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Daniel Janser

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Everything posted by Daniel Janser

  1. As soon as they have a degree and move out and start their own live, paying their own bills, they do not know you anymore?
  2. man I wish TTRPG was more widespread here when I was a kid/young adult. I kept on creating characters but had no-one to form a party...
  3. you certainly gave everything one could give to earn it And I do not say that to mock you (okay maybe a tiny bit) but as a recognition how good you manage Moscow and were just not lucky with the dice rolls (so to speak).
  4. It is admittedly misleading. One counts as a first gen, if one has had not a player in the past three seasons (i.e. roughly six months). So while technically a first gen, Rin is a veteran of the league... EDIT: Adding to the confusion is that Rin used to have a different login in his previous incarnations. So while Rin for all intents and purposes IS a first gen, the user behind that handle is not. And a poll which ends 2-1-1-1 is indeed a close conversation, regardless of what you think the winner should be. Obviously the voting comittee, made up from the VHLE GM's, has a different opinion than you. Defenders are difficult to rate in the first place imo. I mean what are you looking at? Checks? Shots blocked? Production? PIM? Checks and PIM are directly related: i.e. the more a player checks, the higher the chance to serve time in the sin bin. So if more checks = better and less PIM = better you are in a pickle. Production should not be the primary determination of awards for D imo. A player in a team who gets blasted every night by their opponents has a higher chance to rack up shots blocked (example VHL record person Creed with over 400 sb in Chicago team who managed to win 6 games in regulation in S82). so if shots blocked are your go-to indicator for excellence you will find them in the bottom feeder teams. And we all know that +/- ratings are more of a team stat and outdated for the evaluation of how good a player is... So far you only made the argument for Bennet that they have won four titles (apparently singlehandedly) and is allegedly the best D in the history of the VHLE (without further elaborating why you think this is the case, I would argue it is Nagy AL)
  5. cupping whom or what?
  6. graphic courtesy by Leandrofg Callum is playing with his dad for the Santa's Naughty Elves and after a rough start, have picked up pace. Both were also playing for Team Nice in the first ever ProAm All-Star game and won the series 7-4. In the ProAm itself, the Swiss defender struggles to score, but is one of the hardest hitters, pine-riders and only VHL veteran PEB shoulders more ice time than the New York American prospect and soon to be rookie. Rin and Cal-Gary also have been called to arms for their respective countries for the WJC. The Japanese back is being nominated for Team Asia and 'Beauty' returns to Team Europe. The latter is the only unbeaten team and sits at second place with eight points out of three matches, behind Team World who gathered thirteen points in five contests. Kagamine's team has three points out of four games. In this tournament, which takes place in Geneva, Callum's stand-out stat are the shots blocked. Our domestic correspondent Ueli Doggwyler got a hold on our intrepid defender and asked him some questions. UD: 'Hoi Callum, wie hesch es?' CGY: 'Hi Ueli. I am fine thanks.' UD: 'Callum, you are playing with your old man in the same team in the ProAm. How does that feel?' CGY: 'It is peculiar, as we never played any hockey together before. While he was a professional athlete, I was not overly interested in hockey when I was young. And when I started to discover the sport, my dad turned to other pastimes.' UD: 'You are also competing in the WJC with Team Europe. What do you expect from your team?' CGY: 'I mean we always want to win and I think we have a roster that can do it. But the other teams want to win as much if not more than we do. I am still hoping for some precious metal around my neck, before I return to New York.' UD: 'Speaking of which: You will soon start your rookie campaign in the VHL. Are you excited and what are your goals?' CGY: 'I am very excited. Growing up, I have been to more of the stadiums than the average kid. But the prospect to stand on the ice myself and bask in the cheering and chanting of the fans gives me goose bumps. As to my goals: I want to be an asset to my team and adapt quickly to VHL hockey. Luckily, with Ducky (Malum Maellard) we have a returning veteran back from whom I plan to learn as much as I can, before he rides into the sunset. With only two retiring players for the coming season, the team is relatively young and shows promise and potential. I would not be surprised, if we saw the beginning of something great.' UD: 'I take it you are talking of a cup?' CGY: 'I think the New Yorkers have suffered enough and I will do everything within my power, to end the longest cup drought in VHL history. Enough is enough.' UD: 'Thanks, Callum. These were all the questions I had.' CGY: 'Thanks for having me.' Callum's stats for the ProAm: 15gp, 0g, 3a, 3pts, -2, 26 PIM, 38 hits, 16sb and for the WJC: 3gp, 0g, 2a, 2pts, -1, 4 PIM, 7 hits, 11sb We will revert on the career of the Swiss defender prodigy in due course. In the interim, kindly read some of our related articles linked below. https://vhlforum.com/topic/142049-the-cgy-janser-story-part-viii-arrival-in-sweden/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/142307-the-cgy-janser-story-part-ix-one-third-of-a-season-played/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/142493-the-cgy-janser-story-part-x-the-beauty-and-the-beast/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/142737-the-cgy-janser-story-part-xi-regular-season-end/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/142903-the-cgy-janser-story-part-xii-round-one-accomplished/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/143134-the-cgy-janser-story-part-xiii-settling-in-in-new-york/ 575 words
  7. is that San Andreas?
  8. make him Captain first, as is the way of Moscow, smh
  9. Ah, gotcha, I read it wrong. I plead that I was being dragged a toddler around a toy store by a toddler at the time.., As a father of two, I fixed this for you
  10. The Jake Thunder award is an individual award not a team award. Applying your logic, Connor McDavid never deserved a Hart Trophy as he has not won Jack Shit. I can see why people are not in agreement that Rin got the nod here, and frankly, I was surprised as well. Several arguments can be made as to why Rin does not deserve the trophy (no disrespect to Rin here), but not winning four championships is not one of them. Winning a championship does not make one the best defender in the league (but it can be another argument for it). Also this is an annual award, so whatever Bennet has achieved in prior seasons does not matter. Maybe his Jersey will be retired by the Express, maybe he will be inducted in the VHLE HOF (should such entity ever exist).
  11. JFYI: Rin aka Sonnet is a veteran of this league and came back from their hiatus recently. There might be other motives to award the Thunder award to Rin, but trying to molly coddle a 'first gen' into retention is certainly not one of them.
  12. And i thought Wayne's office was behind the net...
  13. It is under 'Create a Player' -> New Member Guide... also most discord LR have it in a respective channel as well. And iirc Beks mentions it in his welcome message. But yeah maybe we could put it in a tab on top...
  14. Mubblefubbles did a lot of work on that regard (I am sure he is not the only one, but the one I remember)
  15. Looking forward to sharing a LR with the great one. Edit: Please do not forget to claim the Holiday Donation Bonanza...
  16. Dayum, dude is tanking his player's draft stock even before it is created... that is next level tampering
  17. If someone creates Forum Content, it is Fresco
  18. So father and son are reunited in the ProAM tournament, dressing for Santa's Naughty Elves. Both players are practical jokers and made the SNE locker room a wary but also fun environment as no-one is safe from their shenanigans. Most of the time though, they are the target of the respective other's pranks. One day there is shaving soap in the skates of one, the next day the sleeves of the other's jersey are sewn shut. With all their lightheartedness though, the Jansers are all business once they enter the rink. Daniel once more proves that he was one of the best centers in the modern era and Callum shoulders a lot of ice time and defensive responsibility alongside the more gifted PEB and YaBoi Oven. The Elves had a rocky start but after some time spent to gel properly they managed to catch up and are seated in the middle of the standings. 154 words
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