinki Titans
  6. Statistically roundabouts cause much less accidents. Problem is like you said some idiots don't know how they work
  7. I think I need to put some of my tpe into faceoffs
  8. ouch my line got dumped on
  9. crying babies on planes or parents who don't stop their kid from kicking the back of my seat the entire ride
  10. I can draw stick figures if that helps
  11. Why pay money for streaming services when you can illegally stream most things
  12. Its a shame malmo wont be making the playoffs because they would be an easy sweep
  13. Nice job @Mr_Hatter!
  14. 2) You aren't being forced to play TDM, take it off of your filter 4) Bread being money isn't something new I'm pretty sure that phrase has been around quite a few years
  15. People who post a cryptic message on social media like, "Ugh I had the worst day ever I can't believe this happened" then someone asks what happened and they say "I don't want to talk about it"
  16. VHL, what is it that has been grinding your gears lately? I will start 1) When you are on a two lane highway with pretty heavy traffic so everyone is going like 20 or 30 mph. You are in the left lane and the car behind you is riding your ass because you are actually giving a normal following distance to the car in front of you. They believe that riding your ass will make the 100 cars in front of you go faster. They then proceed to switch lanes, cut really fast in between just to pass you, but are still stuck in that same traffic. Well done. 2) The other day on my drive to work I figured there must be an accident or something, because there was a 10 minute ish delay in traffic. It turns out there was no accident, merely a car pulled over on the side of the road with a flat tire or something. Because people are idiots, everyone had to look at this exciting event going on in the shoulder and slow down, causing this unnecessary traffic jam. 3) People who are rude to waiters,waitresses, or customer service for something that is entirely not that fault. I think it is important for everyone to work at least one customer service or retail kind of job in their life just to know what it is like. Often times they are just a cog in the machine of a company with really shitty policy. It is not their fault if they are merely following the rules assigned by their job in not giving you a discount or whatever. As long as they are polite (99% are fine) I usually am quite friendly with them, and shockingly friendliness can get you much further than being rude a lot of the time.
  17. eaglesfan036


    the VHL ASS PA
  18. Oh right astute analysis victor!
  19. Shut up
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