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Everything posted by eaglesfan036

  1. Why is Gritty not on here
  2. that's awesome, welcome to the league! I don't think this is something you have to apply for though, it's something you can just do. Ask @DollarAndADream for more info
  3. Me after nuking the toilet
  4. What the fortnite did you just fortniteing say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fortnite out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fortniteing words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fortniteer. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fortniteing dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fortniteing tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fortniteing dead, kiddo.
  5. and yes I'm kidding, but this sucks
  6. This is rigged like the NBA draft lottery
  7. Why was this not live simmed?? Seriously @Beketov somehow Vancouver always seems to get shafted in the draft lotteries, do you have something against the team or Beaviss?
  8. Part I - Pick em' (Pick the correct winners of all three games for 2 TPE) Game 3 - Toronto Legion @ Helsinki Titans Game 4 -Toronto Legion @ Helsinki Titans Game 5 - Helsinki Titans @ Toronto Legion Part II - Predict the Score (Predict the correct score and winner of this game for 3 TPE) Game 5 - Toronto Legion @ Helsinki Titans 4-3 Toronto Part III - Player Predictions (Predict the correct player for each category, 1 TPE for each correct answer) Series leader in points: Julian Borwinn Series leader in goals: Vesto Slipher Series leader in assists: Julian Borwinn
  9. If only @boubabi and his "cousin" @Gigga-Bijou could sign up for this
  10. @Big Mac found me from my youtube spam - please confirm
  11. 1) My main memories with you are having you as my assistant GM at Yukon and signing you in S45 to lose to Helsinki in the finals. Do you have any fun memories from those times? 2) Who was your favorite GM? 3) Tell me something about Australia that isn't a stereotypical joke a Yank wouldn't know? 4) You have been in free agency more than anyone I know. What was the best and worst pitch you received? 5) What is your favorite and least favorite VHL team? 6) Who could win in a fight me or @flyersfan1453?
  12. Thank you, and just a note for everyone while I do think people should use this to change how they prioritize some attributes, I don't think you should do something as extreme as completely ignoring upgrading skating or strength, as I'm sure they still have uses that just aren't showing up for some reason
  13. As the VHL currently stands / was, everyone was either in the 1st or 2nd line so ice time is pretty close for everyone being just a few minutes off, but not enough that it would effect the data. I also ran this for points per 20 minutes to normalize for ice time, and the results were essentially the same for as points. Also, I deleted all bots and anyone who didn't play 70 or more games from this regression. And yes, my next article will cover hits, shots, PIMs, and other stats. Unfortunately the adjusted R squared for shots blocked is really low, meaning that the attributes don't really predict shots blocked, as that is more based on being on a sucky team with lots of shots against.
  14. Read my regression model on why skating barely matters



    1. BOOM


      I did read it. I found it interesting but like all smart people articles, that use anything with formulas and stats, it required more brain capacity than I poseess so I now have a migraine. Not your fault, I just need a bigger brain. 

    2. eaglesfan036


      Lol sorry for the migraine

  15. If you haven't already read my regression articles before, I suggest you check out my first article to understand what I'm talking about in regards to interpreting the tables, and also feel free to check out my 2nd article as well. I've also linked my data sheet here in case any of you nerds want to check out the excel spreadsheet I used for this data. If you don't care to read through all the detailed math and stuff, just scroll down to the summary of my findings. To quickly summarize how to interpret the tables, look at the probability column, and any attribute under 0.1 (10%) is statistically significant, and the coefficients with the highest number have the strongest correlation (positive or negative). How the Data Was Gathered I looked at every players' season-end attributes and their total stats for each individual regular season, spanning seven seasons from S59 to S65. Because I can't keep track of how players upgrade their attributes throughout the entire season this isn't a perfect system, but it should still be relatively accurate. I deleted all entries from any computer players like CGY LW2 because every bot has the same stats, and I also deleted entries for players who only played like 40 games in a season versus 72. as the lack of games played could skew the results as well. The last time I ran my regression, I was only looking at S63 which was a small sample size of only 76 observations, versus the 570 observations I gathered from all seven seasons, so this regression should be much more accurate. Goals Every statistically significant attribute is significant at the 1% level, with these attributes being defense, experience, faceoffs, passing, puck handling, penalty shot, and scoring. As Expected Scoring unsurprisingly has the strongest positive correlation to goals scored Defense has the 2nd strongest positive correlation, which makes sense as winning puck battles helps your team have more puck possession, resulting in more goals Passing has a negative correlation to goals scored, because you miss 100% of the shots you don't take - Wayne Gretzky - Michael Scott Puck handling has a positive correlation to goals scored because better dekes help you keep possession of the puck and get into high danger scoring areas Faceoffs has a positive correlation to goals scored because winning the faceoff helps your team possess the puck more, and players with high faceoffs most likely have high tpe in general Surprises Experience has a decently strong positive correlation to goals scored, but I think this is because players with high experience have high tpe totals in general Penalty shots has a decently strong negative correlation to goals scored, and I have no idea why that would be To all my skating lovers out there, seven seasons of data shows it has minimal impact on goals scored Assists Defense, discipline, and puck handling are significant at the 1% level. Experience, passing, and faceoffs are significant at the 5% level. Skating is significant at the 10% level. As Expected Faceoffs has a positive correlation to assists scored because winning the faceoff helps your team possess the puck more, and players with high faceoffs most likely have high tpe in general Skating has a positive correlation to assists because higher skating helps your player not get knocked off the puck, resulting in higher time on attack Surprises Defense, not passing, has the strongest positive correlation to assists, which actually might make sense because your team overall having the puck more results in more assists (primary or secondary) Discipline has a decently strong negative correlation to assists, and I have no clue how discipline would impact anything other than taking less penalties, other than it just being a tpe waste? Passing only has a weak positive correlation to assists, which I would not expect due to it's impact in your player's decision making process (pass, shoot, or skate) Puck handling has the second strongest positive correlation to assists, proving once again it's one of the most important attributes Experience has about the same positive correlation to assists as passing, but that's likely just because players with the highest tpe have the most experience on average. Points Defense, discipline, experience, faceoffs, puck handling, and scoring are significant are the 1% level. Penalty shots is significant at the 10% level. As Expected Defense has the strongest positive correlation to points, which actually might make sense because your team overall having the puck more results in more assists (primary or secondary) and more goals scored. Faceoffs has a decently strong positive correlation to points, because winning the faceoff helps your team possess the puck more, and players with high faceoffs most likely have high tpe in general Scoring has a strong positive correlation to points Surprises Discipline has a decently strong negative correlation to points, and I have no clue how discipline would impact anything other than taking less penalties, other than it just being a tpe waste? Experience has a decently strong positive correlation to points, but I think this is because players with high experience have high tpe totals in general Puck Handling has the 2nd highest positive correlation to points after defense, once again showing how important of an attribute it is. Penalty shots has a slight negative correlation to points for some unknown reason, I can't imagine why it would matter other than being a tpe waste All my skating lovers, it is not statistically significant in relation to points Summary As a quik recap, in order of importance the following attributes have the greatest impact on these statistics. + means positive correlation, - means negative correlation, ? means I am unsure if totally correct. Goals - Scoring (+), Penalty Shot (-), Passing (-), Faceoffs (+), Defense (+), Experience (+), Puck Handling (+) Assists - Defense (+), Puck Handling (+), Discipline (-), Skating (+), Passing (+), Experience (+), Faceoffs (+) Points - Defense (+), Puck Handling (+), Scoring (+), Discipline (-), Faceoffs (+), Experience (+), Penalty Shots (-) Notice I didn't mention strength the entire time? I would think that it contributes towards points by helping your player not get bumped off the puck and by bumping other players off the puck with your checks, but it was not statistically significant in any of these categories. Also, it still looks like skating is not a very valuable attribute, even though a lot of hall of fame players who had tons of tpe in every attribute had lots of skating as well ?
  16. 1) Currently, you earn 1 tpe for asking 5 press conference questions, and or 1 tpe for answering 3 questions. This should be changed to earning 1 tpe for asking 6 questions, because what happens a lot is someone will only ask you 5 then you can't just straight up answer a list of questions for your 2 press conference tpe, or you have to quote and answer two separate people. 2) In a lot of threads like press conferences, everyone and their mother decides their threads need to be pinned for some reason. This leads to the rules list being almost near the bottom of the page. Someone with permissions should unpin and then repin a lot of pages like this so it winds back up on the top. 3) Where is @Phil? He is another old member who was always awesome to be around and now has gone with the wind
  17. 1) Gritty had a horrible year points wise and Quebec didn't make the playoffs, so pretty much a nightmare. 2) When my team isn't in the playoffs I don't feel the motivation to tune in much. I'll check in when finals come around to see what's up. 3) I would definitely consider being a VHL GM again, it's something I really enjoyed.
  18. don't have permission to view the page
  19. bro why you do this so early i was bout to do this
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