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Head of PT
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Everything posted by v.2

  1. I lol’d, nice work! Best of luck with your player next season, the points will come.
  2. Agreed because I can't remember what I ate for breakfast
  3. v.2

    cool site!

    Welcome to the VHL! Glad you're enjoying it so far. Do not hesitate to ask anything you aren't sure on.
  4. Dark mode everything always.
  5. Remembering the NHL playoff bracket challenge
  6. My man’s was down horrendous on the cord
  7. Great first episode, looking forward to your draft analysis! Happy you are returning to Malmo.
  8. text is mental
  9. The leafs could use a captain like you!
  10. Damn.. some strong candidates applying here!
  11. Abolish the E, fortify the M.
  12. Incredible work
  13. Submitted 2, plz disregard the first one.
  14. Yeah it's a bit annoying and def one of the worst things about STHS. Just don't touch the stat going forward and you will get better! It's weird but getting D to 99 should be first priority for any player regardless of position.
  15. v.2

    Houston GM

    Congrats Godlander, well deserved.
  16. I agree that this is annoying in the SBA.. People trying to generate fake and forced hype in these drawn out game threads just for the daily 1 TPE.. Lame lol just give me the scores and stats!
  17. I agree with this. This is a minor issue being overblown just because it's something that happened recently. It's an extremely rare / low probability occurrence, and obviously the fix was fairly efficient and simple. I don't think this comes down to a player retention issue either, I highly doubt we lose members just because they have to move to a new LR lol.
  18. v.2

    Games: 427-445

  20. Answers: 1. Davos, Prague's logo is too E sportsy. Davis is classic looking and feels more hockey. 2. Virtual Hockey League 3. Not wearing masks. Questions: 1. The NHL season has started, which teams are you liking the look of so far? 2. Are you having fun with your player this season? 3. Which VHL team do you think has been a disappointment so far?
  21. v.2

    bears JC

  22. 6 goals in one game!! Damn
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