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Everything posted by gregreg

  1. Cologne Selects Austin Hickey V @Mr. Hickey
  2. Cologne Selects back 2 back Aksel and Tomas Syndergaard @457 @754
  3. Cologne Express select forward Alexander Thrower
  4. I will give 5 real dollars to every free agent I sign this off-season 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Higgins


      Cool, but does a sign and trade work?

    3. Devise


      I think that may be the idea @Higgins :P 

    4. Fire Tortorella

      Fire Tortorella

      $5 Canadian or U.S?

  5. Thrower will be the steal of the draft
  6. To S52 1st S52 2nd S52 2nd To F - Lincoln D - D. Hamilton @Mr. Power I accept, thanks for the deal Thanks again @brovy good luck in NY
  7. Dammit was hoping to talk to FA before the draft..
  8. Which team will get all the FA and win next year? My guess in NY 

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. BluObieZ


      SWC3 signing most likely signing in NY or Seattle. I can't have a player of mine not play for NY cause I moved the team there

    3. Victor


      But Xavier Martinez didn't play in NY.

    4. hedgehog337


      NY are gonna get some FA's, but not all. There are QUE and SEA as well. 

  9. Jardy is a good simmer, he only cheats every once and a while
  10. All 3 GM players will be over 100 TPE when the draft happens.
  11. No idea why you would void them either. They're going to be done when the playoffs are over anyways.
  12. Trades can happen whenever they want
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