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Posts posted by Ptyrell

  1. 1 hour ago, OrbitingDeath said:

    Scizor equips Amulet Coin and attacks Sneasel 18 and 16

    When faints Honedge takes over  and attacks with fury cutter.

    Honedge attacks Grubbin with Aerial Ace. 


    If they faint, hold for further actions

    Grubbin 16
    Sneasel 16
    Sneasel 18


    Sneasel strikes first and uses knock off. Scizor drops the amulet coin!

    Snow Winter GIF by Butterfinger


    Scizor gets its revenge though. Iron Head is super effective!


    The second Sneasel takes out Scizor. Honedge starts slashing at it with Fury Cutter. It ramps up to Fury Cutter 3 and Sneasel goes down!

    Grubbin is the last one up. Bit is super effective against Honedge! Grubbing survives with 3 HP!


    (levels haven't been applied yet)

  2. 38 minutes ago, Gustav said:

    Work x2


    Buy an Old Rod and explore Mt. Moon.

    You spend half the day up to your waist in the river catching fish with your bare hands and earn $1149.


    Exhausted, you decide you'd better buy a fishing rod for next time. Unfortunately they only have an Old Rod in stock, and the guy upcharges you $100 for it!!


    On your way back to the river, you decide you don't actually like fishing and go exploring some caves instead. You find...

    Ponyta 14
    Litwick 16
    Poliwag 15
  3. 40 minutes ago, Spartan said:

    Wtf this Scyther better be the pokemon version of Jesus


    Use the great balls to success

    Then go bonk the other lvl 13 Scyther until it dies (with Pursuit)

    Your next Greatball works!


    You then send out Gastly to take out this pimpsqueek Scyther.


    Scyther uses Wing Attack twice and Gastly goes down! Scyther has 34 HP left.


    Would you like to send Bellsprout out next for the slaughter, or use your new Scyther?


  4. 43 minutes ago, McWolf said:


    Bellsprout vs lv.14 Geodude. Uses Vine Whip until it's down.

    Then we take on the lv.18 Geodude. Uses Vine Whip until it's down. Then we take on the Gastly with more Vine Whips.

    Whenever Bellsprout inevitably faints, Charmeleon will pick up the slack with Flamethrower.


    If I calc'd right, we should be gucci.

    Geodude 14
    Gastly 16
    Geodude 18


    Bellsprout does some fancy vine whippery on the rock pile and takes out both! It survives with 3.5 HP, and Gastly finishes it off. If the first Geodude had used Rock Throw instead of Tackle, the Bellsprout might have lost to the second Geodude!


    Charmeleon gives no Fs and takes out Gastly.


    Bellsprout gains 5 levels

    Charmeleon gains 2 levels

    You gain $301


    Bellsprout evolves into Weepinbell!


    angry fight GIF

  5. 1 hour ago, Lemorse7 said:

    go shopping buy 4 greatballs 


    action 4: go back to my fave city Goldenrod city and bring with you your Raikou luck charm 🤞

    You find a great deal on greatballs, but forget your coupons at home!


    In Goldenrod city you set out looking for Raikou. Instead you find...


    Eevee lv 18

    Eevee lv 14

    Meowth lv 14


    Two Eevees is a decent consolation prize right?


  6. 4 hours ago, OrbitingDeath said:


    You encounter:



    Axew 17
    Axew 18
    Mimikyu 15

    @Alexthat lv 17 Axew is still hanging around btw with 3 HP. Your Zorua lost but you can still finish it off with the new Axew or Mimikyu and gain levels and some $$$

  7. 1 minute ago, McWolf said:

    1.1. Exploring Route 1

    You decide to go for a nice and peaceful walk along Route 1. Until you are maliciously assaulted by...

    Magikarp lv 15

    Bellsprout lv 16

    Bulbasaur lv 13

  8. Hey! Wait! Don't go out! Don't you know you can't go into the tall grass without a Pokemon? It's unsafe! Here come with me. There are 3 Pokemon here inside these Pokeballs. When I was young I was a serious Pokemon trainer. In my old age, I only have 3 left, but you can have one!

    Which is the best starter? – Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl  guide - Polygon


    Welcome to Town of Pallet #2! The first game went very well, but also revealed some things that could be adjusted. The end result now is hopefully a fairly well balanced game with a lot of variety in choice, strategy, and randomness. I'm sure more tweaks will be made in the future, but to me this feels more like a complete game if you will. So thank you again to everyone who has played and/or helped me in some way along the road!


    General Tips for all players:

    • Early game, move strength and high HP are the most important factors in battles. Single stage Pokemon such as Lapras tend to do well in both, so don't be surprised if a rogue wild Pokemon hits harder than you expect
    • Late game, type strengths/weaknesses and overall base stats become much more important
    • Gym leaders and the Elite 4 are much more challenging now
    • Ask lots of questions!


    Best Wishes Good Luck GIF



    Nurse Joy @ctots
    Bill @Dom

    Burglar @Gustav

    Gary Oak @McWolf

    James @N0HBDY

    Ash Ketchum @Ricer13

    Prof Oak @Spartan


    Nurse Joy @Alex

    Prof Elm @dlamb

    Officer Jenny @Doomsday

    Jesse @JardyB10

    Bird Keeper @Lemorse7

    Prof Birch @omgitshim

    Worker @OrbitingDeath


    Day 1 Begins!

  9. Ladies and gentlemen... Town of Pallet is back. And now with more Pokemon! More Areas to explore! More items to buy! And more rules to read!

    Studying Pokemon Lets Go Pikachu GIF by Pokémon


    Town of Pallet is a Forum + Discord game that is basically a week long multiplayer version of the Pokemon games. You can fill up your PokeDex, battle gym leaders, trade, battle other players, and more.


    For new players:

    Don't let the long rulebook intimidate you! I tried to set it up so that the most relevant information is at the beginning. Much of the rest of the rulebook acts as a reference for all of the background information in the game. I've also tried to make this information easily available on Discord. You could probably figure things out by hardly reading it at all and seeing what other people do (and I suspect you wouldn't be the first to do so). But I do recommend at least reading the Quickstart Guide and the Actions section to get a sense of what you can do in the game.


    Time commitment wise, this game works best if you are able to check in multiple times a day to submit your actions. You can spend longer of course if you delve deeper into planning and strategies, but that is not required. And if there are some days where you can only check in once or twice, that usually is fine too. Total game lasts between 1.5 and 2 weeks.


    For returning players:

    Thank you for the great feedback and ideas that came from the first game! You will find that quite a bit has changed between last game and this one, though the fundamental gameplay remains the same. Check out the Changelog at the very bottom of the Rulebook to get an idea of the changes. Then you can look back through the rules for more details on any sections you would like to know more about.


    This game also requires that at least 25%-50% of its players help as player-mods. This is to keep things running at a smooth pace across all time zones on a daily basis. Being a player-mod means you still get to play the game in its entirety, but also help process other people's actions. Even helping with just a couple of actions a day can make a big difference while only taking a couple minutes. I strongly recommend that all returning players consider signing up to be a player mod, even if they think they can only help a little. New players can also sign up, though I probably won't have you start until day 3 or 4.


    Lets Go GIF by Pokémon


    Game will start Wednesday of next week, with roles being given out Tuesday. Check out the Rules between now and then. I will be updating it in the meantime with the new Pokemon and Moves.

    Also make sure to join the Discord Channel. If you have any role requests, you can message me on there. So if you would like to play, sign up below!


    ash ketchum pokemon GIF

  10. 7 minutes ago, omgitshim said:

    Poliwrath secretly OP.

    Yeah he deserved to be on the 2nd team, but I picked Espeon and Raichu because they had very memorable moments where they did exceptionally well. Same reason I picked Espeon over Alakazam with 2 levels and an extra TM over him

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