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Daniel Janser

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Everything posted by Daniel Janser

  1. Callum has signed up for the ProAm Tournament and was called by his Manager Johnny Elgar to report for duty at 0700 sharp at the Santa's Naughty Elves Arena. The Swiss defender arrived early at 0645 expecting to be the first in the locker room. To his utter surprise, the lights were already on and a fully geared player was already putting stuff back in his locker. The silhouette looked familiar and the number 22 on the jersey raised high suspicions of who this player could be. Before he could even greet the 'stranger', same said without turning around: 'Good Morning, son. I expected you five minutes ago.' 'Morning Dad. I forgot to pack my shit last night, so I departed seven minutes later. How are you doing?' 'As you see me Cal. Fit enough to play some hockey.' 'Aren't you too old for this shit?' asked the Callum as a friendly banter. 'Well, somebody has to finally show you how to skate, you are a disgrace.' answered DJ in the same coin.' 'It is good to see you, Dad. How is mom?' 'She is dandy. You know her always busy with redecorating the house.' 'Yeah sounds like her alright. Do you know whether uncle Marcel will attend as well?' 'I doubt it. I could not reach him on his cell phone. He is probably fishing and switched the damn thing off.' 'That as well sounds like him. Mind if I take the locker next to you, sir?' 'Go on. I don't mind. Let's see who else will join us, shall we?'
  2. In this case you mispelled 'GOAT'
  3. Genuinely read that as 'I honestly at one joint didn't know if' Jokes aside, I was not aware that MJ can have negative physical influence on the consumer. Thanks for sharing and best of luck on your way to independency (so to speak)
  4. Toronto having a cup drought since the 60's, eh? I have some kind of déjà-vu....
  5. 1. There are so many. Probably shortly after I have been drafted into the Wranglers and I asked him for a sig. He told me it might take some days as he had a busy schedule. I woke up to brand spanking new sig the other day. 2. How can one rate to have the bestest team pylon on his squad? 3. For some unexplicable reason, we were not able to score enough. 4. Finally skating is in the cards for my player and maybe some PH as well. 5. Probably Helstinki, as they were rebuilding long enough now. 6. I afraid no ghost, Who you gonna call? I think they should make sounds, how else are they getting noticed?
  6. Please post all confirmations of donation, including Paypals through the league, auction wins, and private donations to THIS THREAD. Any donation of $5 CAD, or more, will result in an automatic personal reward of 2 Uncapped TPE + a Full Free Week (12 Capped TPE), as well as an entry to each of the first 3 tiers of the 12 Days of Christmas Raffle. I think you should be covered at least a tad...
  7. As his father before him, Callum has a soft spot for kids who are not on the bright side of life. Who may never again be able to do sports or even attend school. So he took it upon himself to visit the pediatric station of the local hospital. He of course disguised as Santa Clause and bringing the kids some presents. Needless to say that he received a wishlist from the little patient's parents and he uses his own funds to buy the respective parents. When he was asked on his way to the hospital by some random bystander why he does it, Cal replied: 'Because it is the right thing to do. Because I earn good money for doing something I love. Because I am privileged in being in sterling health. Because I was born in loving family who lacked nothing. Because I think I owe it to the less fortunate to share some of the things I have in excess. And while it is not possible to share my health, the least I can do is to share my time and my wealth with these great kids.' So off he went to the hospital, distributing presents, listening to the kids' stories and playing with them whatever favourite game they come up with. It is his way to bring some light during Christmas time to some people in desperate need of same.
  8. graphic courtesy by Leandrofg Vasteras has conquered the first step on their way to the first Renaissance Cup since the inaugural season of the VHLE back in S80. There were some household names in that squad: Booberry, Lindbergh, Vidot, Nano, Peace and Sakukoivu. Time to bring the cup back to Vasteras. It was the expected hard fought battle between the two Swedish teams, with the better end for the Iron Eagles. Now they will have to face a very convincing Cologne squad who seem to play their best hockey when it counts. Most remarkable of all is that in their sweep against the Gladiators, Clark only allowed one goal per match. Janser's team will have to get creative to score enough goals to defeat the German outfit. In the last four seasons, the Rhine dwellers were champions three times and look at a threepeat this season. We hear, that Kagamine is killing their time in New York with performing on Broadway as a leading lady in the musical 'The Beauty and the Beast', this time starring as the Beauty though. The shows are largely sold out, as no New York Americans fan worth their salt, would miss such an opportunity to see (and listen to) their future player live. Callum on the other hand, has plans to join the ProAm Tournament and rumours have it, that his HOF dad may attend as well. Maybe even Marcel can be lured out of his cozy home in the Hamptons or his fishing hut in the Catskills to participate in this fun meet up with legends of old as well as stars to be. Our correspondent in Sweden, Gretta Hjalmarsdotter met up with the Swiss defender and asked him some question regarding his imminent future. GH: 'Hi Callum, thanks for making time in this busy time of the year.' CGY: 'Hi Gretta. Of course. No rest for the wicked, right?' GH: 'Vasteras meets now Cologne in the final for the Renaissance Cup. How do you see the chances to break their winning streak?' CGY: 'Well, I think we have our work cut out for us. They have a very good team and the management knows how to win playoff series. On the other hand we are not here to fuck spiders and have a good squad as well. There are no easy wins anymore, once you reach the post season. This is especially true for a final. To me it looks like a 50/50 situation.' GH: 'We hear that you are going to play in the ProAm Tournament this off season. What is the appeal to play even more hockey? Haven't you had enough of that?' CGY: 'There is no such thing as 'enough' or even 'too much' icehockey. But to the special appeal of this event: I enjoy to meet some of the players I have watch and admired when I was a kid. These veterans, while often a little pudgy in the body center, have forgotten more about hockey than most of us rookies have ever known. It is a privilege to share a locker room with these legends and it pays out to pay attention. One might learn one thing or two.' GH: 'We also hear rumours, that Rin Kagamine will share a flat with you in Little Italy, Mulberry Street in New York. Is that true?' CGY: 'As of now, this is indeed correct. The flat our future team mate Mancini arranged for me, is big enough for the two of us. And we can ride the subway together to practice or home matches. I am sure the New Yorkers will be excited to meet 'The Beauty and the Beast' on the public transport.' GH: 'Okay that were all the questions I had for today. Thanks for your time.' CGY: 'Thanks for having me.' Callum's playoff stats read as follows: 6gp, 0g, 4a, +4, 13 PIM, 18 hits, 6sb, 1/1 fight won, 1 First Star nomination We will revert with more news in due course. https://vhlforum.com/topic/141334-the-cgy-janser-story-part-vi-between-two-seasons/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/141723-the-cgy-janser-story-part-vii-stars-spreading-the-news/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/142049-the-cgy-janser-story-part-viii-arrival-in-sweden/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/142307-the-cgy-janser-story-part-ix-one-third-of-a-season-played/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/142493-the-cgy-janser-story-part-x-the-beauty-and-the-beast/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/142737-the-cgy-janser-story-part-xi-regular-season-end/ 664 words
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