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Everything posted by eaglesfan036

  1. Game 4: 3-2 Calgary
  2. I missed it so games 3 and 4. Wranglers Wranglers Reign Dynamo
  3. Regular season winning just like last year. Too bad the regular season means nothing and you choke come playoff time (just like the Penguins)
  4. Please you and DT trash talk us next round. It worked out so well for you the first time
  5. It's the first round of the playoffs, pretty early for feeler pms to be sent out yet. If I see people on chat I may chat them doe. I need picks first doe
  6. Rivalry settings make it more interesting to people not on those teams who view it for fun, but is kind of unfair to the two teams actually playing as it causes more random chance
  7. Them Dynamo doe
  8. close one. Thanks Based Koenig and Based WinGod
  9. Good start, WinGod doing well and even TebowGow scoring some goals
  10. New site looks good as long as we get chat back :3
  11. Good news everyone chat is returning
  12. would you like some whine with that cheese
  13. ur stupid
  14. great point. Chat fueled the greatest 590s of all time.
  15. ur up so late u rebel
  16. Congrats to GreatoneHimself and ATW for winning American Idol. Since Greatone is already on Bern, he shall take over as Bern GM. ATW is now the new GM of Oslo. Congrats guys!
  17. let's boycott together beb
  18. we should penalize stockholm for this somehow
  19. I'm debating retirement
  20. How are you beb! I will enjoy this chat
  21. I am judging I think this site looks fine i don't care if it looks a little prettier if i cant have my fun
  22. So I can't chat with you anymore Munk. How are you beb! :3
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