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Everything posted by gregreg

  1. It's official Cologne is in Cup contention
  2. These computer players need to knock it off and WTF Jarvi!?!
  3. how dare you be so honest @tfong
  4. Should say who is the best goalie this season cause the S45 goalies suck
  5. I didn't listen but I liked the answers
  6. Man imagine these guys keep up these numbers..
  7. Did you though? Penalty Shot by Joel Jarvi for Bears - Goal!
  8. So you didn't want to win a cup this season? Toronto's GM doesn't think his team is a playoff team so why sign in Toronto? Why did you break my heart? How much does it mean to be in the Cologne Express record books with Most Assists in a season Sleeman and Skovgaard are on pace for record breaking seasons, do you think they can keep this up? Cologne now has the 10 wins that I predicted they would get. How many wins does Cologne end up with? Thoughts on free agents signing else where so they can be traded during the season for a cheaper cap hit. How disappointing would it be to miss the playoffs because you had to fuck Sterling while Victor watched? In which season do you think I will actually sign my next free agent? 3 x 4 - 6 + 67 x 23 - 500 = ? Leafs are fun to watch eh? Tell me why Soccer/Football is a terrible sport. How long till I take over as Seattle's GM? *HINT (the answer is 2 seasons) How many beers did I have before asking all these questions? Should I start doing a podcast where all I do is bitch about free agents every week?
  9. 10-0!! Now to just sit back and relax 

    1. Jericho


      That isn't that impressive. Stockholm is doing the same thing.

    2. JardyB10


      You're almost at your 20 win expectation!

  10. Not my fault, he was under the free agent page
  11. All these evil, evil GMs
  12. Might just be 8 games but to all the free agents that signed in North America, FUCK YOU!




    The 8-0 Express!


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. BOOM


      I would have taken your 5 dollars. 

    3. gregreg


      Shut up Phil and enjoy missing the playoffs with Hamilton


    4. sterling


      No one cares you mouthy twat

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