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Daniel Janser

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Everything posted by Daniel Janser

  1. I was equally surprised. Also I considered for a brief moment, how much time it took to check on this fact and quickly abandoned this attempt as my brain started hurting...
  2. Always happy to meet a fellow Calgary allumni.
  3. no worries, Bana needs to commute more with his new job and surely this means he cannot keep on keeping on. Or does it?
  4. your scepticism has been noted by Skynet and you have been pencilled in for a visit of a T-800 unit please stay put, it will be dispatched immediately
  5. You cannot spend (or earn) fractions of points as far as I know. The answers for the trivia can be found on the forum (or sometimes on the portal). Even if I knew the two random questions you have had and even if I knew the answers to them, I am not allowed to share them. However, Mubbles once made a list where a lot of the answers can be found.
  6. I laughed harder at that gfx than I had any right to...
  7. Okay I break it down for you. Dlamb gets two TPE for Practice facility, which is only a button to be clicked, no updater involved, i.e. TPE get immediately awarded. Five TPE for Pension (a better version of Welfare, which everyone has access, who have had two or more players with 700+ TPE each), this is also a button click, no updater involved, again immediately approved. And two TPE for answering two trivia questions correctly (the answers for which can be found on the forum quite easily). A couple of clicks and some digging in the forum to choose the right answer from a multiple choice selection. No updater involved, TPE gets awarded immediately (provided he gave the right answer). EDIT: I know from updaters that they will not do favours and work down the queue based on seniority of the respective entry. No Nepotism as far as I know (I jokingly tried and the answer was a firm but friendly: 'we don't do that here'). Besides, it is irrelevant how fast you get the points. Dlamb will only be able to get 11 capped TPE this week, you can still get 12 TPE (capped)
  8. I remember way back… In August of 2021, I watched a video from Adam Scouser. The guy normally covered football (or soccer for those yonder the sea), but for some reason or another started covering icehockey as well (to this day he calls Ovechkin 'Ovenchicken'). Somehow Youtube algorhythm thought his content was of interest for me. And he ran a VHL add. It was Covid times and apparently my gray matter had the impression, that I do not have enough time sinks on my hands yet. So of course out of curiosity I clicked on the respective link. I played a lot of NHL by EA Sports in my time and my home town team had just won the Cup after a painful 23 season hiatus (sorry to all Leafs Fans, to poke in your running sore). I created a Left Winger with the very creative name of Daniel Janser (Yes, former Calgary HOF Center DJ started his career as a winger). Then I started to stumble around on the page, not knowing my arse from my elbow and nilly willy clicking on buttons (I even invested in leadership, smh). I learned quickly that this was nothing like EA Sports. What is a hefty blow to morale (and motivation) for some, was an incentive for me. If I love one thing more than a sports sim, it is a RPG. For retention I was also creating my player in the worst possible moment, as the post season had just started and there were no waivers (and therefore no sims) for me. However, the league had decided to create the JST for this exact purpose and I was joining it for its inaugural season. So once I was shown the ropes by my then Brigade GM ( @JB123 if memory serves me right), I started writing match reports on a daily basis and once my brother joined the 'Tale of two brothers' were born. They were not very appealing at first but with the constructive feedback I received, I was able to improve. I then experienced first hand, what a Youtube add (this time on Rob Talks Hockey) can do to bring in new members, as I was AGM for @N0HBDY for the Hounds at the time and was pitching waivers left, right and center, which kept me pretty busy. I think since then we have not had the same amount of fresh blood influx (nor do I think this amount is necessary to sustain the league), and over the seasons it looks like the respective draft pools dried up a bit (but this is only my perception). I think, the recruitment team could be more pro-active when it comes to inform the community, what is planned, what they are working on, or what challenges they face. This is meant as constructive feedback made in good faith. Maybe there is already information available and I have just not found it. In which case, mea culpa (and please point me where it is at). This is not so much to control whether the recruitment really earns their pay (this is for the blues to decide). It is more about we all being in the same league and suffering in equal measure if teams have semi-deserted rosters. If GM's were selling hard, acquiring a boatload of picks in the process, just to find out that on draft day, there are no more viable options after the first round anymore, this can lead to people quit their job.
  9. Well the player ultimately drafted at first overall in S78 was Nils Tallinder, who played four seasons in CGY and another four with Riga, but going MIA after three and a half seasons with the Wranglers (if I recall correctly). If that is any consolation...
  10. Basically dlamb is an old fuck in this league and has had a minimum of two players who exceeded 700TPE in their respective careers...
  11. Callum, while abroad, is still part of the Swiss armed forces until he is discharged at the age of 42. So to stay sharp, he decided to sign up for the Finnish Brutality, where people from different countries compete in a ten discipline match against each other in different categories. The parcours has to be done in full kit and the shooting is done with long arm as well as side arm. The event took place in Varusteleka, between Espoo and Helsinki in Finnland. The Swiss defender had to find out, how he can get to Finland with his guns without getting into any legal trouble, but he finally figured it out. It was a very intense match over two days and also included caring for a wounded comrade, walking fast but observant between firing positions, as clay pigeons were laid on the ground to simulate anti-personnel mines. Cal-Gary did reasonably well, considering the élite competition he has had and that he has not been shooting for a while now. So his aim was a little rusty, but he could make up with his physical prowess, courtesy of being a professional athlete. He was happy with the result and will attend again next year.
  12. Speak for yourself... i do not enjoy creating graphics nor podcasting... i am disabled when it comes to gfx, have a radio face and a book voice...
  13. Not trying to poke in a wound, but maybe the title of the article combined with the cool graphic as well as Leandro's captivating writing style would make this a good eye catcher on the social media?
  14. 1. It will be difficult, but with the recent trades it can be done if the stars align (or STHS feels like it). 2. I think we should get a D and a forward, just to future proof our roster. 3. With a first round pick and some solid options available in the S92 draft, I think we should be good and do not need to make moves. 4. It has. But naming the reason would go into doxing territory, so I'd rather plead the fifth. 5. He does. He wants to be Scott Stevens reborne. 6. That is a difficult question as it needs to be short and memorable and with the right message. I cannot think of any good one except the classic, which I would rather not have, as we should stand out.
  15. Amazing as always. Just a question for my peace of mind: the animal on the mask is a feline predator, not a canine, correct?
  16. I never said you are part of the recruitment team. Considering that you seem to exactly know what the intention of the social media post was and you seem to defend that post, that is what I am referring to. Because that post was at best unnecessary and at worst harmed the VHL's reputation and was published I believe by recruitment (if I am factually wrong, mea culpa). That was the context of my 'irony statement'. Recruitment found it difficult to accept Z's valid concern about the outcome of the team's success in attracting new members and in reply re-posted his article on social media. Anyway, apparently there are new recruitment drives in the work and I am excited to see the next wave of first-gen (or returning members) come in in its wake.
  17. I seem to have not been clear. I do not think that Z chose the right tone to convey his concern. I for myself endeavour (with mixed results admittedly) to remain calm and factual in any dispute I enter into. I prefer Jacob's approach for the record. Or others' who followed after Z aired out his grief. A valid question is whether these more constructive threads would have been posted, if it wasn't for Z's controversial post and the ensuing back and forth on the topic. I am aware that correlation does not necessarily mean causation, in this case I think it is related though.
  18. Even if the intention for the post was as you describe it, it does not look good either way. And yes the forum is on the internet, but the chances that somebody browses it randomly and reads exactly that post of all the thousands available is rather small. As to the 'Holy crap you all can't handle it can you' (sic): I hope the irony is not lost on you
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