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Daniel Janser

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Everything posted by Daniel Janser

  1. Here I created a badge for you to wear henceforth
  2. The following is semi-related: Zetterberg's message basically was that something needs to be changed and that it appears that recruitment does not meet the goals of creating a steady flow of new members. I would not have delivered the message the way Z did, but it is not a good look, that recruitment then posted his original forum post (which is kind of an interna) on social media with the context 'pitiful'. It does not help that the community by and large has no clue what is going on in the recruitment team. Or if they even are aware of the concerns of VHLM GM's. And if they knew a short 'We know that there is a lack of new members and we are urgently working on new ways to attract same' would have been more helpful than to retaliate imo. People are more concerned how a message is delivered (and again, I would probably not have been that outspoken as Z was) than the message itself. I.e. 'I deny the validity of your argument/concerns, because I do not like the way you conveyed the message.'
  3. that is so ironic, tbh and I laughed more than I should have for this obvious typo
  4. graphic courtesy by Leandrofg A little more than a third of the season have been played in the VHLE since we last reported from Callum and his arrival in Vasteras. In that time, we witnessed a less than optimal start for the Swedish outfit. Alas, after the chemistry between the veterans and the promising rookies has been established, the Iron Eagles have climbed to the top of the VHLE. Janser as a stay at home back has contributed in many ways to the team's success. He battles with Black Orc Chieftain and fellow S91 draftee Grimgor Ironhide for the title of the meanest SOB in the league. Both weigh in with their considerable body mass, with an edge for the Heard and McDonalds Islander when it comes to checks dished out. Callum is giving the gritty left wing a run for his money when it comes to penalty minutes. The Calgary native has also top ten accolades when it comes to +/- rating and shots blocked. The latter is lead by his future team mate, Rin Kagamine, while to former is in the Reingaards' firm grip. Let's have a look at the two latest games to catch up with Cal-Gary's career. 2-1 The first match we feature was more the gusto of connoisseurs of good old defensive hockey. The teams shut each other down, with the edge for the Norwegian franchise. Mattias opened the score after 3:05 minutes into the game. This was also the sole goal in the first period. Oslo had a brace in the second period, one of which was a marker on the man advantage. The final frame ended with no further goals scored, despite valiant attempts by Vasteras to even the score. The three stars of the game were Slezak (42 saves), Anttonen (1g/0a) and L. Reingaard (0g/1a). In net, both keepers were closing the door. However, Slezak (.977) showed Herzlich (.909) who's boss. The Swedes' power play was pathetic (0/4) while the penalty kill unit was okay (3/4). Janser logged 0g, 0a, -1, 4 PIM (twice for Hooking, the first of which lead to a goal against), 1 hit and 2sb 4-2 The most recent contest ended in a 4-2 win for the Iron Eagles. Leif popped the games' cherry mid-way through the first period and Rome could not answer in the first period. In the second frame, the Gladiators tied the game early and this time Vasteras could not respond. So it all went down to the last period, where Rome pulled away after 5:32. However, Johnson on even strength, Barca on the power play and Romanov in the orphaned net put the nails into the Italian's coffin. Romanov (1g/1a), Sansoe (2g/0a) and Janser (0g/2a) were given the post-game honours. Gauthier (.923) had a respectable performance but was overshadowed by Vidarsson (.952) who stood on his head to give the Gladiators a fighting chance. Vasteras' power play was mediocre (1/6), their box play flawless (2/2). Janser left the ice with 0g, 2a, +1, 4 hits and 2sb. Callum's stats as of now: 26gp, 3g, 11a, 14pts, +12, 59 PIM, 127 hits, 53sb, 1 gwg, 1 First Star nomination https://vhlforum.com/topic/141275-cgy-janser-sent-packing/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/141054-let-the-gloves-hit-the-ice/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/141334-the-cgy-janser-story-part-vi-between-two-seasons/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/141723-the-cgy-janser-story-part-vii-stars-spreading-the-news/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/142049-the-cgy-janser-story-part-viii-arrival-in-sweden/ GM 75: Oslo Storm vs. Vasteras Iron Eagles (vhlportal.com) GM 77: Vasteras Iron Eagles vs. Rome Gladiators (vhlportal.com) 531 words
  5. Yeah this is what I thought as well. I was excited to see that my future team finally got a goalie, and then checked the squads and thought 'well this is awkward'. I agree that this might be a situation unprecedented with the shortage of goalies and the powers to be may bend the rules (or rather ignore them) for this particular season. I was not even aware that Pedersen is an FA, maybe he has decided not to sign? EDIT: NYA indeed offered a contract to JeffD three weeks ago...
  6. not trying to torpedo my GM, but is this trade legal in line with the Spirit of Competition rule as VAN does not have a human goalkeeper? Just trying to educate myself, no criticism to any of the GM's involved...
  7. 1. Frankly I expected us to be at the bottom of the conference for all season. So I am positively surprised. 2. The physical play as I invested most points in that. Seems to pan out so far. 3. Tucked-in. Simply so that other players don't get any hold in scuffle. 4. Clearly fishing and taking care of his boat. 5. Probably 'The count of Monte Christo'. Very satisfying ending and a reminder that we will be asked to stand up for our deeds, be they good or bad. 6. The answer is probably no. Reason for that is that it needs some level of intimacy to think of a fitting prank so that the other party can laugh about it, too. This is normally not given in a boss-employee relationship.
  8. Callum wanted to accelerate the team bonding with his new brothers in arms, and what better way than a combined house warming/boat party. So he invited the whole team on to the 'Chancer'. And everyone answered the call. Cal prepared for this on his Atlantic passage and fished some marlin, mackerels, cod and even a halibutt. The marlin he grilled as steaks, the mackerels he smoked on the built in smoker of Kurt's former leisure yacht. From the cods he made fish'n'chips and the halibut was done as filets with a nice bearnaise sauce. But he also went to a deli and bought some typical Swedish food such as köttbullar, moose, smoked eel and to round it out some more regular BBQ goods like ribeye steaks, pork chops and some sausages. He baked bread from scratch and prepared some veggies as well. He was lucky that on the day of the event, the sun was out and the cockpit as well as the sun deck could be used to mingle. Of course there was plenty of drinks available as well. The Reingaard brothers were the first to arrive. Once they spotted the hot tub on the sun deck, they asked their captain if they are allowed to use it. Callum just laughed and said: 'Of course, feel yourself at home.' Thor said: 'But we did not bring swim trunks with us...' Cal-Gary replied: 'Dude, we all have seen you in your birthday suit on a daily basis after exercise. Don't you play coy with me now.' Leif then slapped his brother on the back and said: 'You heard the man. Last man in is a rotten egg.' and they stormed off leaving their clothes in their wake. Mattias, Verhault and Barca were next and Janser asked them whether they were interested in learning how to play 'schieber', a Swiss card game. They were very excited to learn of new way to wager money. Once everyone was on board, Callum started to grill on demand and asked his guests to help themselves to the beverages. 'One out, one in' was his only request so that everybody would have an ice cold drink, if they so wished. Of course his crew was present as well and helped the guests to find the heads, or doing dishes in between. Since there was no match the following day, Cal asked GM Tyler Zetterberg's permission to an open end curfew, which was granted by the boss. And the team made good use of that curfew, as the last one leaving the 'Chancer' did so at the crack of dawn, after a very entertaining but yet still moderately tame party. a hand of Swiss cards
  9. need to talk to Thad to include a MNTC in my contract... Capital punishment is not something I had in mind for my player...
  10. I mean Finns have a history of entertaining Russian soldiers. Simo Häyhä was a real blast for them, so to speak
  11. Thrice is a charm... Two things are sure in VHL: Spartan cannot win a cup and LW cannot score a hundred points
  12. LW going for a hundred (finally)?
  13. Would you look at Calgary. There is no reason I can think off why this team should be that low in the rankings (even behind a team that does not have a human goalie, no offence to NYA of course)...
  14. quote, and a comment responding to the comment responding to media spot Quote of a quote and a comment responding to a comment responding to a media spot (with emoji)
  15. 1. Well I hope that Janser will lower the boom without damaging the team by taking too many penalties. 2. Vasteras needs to compete this season, with a roster as stacked as ours. 3. In Munich against Davos. So the Swedes get to get cheap beer. 4. Boosting the physical aspect of CGY's game as well as adding some offensive traits. 5. A trivia channel would be cool. 6. Rebrand Toronto, play for Calgary and abandon Riga.
  16. But CGY plays defence... and Jacob may not be happy about your choice of badge for the Unitied tbh... I mean it happened in 1776 but it still smarts... Good write up regardless, keep it up
  17. Callum was excited when he cycled the fifteen minutes from the 'Chancer' to the ABB Arena Nord in Vasteras. It would be his first match in the VHLE, and it would be against one of the co-favourites for the Renaissance Cup, the Beardislava Bratislava Watchmen with their star player and league veteran BjorkaBjorn BjornaBorkson. When he arrived at the arena and locked his bike, he greeted Sven the security guard, who looks like he could play Linebacker in any given NFL team. Walking through the catacombs, he meets Ingrid who is the chef in the built in restaurant. 'What's for dinner, Ingrid?' 'Wouldn't you want to know?' she laughs back. The Swiss defender puts up his sad-puppy-face 'Pretty please?'. 'You are impossible Cal. There will be Köttbullar with mashed potatoes and green peas.' 'Thanks, Ingrid. You are the bestest.' He goes to the locker room where some of the other players are already prepping for the match. He saunters to Leif and Thor, the Reingaard brothers from Greenland. 'Boys, I bet you fifty kronors that there will be Köttbullar for dinner.' 'No way, Callum, today is fish day.' replies Leif. Thor disagrees and wagers: 'I bet it will be pork roast.' 'So do we have a wager or not?' asks Cal-Gary. The brothers reply simultaneously 'You are on.' The three players hand their money to Barca for safekeeping and acting as referee for the outcome of the bet. Then the rookie walks over to his locker and takes out his jersey number 14 (he would have preferred 7 but same was already taken by Barca). He is taken aback as there is a new fangled 'C' looking back at him. 'Who died and left me the 'C' in his will?' he exclaims. Verhault walks up to Barca and says: 'I think that makes me the new owner of 250 kronors, as I am the only one betting on the rook to become captain.' It is evident that the atmosphere in the Iron Eagles' locker room is full of well meant banter and laughs. The Eagles ended up only allowing no goal in regulation or overtime against the Slovak team, but lost in the shootout. So while it was a good day for Vasteras' back row, the offence certainly needs a bit more puck luck.
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