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Posts posted by Ptyrell

  1. Also here are the All-Star Lineups for the week!


    1st Team

    1. Enorama's Gyarados lv 68

    2. Berocka's Rhydon lv 61

    3. omgitshim's Venusaur lv 54 w Earthquake

    2nd Team

    1. JardyB10's Rapidash lv 51 w Earthquake

    2. dlamb's Venusaur lv 50 w Earthquake

    3. OrbitingDeath's Raichu lv 45 w Megahorn

    Alt 1. Doomsday's Espeon lv 43 w Thunder


    And I've made a new achievement for making the 1st team all-star list.


    @Enorama @Berocka @omgitshim @JardyB10 @Doomsday @OrbitingDeath @dlamb

  2. The Closing Ceremony

    Pokémon Stadium 2 - Super Mario Wiki, the Mario encyclopedia

    And with that, the first ever Town of Pallet comes to a close! The final standings...


    Tied for 9th place with 10 VPs: @Berocka and @Lemorse7!

    In 8th place, just making the cutoff at 11 VPs: @Ricer13!

    Tied for 6th place with 14 VPs: @dlamb and @Enorama!

    In 5th place with 15 VPs: @Doomsday!

    15 VPs is about what I thought the winners would be around. So everyone above this mark blew me away!

    In 4th place with 16 VPs: @rory !

    In 3rd place with 17 VPs: @omgitshim!

    In 2nd place with 18 VPs: @OrbitingDeath !

    And in 1st place with a WHOPPING 21 VPs wtf!?! @JardyB10!

    Surprised Pikachu | Know Your Meme


    But this game isn't just about those boring old Victory Points... Everyone this game was able to accomplish many impressive feats by trying all sorts of different things. And in doing so, many new secret achievements have been unlocked! In roughly chronological order...


    Secret Achievement - A secret achievement hiding in plain sight.

    omgitshim, dlamb, JardyB10, Goliathus

    Making a Splash - You believed in the power of Magikarp from the start!


    A Modest Contribution - You've helped mod a game! Thank you!


    The One That Got Away... - Have a Pokemon run away from you!

    JardyB10, Doomsday

    Blasting Off Again! - Successfully defend against a Team Rocket attack.

    JardyB10, dlamb

    Explorer - Visit every region in a game.

    JardyB10, Ricer13

    Technical Machinist - Use 3 or more TMs in a game.


    Workaholic - Use all your actions in a day to work.

    Berocka, rory

    Sweet Tooth - Use at least 5 Rare Candies in a game


    Eeveelution - End the game with at least 3 Eevee evolutions


    1337 - Defeat all members of the Elite 4 before day 7

    Berocka, Doomsday, Enorama, JardyB10, omgitshim, rory

    Beefcake - Have a Pokemon with 300+ HP

    omgitshim, Enorama, Berocka

    1 Punch 'Mon - Have a Pokemon with 150+ attack


    The Barter System - End the game with Alakazam, Machamp, Golem, and Gengar.



    Purist - Have no more than 4 different Pokemon types in a game.


    Pokemon Encyclopedia - Have the most complete PokeDex in a game.


    Hoarder - End the game with the most Pokemon.


    League Champion - You won the Final Tournament!


    Gotta Catch 'Em All! Bronze- You've caught over 50% of the Pokemon in the game all time!

    JardyB10, OrbitingDeath

    Domination - End with 20 VPs or more.



    That's 21 different achievements this game! How many more are there???

    Way To Go Good Job GIF by Dirty Bandits


    I also must give a HUGE thank you to @Gustav for helping make this game run, along with his clever contributions to the ever growing spreadsheet. And of course thank you to all who took a chance to sign up and play this game that had never been play tested before and had a crazy long rule book. I thoroughly appreciate all of your kind words throughout these ~2 weeks, and enjoyed seeing many of you spend a fair amount of time and energy to try and figure out how best to "beat" this game. That alone I found to be one of the best complements of all.


    Now as for what's next... There WILL be a Town of Pallet #2. Probably will need a week to work on the many changes that will be coming before the next game. And if there is a Town of Salem game in the meantime, probably will start after that. So look for signups in about 1-3 weeks!


    And if you are looking for a teaser...

    pokken tournament pokemon GIF

  3. Round 4 is all that remains! Gonna lay out my thought process as I work through it...


    For the 1st place game...

    @omgitshim stands alone at 3-0

    @JardyB10, @OrbitingDeath , @Doomsday, and @rory  all are at 2-1.

    Jardy just lost to omg so he's out.

    Doom's loss is to rory so he's out.

    Both OD's and Rory's losses are to Jardy. However OD brought Jardy to his last Pokemon and was 1 turn away from winning. Rory only got to Jardy's 2nd Pokemon. So because of that the 1st place game will be between omg and OD!

    (though Jardy holds the tiebreaker for 2nd place over OD if Jardy wins and OD loses)


    Next game will be between Rory and Jardy.

    Jardy has lost to an opponent with the highest overall record, and Doom lost to Rory.


    Next game will be between Doom and one of

    @Berocka, @Enorama, @Lemorse7, and @dlamb

    Doom already beat enorama and Lemorse.

    Between Berocka and dlamb... 

    Berocka's losses are to opponents with cumulative records of 5-1

    Dlamb's losses are to opponents with cumulative records of 3-3

    So Doom vs Berocka!


    Between Enorama, Lemose, and Dlamb, @Ricer13 has already faced 2 of them. So the last 2 games are

    Lemorse vs Dlamb 

    Ricer vs Enorama


    So in summary:
    OMG vs OD

    Rory VS Jardy

    Doom vs Berocka

    Lemorse vs Dlamb 

    Ricer vs Enorama


    Final rankings will still be based on record and tiebreakers. So a fair amount of movement could still happen.


  4. And the grand Kahuna..


    Red @omgitshim

    Venusaur lv 54

    Gyarados lv 54

    Poliwrath lv 52

    Professor OAK @JardyB10

    Machamp lv 43

    Rapidash lv 51

    Gyarados lv 43


    Venusaur leads off against Machamp.

    Venusaur prepares to use Solar Beam against Machamp! 

    But there is a shimmering in the air as the beam flies towards Machamp...

    Machamp has transformed! Machamp shape shifts into Steel type!

    But Venusaur reacts quickly.. What's it doing?


    Venusaur strikes with EARTHQUAKE Instead! Super Effective!

    Machamp goes down in 1.


    Professor Oak consults his PokeDex and sends out Rapidash!

    Rapidash leads with Fire Blast...


    A 1 hit KO!


    Red sends out Gyarados. Gyarados launches a Hydro Pump!

    Super effective!

    Another 1 hit KO!


    But Oak has prepared for this. That's why he bought that Thunder TM! Oak sends out..


    Gyarados? Oh no, the Thunder TM was on Machamp!


    Oak's Gyarados prepares to use Hyper Beam...

    But Red's Gyarados disappears??


    Red's Gyarados shape shifts into GHOST.


    So Oak's Gyarados uses Hurricane instead.

    Red's retaliates with Hyper Beam.

    Oak's Gyarados sends out another Hurricane..


    It isn't enough!

    Red's sends out a Hyper Beam and the match is over!


    Red wins!








  5. 4th match...


    Ash Ketchum @dlamb

    Charizard lv 47

    Gengar lv 40

    Venusaur lv 50 earthquake


    James @Ricer13

    Charizard lv 40

    Alakazam lv 40

    Gyarados lv 43


    This match will be... completely random! How interesting!

    The Charizards start off by trading ineffective Fire Blasts back and forth. Finally Ash's Charizard uses Dragon Claw and the other Charizard goes down!

    Alakazam up next...

    Alakazam uses Psychic! With no other move, no randomness there! Charizard barely goes down by -2 HP.

    Ash sends out Gengar! A classic matchup between ghost and psychic pokemon! But only if Gengar uses the right move...

    Gengar uses...


    Dark Pulse! Not as strong as Shadow Ball, but still super effective and Alakazam goes down!


    Last up is Gyarados. With 4 different move options, a random Gyarados will be interesting!

    Gyarados uses Hydro Pump!

    Gengar still stands with 40 HP remaining.

    Gengar responds with Shadow Ball.

    Gyarados prepares for the finishing blow with...


    Hyper beam?!?!?


    Sinnoh GIF by Pokémon


    Gengar hits back with Shadow Ball.

    Gyarados tries again and Hurricane takes out Gengar. But Gyarados only has 13 HP remaining!

    Last up is Venusaur. This Venusaur also knows earthquake! I'm going to arbitrarily say it has a 50% chance of using its TM, and 50% it's set moves.


    Venusaur uses...




    Pixel Pokemon GIF


    Gyarados follows up with...


    Hurricane! SUPER EFFECTIVE!

    Does Venusaur survive?


    DOES IT?!?!


    IT DOES! With 32 HP remaining.


    Venusaur, please don't use Earthquake again!


    Venusaur uses...


    Solar BEAM!

    And Gyarados goes down.


    Ash Wins!








  6. Next up we have...


    Koga @rory

    Venusaur lv 48

    Gengar lv 45

    Rapidash lv 44


    Jesse @Enorama

    Gyarados lv 68

    Espeon lv 37

    Raichu lv 36

    First up is Gyarados with a whopping 20 level advantage over his opponent Venusaur. Gyarados uses Hurricane...

    It's a one hit KO!

    How will Koga respond? Koga sends out Gengar. Jesse goes to recall Gyarados is fully recalled, Gengar uses...



    Glow Lightning Strike GIF by xponentialdesign

    Gyarados has 374 starting HP.

    Thunder does... 558 damage!

    Gyarados is down!


    Shaken, but not stirred, Jesse sends out Raichu. Raichu uses Thunder!

    Gengar goes down to less than half HP. Gengar retaliates with Shadow Ball...


    Raichu has 15 HP left! Raichu uses Thunder and Gengar goes down.


    Koga sends out his last Pokemon Rapidash.

    Rapidash quickly takes out Raichu with Megahorn.


    Jesse sends out Espeon!

    Both trainers are down to their final Pokemon. Rapidash has an 8 level advantage, but Espeon strikes first!

    Espeon uses Psychic..

    It does 105 damage! Rapidash has less than half HP remaining...

    Rapidash uses...


    Megahorn! Super effective!

    Espeon goes down!


    Koga wins!




  7. 30 minutes ago, Gustav said:

    Admittedly, I'm not sure how the matchmaking is supposed to work for Round 3...so I'll leave that up to @Ptyrell. I look forward to seeing what goes down then!

    Thank you Gustav for the great presentation!


    The standings after 2 rounds...

    2 teams remain undefeated at 2-0: JardyB10 and Omg!

    6 teams stand at 1-1: Berocka, OD, Doom, Enorama, rory, Lemorse

    2 teams are looking for their first win: dlamb, Ricer


    We are halfway through the tournament. However, it is likely that the winner (and last place finisher) will be determined by this round! So without further ado... the matchups:

    @omgitshim vs @JardyB10

    @Berocka vs @OrbitingDeath

    @Doomsday vs @Lemorse7

    @rory  vs @Enorama

    @dlamb vs @Ricer13


    Edit: actually, the winner of Jardy/Omg could still come in 2nd if they face a 2-1 team that they haven't faced yet and lose. Since they would have the same record but lose the head to head tiebreaker. That means, technically there are 8 teams that could still finish first!

  8. Next up.. a gym leader showdown!


    Sabrina @Doomsday

    Espeon lv 43

    Alakazam lv 45

    Jynx lv 40


    Koga @rory

    Rapidash lv 44

    Gengar (sitrus) lv 45

    Venusaur lv 48


    Sabrina starts with her MVP from last game, Espeon! But Espeon is 1 level short of Rapidash, so the fight starts off with a Fire Blast!

    It does 127 damage.

    Espeon responds with Thunder! That sly minx!


    Rapidash still stands.

    Another Fire Blast and Espeon goes down!

    Alakazam is up next.

    Alakazam uses...


    Hydro Pump!!

    pokemon hydro pump your face off GIF

    *pretend that is Alakazam


    Rapidash falls.

    Koga sends out.. Gengar! A classic matchup!

    Gengar uses Shadow Ball..


    Alakazam goes down!


    Last up is Jynx! A rarity in the tournament!


    Jynx uses Psychic...


    A 1 Hit KO!

    Gengar had a berry halfway to its mouth to eat, but died before tasting it.


    Last up is Venusaur...

    Venusaur uses Solar Beam...


    Jynx survives with 6 HP!

    Cartoon Pokemon GIF by Kennymays


    Jynx launches a super effective Blizzard attack...


    Venusaur survives with 46 HP!

    Another Solar Beam and the fight is over!


    Rory has won!







  9. Round 2 begins!





    Ash Ketchum @dlamb

    Venusaur lv 50

    Charizard lv 47

    Gengar lv 40


    Jesse @Enorama

    Gyarados lv 68

    Raichu lv 36

    Espeon lv 37


    Jesse is not messing around this time and starts off with Gyarados! That's not great news for Venusaur..



    Texas Hurricane GIF


    It's a 1 hit KO!


    Ash sends out Charizard next who launches a Fire Blast! Not very effective.

    Gyarados responds with Hydro Pump!


    Another 1 hit KO!


    Ash sends out Gengar last who strikes fast with Shadow Ball..


    Gyarados still stands!


    Gyarados uses Hurricane and Gengar goes down!


    Jesse wins!



  10. Last up for Round 1 is...


    Koga @rory

    Gengar lv 45

    Rapidash lv 44

    Venusaur lv 48


    Professor Oak @JardyB10

    Rapidash  lv 51(earthquake)

    Gyarados lv 43

    Machamp lv 43


    Rapidash opens things up with... Earthquake?! This professor has been teaching his pokemon some new moves!

    Earthquake is super effective! Good thing @Gustav made that automatic type calculator so that I don't forget that Ground is super effective against Poison!

    Gengar goes down!

    Koga summons Rapidash! Rapidash uses Poison Horn and takes the other Rapidash to half HP.

    Rapidash Sr. uses.. Earthquake! Super effective and Rapidash Jr. goes down!


    Last up is Venusaur.. Can it take out the rampaging Rapidash before it gets Fire Blasted?

    Venusaur uses Poison Jab...


    It does 112 damage and Rapidash barely goes down by a measly -7 HP!


    Oak sends out Gyarados.

    Gyarados uses Hurricane Venusaur is still standing!

    Venusaur uses Solar Beam...


    Gyarados has 86 HP remaining!

    Gyarados uses 1 more Hurricane and the fight is over!


    Prof Oak wins!



  11. Battle number 4:

    Bill @OrbitingDeath

    Gyarados lv 52

    Exeggutor lv 43

    Raichu lv 45


    Ash Ketchum @dlamb

    Charizard lv 47

    Gengar lv 40

    Venusaur lv 50


    Gyarados leads off with Hydro Pump. Super effective. Charizard goes down in 1 hit!

    Gengar up next with Shadow Ball. 111 damage!

    Gyarados doesn't let up on the deluge though. Hydro Pump!

    They trade hits back and forth. Gyarados has 62 HP remaining after the 2nd Shadow Ball.

    Gyarados eats a Sitrus Berry!
    Then it finishes off Genegar with Hydro Pump.

    Last up is Venusaur. Will Gyarados get the sweep!?



    Solar Beam takes Gyarados out.

    Exeggutor up next. Exeggutor uses Psychic..


    It's super effective! But Venusaur is still standing!

    Venusaur uses Poison Jab..


    Super effective and Exeggutor goes down!

    Only Raichu remains, and is in a disadvantageous type matchup!

    Raichu uses...



    pokemon x and y GIF

    It does normal damage, but that is enough to take out Venusaur.


    Bill wins!





  12. Battle number 3...


    Jesse @Enorama

    Raichu lv 36

    Gyarados lv 68

    Venusaur lv 39


    Sabrina @Doomsday

    Exeggutor lv 45

    Espeon lv 43

    Alakazam lv 45


    Exeggutor strikes first with Solar Beam!


    Raichu goes down in 1 hit!


    But next up is the behemoth Gyarados, arguably the strongest trainer Pokemon of all the Pokemon at the tournament. Hurricane!

    Super effective 1 hit KO!


    Espeon comes out next. Espeon uses...


    THUNDER! It does 533 damage. Another 1 HIT KO on a Pokemon 25 levels higher!

    storm front GIF

    Jesse sends out Venusaur next. So far all we've seen are 1 hit KOs!

    Venusaur uses Solar Beam...


    Espeon has 67 HP remaining!

    Espeon uses Psychic...


    A 1 hit KO!

    Espeon is named MVP.


    Sabrina defeats Jesse!





  13. Next up is...


    Brock @Berocka

    Golem lv 43

    Raichu lv 42

    Rhydon lv 61


    James @Ricer13

    Gyarados lv 43

    Alakazam lv 40

    Blastoise lv 36


    First a coin flip for who goes first.. Brock is heads, James is tails.

    The filp...



    Golem strikes first with Stone Edge.. Super effective!

    Gyarados eats a Sitrus Berry.

    Gyarados retaliates though with Hydro Pump!

    But as the blast flies through the air...


    Golem Shapeshifts into DARK!

    Hydro Pump is regularly effective, and does 116 Damage (instead of a whopping 464 damage!).

    Golem uses Stone Edge again and Gyarados goes down!


    Alakazam next..

    Alakazam uses Psychic...


    Golem has 8.8 HP remaining!

    Golem gets off another Stone Edge before falling.

    Alakazam has 53 HP remaining. Alakazam eats a Sitrus Berry and now has 113 HP.


    Brock sends out Raichu!

    Raichu uses Thunder...


    It does 117 Damage! Alakazam barely goes down!


    James sends out Blastoise. This isn't the matchup he wanted Blastoise to have!

    Blastoise uses Skull Bash.

    Raichu retaliates with Thunder and Blastoise goes down!


    Brock wins!


    Edit: Actually.. Golem should have been immune to Alakazam's Psychic due to Shapeshifting to Dark. Wow that's OP! But the battle outcome would have been the same.





  14. It's finally time for the first annual Final Tournament to begin! After preparing all week, Trainers are ready show off what they have achieved.

    Fight Leon GIF by Pokémon


    Round 1 begins with...

    Red @omgitshim

    Venusaur lv 54 (oran berry)

    Poliwrath lv 52

    Gyarados lv 54


    Gary Oak @Lemorse7
    Charizard lv 40

    Jolteon lv 47

    Wartortle lv 28


    Venusaur gets the first hit on Charizard. Poison Jab for 126 damage!

    Charizard retaliates with Fire Blast! It is Super effective and does 232 damage! Not the ideal matchup for Venusaur! Venusaur eats an Oran Berry.

    Venusar uses Poison Jab again and Charizard goes down!

    Jolteon comes out next. If it can beat this Venusaur and get a Thunder on Poliwrath and/or Gyarados, this match could completely flip.

    Jolteon uses Thunder...


    Venusaur survives with 11 HP! Thank goodness for that Oran Berry!

    Venusaur uses Solar Beam. 168 Damage!

    Jolteon uses Thunder again and Venusaur goes down.

    Poliwrath comes up next. Will Jolteon survive long enough to Thunder?

    Poliwrath uses Hydro Pump...


    Jolteon goes down!

    Does Wartortle have a chance against Poliwrath?

    .. not really!

    Wartortle gets off a pair of water pulses. But Poliwrath's Dynamic Punch takes it out in 2!


    Red wins!



  15. Night 7 ends! Before the tournament begins... Team Rocket strikes!


    Jesse vs Ash!

    Gyarados lv 68

    Espeon lv 37

    Raichu lv 36


    Exeggcute lv 21

    Venusaur lv 50

    Arcanine lv 47


    Gyarados uses a combination of Hurrricane and Hydro Pump to take everyone out! Jesse has stolen Exeggcute!


    James vs Koga!

    Charizard lv 40

    Gyarados lv 43

    Blastoise lv 36


    Victreebel lv 21

    Gengar lv 45

    Arcanine lv 40


    Charizard takes out Victreebel easily. Gengar gets the first hit off on Charizard and Charizard goes down!

    Gyarados takes out Gengar with Hurricane. Last is Jenny's Arcanine... Gyarados wins! James has stolen Victreebel!


    In the night, Bill's Bulbasaur egg hatches!


    The Tournament is about to start! It seems trainers are finding that it takes longer to prepare for a trainer battle than a battle against NPCs. Also.. I've been busy! But Round 1 results will be posted shortly...

  16. 2 hours ago, Lemorse7 said:

    Action 4: challenge Agatha 


    Charizard with fire blast on everyone.

    Jolteon Thunder on everyone. 

    Umbreon Dark Pulse on everyone and switch to him against Gengar if not already in

    Charizard Fire blasts Umbreon down in 2 hits!

    Charizard gets a Fire Blast off on Arbok before falling. 

    Jolteon finishes it off with Thunder.

    Gengar comes out and uses Shadow Ball... you send in Umbreon to take the hit...


    Its not very effective!

    Umbreon hits Gengarbwith Dark Pulse.. super effective!

    They trade hits back and forth until a winner emerges...


    Gengar is still standing!

    Jolteon comes out and delivers a Thunderous blow...


    Gengar goes down!


    You've defeated Agatha!


    Charizard gains 1 level

    Jolteon gains 9 levels.



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