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Everything posted by v.2

  1. props to @DarkSpyrofor correctly pronouncing Newfoundland lol
  2. You forgot to mention Mac Atlas
  3. Next time "Open image in new tab" and then paste that link. You can also resize it once it's in your forum post by double clicking the image.
  4. Mac Atlas has never actually played hockey. He came to earth on an asteroid crashing into the middle of Wyoming. A Titan from an alternate reality, Mac immediately assumed peak physical human form and has begun integration into society in his randomly chosen home of earth, specifically the United States of America. It is completely unknown why Atlas is here, or where exactly he originated, but it seems this avante garde character has one goal in mind: Become a top tier center in the Victory Hockey League. The stars gaze upon the city of Miami as Mac Atlas puts pen to paper on a recently signed contract with the Marauders. Atlas is prepared to work his way through the VHLM and hone the necessary skills required to be a dominant force on the ice. Ideally, Atlas aims to become a scoring threat with a physical side, and tough to knock off the puck. Atlas when asked what type of player he admired in the VHL chose not to verbally respond, however did point at a couple of legendary names around the arena including Hall of Famer's Josh Vestiquan, and soon to be Hall of Famer Duncan Idaho. So far so good - Through one singular played VHLM game Mac Atlas is a point per game player. General Manager @nurxseamlessly slotted him into the 2nd line, and Atlas recorded 1 helper in a solid win against the Houston Bulls. While the season is nearly over, Atlas hopes to use this time on the Marauders as a tryout of sorts, or a "prove-it" moment to highlight his skill prior to the VHLM draft. Atlas' future however can't be determined by how he plays with teammates or integrates himself into a lineup. He carries himself with an air of arrogance and narcissism, and knows that he will be a star player on any team one day, causing the players around him to have to adjust to his level. This is a bit of a hindrance however, as many coaches and managers see this as a potential for locker room cancer despite the skill. It remains to be seen how Atlas will adjust to life in the USA and if he can emulate more of a personable persona and drop the god-like way of thinking. For now, Mac Atlas is ready to take the VHLM by storm and help Miami make a big push for the cup. 404 words
  5. #TakingMyTalentsToSouthBeach
  6. Sign with me in Ottawa
  8. Transaction ID: 39636225HF819744P $1M Doubles Week 5 Uncapped TPE
  9. Looks like he’s stopped. DC mid again post TDL.
  10. who
  11. Player Information Username: v.2 Player Name: Mac Atlas Recruited From: Returning Age: 20 Position: C Height: 75 in. Weight: 190 lbs. Birthplace: United States of America Player Page @VHLM GM
  12. now your name matches the dragons logo @Enorama
  13. Literally brutal to think about lol
  14. Fan 590!!!! Lets go!!!
  15. jobclaim
  16. v.2

    Games: 259-274

    fuck da bearzzz
  17. What about pension
  18. Nice change greens. Should keep the M fun and fresh.
  19. abolish the E
  20. Always enjoy your forward thinking Berocka. I agree with changing reviews for sure, they need to be more structured and less "easy" to word vomit. Having a criteria to follow or something similar to how grading used to work to make reviews more structured would be best. For example, I'm writing this post as a review right now and I'm literally just spewing - however make me give 3 likes and 3 improvements for this piece and I'm gonna be forced to comb it over again. Keep up the suggestion pieces! I'm sure one day Bek will eventually side with you on something. Overall 9/10
  21. Amazing stock work, lighting and blending. The text seems to be slightly over sharpened though I do like the jersey texture being included inside of it. I would have liked to see a VHL team logo or team name included to give the viewer a better idea of who the player is, but also it led me to go actually check what team Kendricks player is on so perhaps intentionally abstract? Either way, another consistently great sig from you. Overall 8/10
  22. 1. Pretty good I think the team left off where they started and are showing why they are won it all last season. 2. Hawaiian or deluxe, either way there will be pineapple on it and the haters will remain in shambles. 3. The off-season is more stressful in my opinion, but also the best time to just focus on relaxing and eating healthy. 4. Chicken parm sandwiches or some greek food. 5. UP ALL NIGHT BY YEAT 6. Interested to see how the Sens and Flames will do, both added some nice pieces this off season.
  23. v.2


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