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Daniel Janser

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Everything posted by Daniel Janser

  1. Welcome back @Alex Bridges, I am Daniel Janser, GM of the Brigade, one of the five teams in the Junior Showcase Tournament. This is an off-season tournament for undrafted players just like yourself. It gives you a stage to demonstrate your skills and get the attention of GM's of the VHLM. We have a mix of experienced veterans who created new players and players who are completely new to the game. My AGM @Banackock is an experienced GM in the top league in his own right. We can help you jumpstart your hockey career and show you the ropes, or refresh your knowledge. If you want to join us, quote this message and add #jointheBrigade Regardless which team you will pick, I wish you best of luck, much success but most of all a plethora of fun with Tony Bridges. Cheers,
  2. Hi @Wille05, I am Daniel Janser, GM of the Brigade, one of the five teams in the Junior Showcase Tournament. This is an off-season tournament for undrafted players just like yourself. It gives you a stage to demonstrate your skills and get the attention of GM's of the VHLM. We have a mix of experienced veterans who created new players and players who are completely new to the game. My AGM @Banackock is an experienced GM in the top league in his own right. We can help you jumpstart your hockey career and show you the ropes, or refresh your knowledge. If you want to join us, quote this message and add #jointheBrigade Regardless which team you will pick, I wish you best of luck, much success but most of all a plethora of fun with William Westman. Cheers,
  3. Seems to become a trend with me... Thanks to whoever thought me worthy of the Elmebeck. Live long and prosper, Daniel
  4. That is a special choice indeed... an eternal child as a pet...
  5. I get it though you could have pretended that you named it 'Sam' because of the actor Sam Neill who impersonated Dr. Alan Grant in the original 'Jurassic Park' back in 1993... I had a an Orc-Ganger in Shadowrun named Ryan Toughbone, who was of Navajo descent and rode a Harley-Davidson... his sidekick were a pair of Browning Maxpower (the ones with smartgun connection) as well as a Remington Roomsweeper and a Tomahawk...
  6. Hi Gustav, When I joined the league two seasons ago, I started allocating my TPE nilly-willy with the type of player I had in mind for my build (Two-way winger) and even allocated points to leadership. Then I discovered your build guide and took this as a guideline to develop my player (which fitted with what I had in mind for him)... Thanks for that guide btw... I also am of the opinion that it is your player and you build it like you see fit... Just don't expect that every team will jump at drafting you if you have a more... 'colourful' build... but hey getting the all-time penalty record in the VHLM can be a career goal as well . I have an RPG background, I always was sceptical about so called 'power-gamers' who developed their character in a way to make them most effective, even if it went against the grain of their class (a mage pushing strength for example). A little bit of the same here in VHL... IMO if you build a center, you cannot forego passing, I mean in RL a center has two key tasks in a hockey team: Win draws and set up the wingers... how can you achieve that in the top flight, if your player has the passing skills of a college player? I know STHS apparently does not see it my way and that you still got a basket full of apples even if you are investing zero points in passing. I accept it, but I think it needs to be addressed...
  7. I would have sworn your answer would be 'a velociraptor', alas a ladle and a raven... interesting indeed...
  8. Hey if you manage all the better for you and kudos to you. Never meant to question your dedication or work ethic. At the moment everything is fine and you are on an adrenaline/endorphine rush and understandably so. I have two boys of my own and it shifts priorities and perspective (and it can be exhausting). I do not want to spoil yours and Lulu's happiness not at all. And should you still be able to carry on as you did before, I am man enough to admit that I was wrong... love to you and your family
  9. It is the latter, Sam pronounced it right (though the stress is on the wrong syllable)...
  10. Hi @Kioskar99, I am Daniel Janser, GM of the Brigade, one of the five teams in the Junior Showcase Tournament. This is an off-season tournament for undrafted players just like yourself. It gives you a stage to demonstrate your skills and get the attention of GM's of the VHLM. We have a mix of experienced veterans who created new players and players who are completely new to the game. My AGM @Banackock is an experienced GM in the top league in his own right. We can help you jumpstart your hockey career and show you the ropes, or refresh your knowledge. If you want to join us, quote this message and add #jointheBrigade Regardless which team you will pick, I wish you best of luck, much success but most of all a plethora of fun with Oscar Eriksson Aspius. Cheers, Daniel Janser
  11. I endeavour to role play during my .com articles and the media spots... not so much in discord etc.
  12. Actually this is Huckleberry Hound (who is somewhat related to Yogi Bear, depicted below)
  13. Sure, whatever suits you. Discord is not a must, I think it facilitates things. In your own time. Cheers, Daniel
  14. Welcome to the Brigade @xNJDevilsFanx, We are very excited that you join us. Please find below the link for the JST discord channel. https://discord.gg/RSKgqPmS Please do not hesitate to ask any questions you may have regarding the VHL or the JST (or any other for that matter). Will see you there, Daniel Janser
  15. Welcome back @Big Dee, I am Daniel Janser, GM of the Brigade, one of the five teams in the Junior Showcase Tournament. This is an off-season tournament for undrafted players just like yourself. It gives you a stage to demonstrate your skills and get the attention of GM's of the VHLM. We have a mix of experienced veterans who created new players and players who are completely new to the game. My AGM @Banackock is an experienced GM in the top league in his own right. We can help you jumpstart your hockey career and show you the ropes, or refresh your knowledge. If you want to join us, quote this message and add #jointheBrigade Regardless which team you will pick, I wish you best of luck, much success but most of all a plethora of fun with Al Land. Cheers, Daniel Janser
  16. Swiss Central Gazzette Daniel's season ended after a heartbreak loss to the Gladiators. Please find a summary of the game for your convenience here below: Istanbul lost the game seven 6-5 in double OT. The Red Wolves took an early 3-0 lead when Li, Zabastovka and Hogan scored for Istanbul within the first half of the starting period. However, Rome closed the gap to a narrow 3-2 before the first intermission. The second period was a 2-2 tie with the teams taking turns in scoring. Kman and Hogan in power play found the back of the net for the Turks. Unfortunately that was it from the scoring department and Istanbul allowed the equalizer early in the third and were not able to put a biscuit past Spinelli in the remaining regulation time. Which meant that the game went into over time, which was fought relentlessly between the teams and no quarter was either given or asked in this 'Do or Die'-match. After 1:37 minutes in the second overtime, Menace had to yield to the incessant barrage on his net (he faced an astounding 85 shots) and let Remy's shot pass. The three stars for this game, which did not deserve a loser, were Remy (3g/0a), Li (1g/1a) and Kman (1g/1a). Menace showed a performance worthy of an all-star game with a save percentage of .929 against Spinelli's .886, and yet somehow, he has to leave the rink as the losing contestant. Istanbul's power play was okay-ish (1/4) but they allowed too many goals in box play (9/13). Daniel had 0g, 1a, +0 and 2 hits. That puts him at the following stats for the playoffs (green shows an increase, compared to last year's playoffs, red a decrease, black is same figure): 7gp (5gp), 0g (2g), 1a (2a), 1pt (4pts), -2 (+0), 14 PIM (4 PIM), 9 hits (12 hits), 2sb (2sb), 0gwg, 0ppg (1ppg), 0shg Let's have a closer look at the stats: Production: It is an undeniable fact that Daniel's offensive contribution to his team's succes has taken a slump. This has certainly to do with the fact of the higher skill level in the VHLE compared to the VHLM, his role in the team (3rd line grinder, instead of production line, and less icetime accordingly) but also that he focused on the physical side of his play in the off season. Defence: Similarly, but to a lesser degree, Daniel has had more problems when it came to his defensive abilities. Again, the higher skill level as well as the third line duties may have hurt him here, but also his complacency that his defensive play 'is good enough' and doesn't need some love in the off-season. Turns out it is not, and we are convinced that Daniel has learned his lesson in that respect. With both Jansers now in the off-season we approached them for statements, which they more than willingly agreed to give us. Daniel: 'I am disappointed about my performance with the Red Wolves I have a feeling I did not deliver what they expected from me.' I will focus now on my allround play during the offseason and not neglect certain aspects anymore. Let's not forget, I will be playing in the VHL, i.e. the competition is yet one level tougher, better and more experienced than I am. The Wranglers could convince Phil and Sirkants to retire wearing the Calgary jersey. I can only profit from this kind of experience. Especially Phil is exemplary for the kind of player I want to become: A gritty, no non-sense two-way forward, breathing down the neck of the opposing star players and add secondary scoring for the team. His work ethic is beyond any rebuke. He is fully committed and works out more than most, as he is aware that his style of play, though invaluable to the team, takes its toll from his body.' 'Should Team Europe consider me for the WC this season, despite my rather mediocre performance, I am more than willing to dress up for them and do my level best to win the damn thing.' Marcel: 'I will organize to move to Vasteras during my offseason and report for duty to my new team. In the unlikely event I should be considered for Team Europe, I would consider it a great honour to represent them and will make time in my schedule without losing a thought about it.' https://vhlforum.com/topic/113906-a-tale-of-two-brothers-on-the-final-stretch/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/114044-a-tale-of-two-brothers-it-is-playoff-time/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/114148-a-tale-of-two-brothers-first-round-of-playoffs https://vhlforum.com/topic/114186-a-tale-of-two-brothers-facing-elimination/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/114201-a-tale-of-two-brothers-still-kicking/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/114234-a-tale-of-two-brothers-brothers-divided GM 14: Rome Gladiators vs. Istanbul Red Wolves (vhlportal.com)
  17. Hi @California kings I am Daniel Janser, GM of the Brigade, one of the five teams in the Junior Showcase Tournament. This is an off-season tournament for undrafted players just like yourself. It gives you a stage to demonstrate your skills and get the attention of GM's of the VHLM, the entry level league. We have a mix of experienced veterans who created new players and players who are completely new to the game. My AGM @Banackock is an experienced GM in the top league in his own right. We can help you jumpstart your hockey career and show you the ropes. If you want to join us, quote this message and add #jointheBrigade Regardless which team you will pick, I wish you best of luck, much success but most of all a plethora of fun with lance farrow. Cheers, Daniel Janser
  18. Welcome to the Brigade, @JBrew42. Here is the discord invite to the JST. https://discord.gg/kuqjS5eP See you there, Daniel Janser
  19. This will earn you a 'unsportmanslike conduct' penalty @jRuutu
  20. Brigade Pressconference for the week ending 9th January 2022 1. Who do you think will win this year's JST and why is it the Brigade? 2. What are your build plans for your player? 3. What do you expect from the JST? 4. Do you have a team you wish to be drafted for, if yes why this team? 5. Similar to above, do you have a team you have absolutely no wish to play for? 6. Is there anything Banackock and I could do to make your VHL experience even better?
  21. Review: Very solid graphic. I like the golden font on a dark background it is very fitting. And I like the font itself as well, looks interesting without letting you guess what it actually reads. I would have preferred a different colour or an outline for the 'VHL' and 'VHLM' text as it blends in to the background a little too well. The logo swap on the bigger render looks a bit weird but it is difficult to name it why, there is nothing fundamental wrong with it imo it is just... off. 8/10
  22. Review: It is orange... but beautifully so. I like the slight 'atmospheric interference' which blurrs the font a bit, but not to the extent that it becomes illegible. The choice of colours were risky, but 1. given by the franchise and 2. did turn out very well. The Lion's head looks a tiny tad off-center, it is maybe only my skewed rainbow flavoured unicorns though. Otherwise very nice logo swap. 9.5/10
  23. 1. I did believe that we pull it off, alas Simon giveth and Simon taketh away... 2. If we want to win the Cup we would need to be able to beat everyone in a best of seven series, but since Nezuko is now playing for Stockholm, it would have been nice to meet with him again. 3. An end to the pandemic and a lot of VHL of course 4. It is a local food truck who offers the trinity of barbeque: pulled pork, spare ribs and burgers. Fries and dips are hand made and the ribs so tender... I need to stop saliva flow intensifies... 5. We agreed not to give presents anymore, so N/A for me I guess 6. Used to be Married with Children... nowadays maybe the Witcher 7. If we need to point out an individual it must be Hulk Hogan 2, with a close Red Menace on second. 8. I sat through a fair amount of Hurricanes, experienced one Earthquake (albeit a quick and relatively harmless one, we do not have Tornado's here, so Hurricane I guess. 9. If I go to the matches it is in the stands where people do not sit but chant all the time...
  24. Welcome back @JBrew42 I am Daniel Janser, GM of the Brigade, one of the five teams in the Junior Showcase Tournament. This is an off-season tournament for undrafted players just like yourself. It gives you a stage to demonstrate your skills and get the attention of GM's of the VHLM, the entry level league. We have a mix of experienced veterans who created new players and players who are completely new to the game. My AGM @Banackock is an experienced GM in the top league in his own right. We can help you jumpstart your hockey career and show you the ropes. If you want to join us, quote this message and add #jointheBrigade Regardless which team you will pick, I wish you best of luck, much success but most of all a plethora of fun with John Brewitt II Cheers, Daniel Janser
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