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Posts posted by Ptyrell

  1. Spoiler


    1 hour ago, Lemorse7 said:

    Action 3: Challenge Lorelei. 

    Charmeleon use Flamethrower on Glaceon. Change to Jolteon using Thunder on Jynx and switch to Charmeleon if not dead to Flamethrower Lapras and Leafeon use LeafBlade.

    Charmleon opens things up with Flamethrower! Two hits takes out Glaceon. Charmeleon has 76.2 HP remaining.

    Jynx hits Jolteon with Blizzard! Jolteon retaliates with Thunder! Jynx strikes again with Psychic and Jolteon goes down.

    Charmeleon comes back in to finish Jynx. Charmeleon uses Flamethrower...


    Jynx goes down. 

    Lapras is all that remains...


    Lapras uses Hydro Pump on Charmeleon. It's overkill. 

    Lefeon is next. Lefeon uses Leaf Blade...


    Super effective, but Lapras still has 200 HP remaining! Lapras had a 30 level advantage over Lefeon!


    Lapras uses ice Beam.

    Lefeon goes down.


    Charmeleon gains 7 levels. Charmeleon evolves into Charizard!




  2. 4 hours ago, Ricer13 said:

    Action 2: 


    Raichu lv 35 should still be holding and Oran Berry.

    Give Gyarados lv 32 the last Oran Berry I have.


    Start with Raichu against Gyarados with Thunder.

    After he wipes the floor with Gyarados keep him going against Charizard who is a fire but also a FLYING type!!!! Drop some thunder on his ass and use the Oran Berry if needed.


    If Raichu falls bring out Wartortle lv 31 and Water Pulse his ass into oblivion.


    Lastly we have Dragonite….Use Wartortle to inflict any remaining damage on Dragonite.


    Wartortle will likely fall so let’s bring our Gyarados to Dragon Rush Dragonite into oblivion! Use Oran berry if required.

    Today's your last chance to challenge Lance..


    You send out Raichu who fries the Gyarados easily.

    Charizard comes out next and hits Raichu with Dragon Claw. Raichu eats its berry.

    Raichu retaliates with Thunder! Charizard still has 20 HP remaining.

    Charizard uses Dragon Claw again and Raichu goes down. 

    You send out Wartortle who uses Water Pulse...


    Charizard goes down!

    Dragonite makes quick work of Squirtle though.

    Now its Gyarados lv 32 vs Dragonite lv 55!

    Gyarados uses Dragon Rush. Super effective! But Dragonite still has 123 HP left!

    Dragonite uses Dragon Rush...



    Gyarados survives with 5 HP remaining!

    Gyarados munches its berry and then Blast Dragonite again...

    Dragonite goes down!


    You earn defeated Lance!


    Raichu gains 3 levels

    Wartortle gains 5 levels

    Gyarados gains 5 levels


    Wartortle evolves into Blastoise!!




  3. 9 hours ago, OrbitingDeath said:

    Action 2:  buy Megahorn TM for Raichu and challenge Agatha:

    Raichu lv 44 starts off by Megahorn on Umbreon and Thunder on Arbok/Gengar

    IF Raichu fails Umbreon, Gyarados kills him with Hydro pump 

    IF Raichu defeats Umbreon:

    Exeggutor lv 38 takes over by using Psychic on both Arbok and Gengar


    Gyarados lv 40 will hydro pump whoever is left and hopes it is enough



    Raichu comes out swinging, taking out Umbreon in 1 hit!

    Arbok Crunches Exeggutor but Psychic ends the snake! Exeggutor has 50 HP remaining.

    Gengar takes Exeggutor out.

    Gyarados comes in next..

    Hydro pump weakens Gengar, and another Hydro pump takes him out!


    You've defeated Agatha!


    Raichu gains 1 level

    Exeggutor gains 4 levels

    Gyarados gains 5 levels

  4. 2 hours ago, JardyB10 said:

    I'm ready! But first, I will buy the TM for Thunder, and teach it to my champ, Machamp.


    Day 6, Action 5: Challenge Lance of the Elite Four


    I'll lead with Machamp to Thunder Gyarados into oblivion


    Then I'll hard swap into Rapidash to spam Poison Jabs into Charizard. If it happens to fall, Machamp can clean up with Thunder.


    Whoever beat Charizard can stay out for Dragonite, using Poison Jab or Thunder respectively until they die. Then Gyarados can come clean up with Dragon Rush.


    Day 7, Action 1+2: Work, WORK!

    Machamp learns Thunder!

    He puts his new knowledge to good use by taking out Gyarados in 1 hit!

    Charizard is summoned next and uses Wing Attack. Good thing you recalled Machamp!

    Rapidash spams Poison Jab. Charizard goes down on the second hit! Rapidash has 67 HP left.


    Dragonite isn't messing around though. Dragon Rush takes out Rapidash.

    Gyarados comes out next and uses Dragon Rush as well.

    It does 200 damage, but Dragonite is still standing!

    Dragonite uses Hyper Beam...


    Gyarados has 4 HP remaining!

    Gyarados uses Dragon Rush again and the fight is over!


    🎉You've defeated Lance!🎉


    Machamp gains 1 level

    Rapidash gains 2 levels

    Gyarados gains 5 levels


    You defeated all the members of the Elite 4 in 1 day!


    You earn $2023 working.

  5. 2 hours ago, Ricer13 said:

    Charizard Holds Sitrus Berry**
    Raichu Holds Oran Berry


    A1: Challenge Lorelei


    Start with Alakazam using Psychic on Glaceon.

    Charizard Used after alakazam with Fire blast and use Sitrus berry if needed at any point.

    Raichu out last with Thunder and use Oran berry if needed.


    Lets take her down!

    Alakazam takes out Glaceon with 2 Psychic attacks. But not before Glaceon gets a super effective bite off!

    Jynx's Blizzard takes down Alakazam.

    Charizard comes in hot with a Fire Blast. Jynx goes down in 1 hit!

    Lapras won't be so easy though... Lapras uses Ice Beam...


    Charizard takes it in stride then eats a Sitrus berry.

    Charizard uses Fire Blast. Lapras seems unphased.

    Lapras follows with Body Slam. Doesn't it know Hydro Pump would work better? Charizard is still standing!

    Another Fire Blast! But Lapras is too tanky!

    Another Ice Beam and Charizard falls.

    Next up is Raichu. But Raichu is 20 levels lower than Lapras!

    Raichu uses Thunder...


    It's super effective and Lapras goes down!


    🎉You've defeated Lorelei!🎉


    Alakazam gains 1 level

    Charizard gains 4 levels

    Raichu gains 5 levels



  6. THE FINAL DAY IS HERE. But first... Rivals face off last night for 2 VPs!


    Ash Ketchum @dlamb

    Charmeleon lv 34

    Venusaur lv 46

    Gengar lv 35


    Gary Oak @Lemorse7

    Charmeleon lv 32

    Umbreon lv 29

    Wartortle lv 28


    The battle starts off with both Charmeleons trading flamethrower attacks. Neither is very effective but eventually the higher lv Charmeleon wins!

    Umbreon comes out next and finishes of Charmeleon. But how will it fare against the highly leveled Venusaur?...

    Not great! Venusaur takes Umbreon out with a Solar Beam. Then shortly after, finishes off Wartortle with Solar Beam as well!


    Ash defeats Gary!


    Meanwhile Red prepares his Pokemon as he waits for Blue in the arena...

    Travel Italy GIF by Colosseum


    Red wins!


    Day 7 BEGINS!

  7. 1 hour ago, JardyB10 said:

    My day and future week has been and is about to be completely haywire, but I should have a winning strategy against Lance within a couple hours here if that’s alright!


    Sure that's fine. Gonna start the next day but you can still challenge Lance with your final action for Day 6. 

  8. Day 6 ends! @JardyB10 you can submit your last action when you see this.


    Day 6 highlights:

    - Battle Calc gets a makeover! Huge thanks to @Gustav for doing the hard work on the type modifier calculator, and for helping mod actions so I could work on some other changes I've wanted to implement.

    - All trainers have beaten at least 1 Elite 4 member!

    - 5 members have beaten all 4 of the Elite 4!


    Likely this means more people will hit the 11 VP threshold than I anticipated. Which I'm ok with! Props to everyone for what you've all accomplished.


    Rivals face off tonight! Then it's the final day...

  9. 5 minutes ago, omgitshim said:


    Well it's not if you keep giving me Magikarp. 😠


    Gyarados Dragon Rage one.

    Poliwrath Dynamic Punch one.

    Venusaur Poison Jab one.

    You earn $202 😬


    But at least your Pokemon earn valuable experience on the battlefield

  10. 2 minutes ago, Doomsday said:

    *counts change*


    Purchase TM25.


    Espeon has learned Thunder!


    Action 4: 

    ben stiller anchorman GIF


    Sabrina and the gang arrive at Lance's doorstep!


    Lance doesn't have an Eevee evolution for Alakazam to facepunch, but he does have an eel that looks like it needs some charging. Since Sabrina doesn't have a car battery handy, an Espeon that knows Thunder should make this electric eel happy. 


    Charizard will naturally be jelly of Gyrados getting a recharge, and Espeon will also charge up this homeboi. Should Espeon fall, Alakazam will finish the job by:


    Ben Stiller Knowledge GIF




    Order for Dragonite will be as follows:


    Espeon (if standing) using Thunder

    Alakazam using Psychic

    Jynx using Blizzard


    Ben Stiller Model GIF


    Espeon learns Thunder! His Jolteon cosplay is now complete!


    You approach Lance ready to fight. Lance scoffs at your tiny Espeon. What could that thing do?


    Espeon uses Thunder against Gyarados... 1 Hit KO!

    Lance's eyes widen, but he says nothing as he summons Charizard. Charizard uses Dragon Claw.

    Espeon uses Thunder again... Another 1 Hit KO!


    Lance summons Dragonite who uses Hyper Beam and Espeon finally goes down. Dragonite still has full HP.


    You summon Alakazam who hits Dragonite with Psychic. 117 damage. But Dragonite still has 196 HP remaining!

    Dragonite uses Hyper Beam...


    1 Hit KO!


    You are down to your lv 33 Jynx vs the lv 55 Dragonite.. Jynx won't survive against any of Dragonite's attacks..


    Jynx uses Blizzard...


    It's Uber effective and Dragonite goes down!


    🎉You've defeated Lance!🎉


    Ben Stiller Success GIF


    Espeon gains 8 levels.

    Jynx gains 5 levels




  11. 2 minutes ago, omgitshim said:

    Poliwrath dynamic punches them all.


    Action 4: perform a fishing action

    You earn $384, and I suspect that you've done the math and determined that fishing gives more money than the other regions. I just wonder by how much?


    You fish again and find..

    Magikarp lv 18

    Poliwag lv 17

    Magikarp lv 25


    Not the best catch 😬

  12. 27 minutes ago, Berocka said:

    Action 4 vs the elite four member Bruno



    Golem has Oran berry 


    Golem uses earthquake against Onix 


    If Onix beats golem put in rhydon to use earthquake



    Once Onix is defeated put in Raichu



    Raichu has Oran berry


    Raichu uses thunder against poliwrath



    For machamp continuing using thunder if raichu faints use rhydon 


    Rhydon uses earthquake if rhydon faints use golem with earthquake 

    Bruno is last in your attempt to sweep the Elite 4 all in one day!

    Golem vs Onix is first... Golem is basically just a better version of Onix, and Golem wins handily! Has 111 HP remaining.


    Raichu is summoned against Poliwrath. Poliwrath strikes first with a hydro pump. Raichu eats an Oran Berry.

    Raichu counters with Thunder.. Super effective! But Poliwrath is still standing with 7 HP remaining!

    Poliwrath uses Hydro Pump again...


    Raichu is knocked out!


    You send out Golem to take the last hit on Poliwrath and tank a hit from Machamp.

    Machamp launches a Dynamic Punch. Golem goes down!

    It all comes down to Rhydon vs Machamp...

    Rhydon uses Earthquake and takes out half of Machamps HP!

    Machamp uses Dynamic Punch...


    It does 250 damage, but Rhydon is still standing!

    One more Earthquake and Machamp is defeated!


    🎉You have defeated Bruno!🎉


    Golem gains 8 levels

    Rhydon gains 1 level



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