1) Davos - @Smarch is a cool guy, and they are an up and coming team with @TheLastOlympian07, another guy i havent played with. Davos is an up and coming roster, I am just worried they might have made a mist4k3. Plus I have never played for Davos and it's been a long time since I played in EU Conference
2) Quebec - I like the Meute Roster. @Frank and @Will are pretty cool, and they are set up pretty well to compete this season. Also just noticed they have @tfong and it's always good to have a sassy asian on the team. Also @ASIANBOOM. Quebec is the only other NA team I would play for because I hate the rest.
3) Helsinki - I think it would be fun to carry a terrible goalie in Asterisk Moon. They also have my brother, @solas, and @Higgins so another fun squad to be with.