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Daniel Janser

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Everything posted by Daniel Janser

  1. Waiting for BoJo to be mentioned just to realize that Johansson was not even drafted by Chicago
  2. these are only the non-retired though... there are five more, one of which (Acyd Burn) made the VHL (and won back-to-back Continental Cups with Seattle in S68 and S69 (nice))
  3. Especially if you traded him to the Scandinavian team of Helsinki
  4. @N0HBDY fixed it for you
  5. But will Ahma agree to play, even if the team is called 'Scandinavia'?
  6. 1. I plead the fifth on this one, due to bias. Hope I will serve New York well. 2. Focus on improving. Also being in a competitive team in Vasteras helps as well. 3. Either S85 or S87. The former, because it was the breakout season of DJ, the latter because Calgary won the Cup. 4. Winning the WJC (mission accomplished) and winning the JST. 5. 'We are not gonna take it' Twisted Sister, 'Highway to Hell' AC/DC and 'Steh auf, wenn du am Boden bist.' Toten Hosen 6. All kind of entertainment and food is at your fingertips. CGY certainly is pencilling in a day for the 'Intrepid'
  7. Callum started immediately working the phones to find a suitable accommodation in Vasteras as well as New York City. Especially the latter proved to be a royal pain in the neck. He was so busy, he almost missed a call from his gramps. Kurt advised that he will order a new yacht, as per Cal's suggestion that a new build would be more efficient than a rebuild of the trusty 'Chancer'. So he offered to put his All Seas 92 at anchor in the port of Vasteras, during his grandson's stay in Sweden. After that he will sell her in the used yacht market. When the Calgary native asked his grandfather what the rent will be, Kurt got angry: 'Don't be daft, boy. We are family. Besides, you worked many an hour on that vessel without asking for pay. What kind of person would I be, if I charged you a single penny for your stay?' Callum of course knew when to give in to the former Istanbul GM and thanked him for his offer and accepted it. Callum's temporary home in Vasteras. That only left NYC to tackle. After going through dozens of ads in the usual real estate home pages, he got a text from his future team mate Francesco Mancini. 'Dude, have you already found a place to stay in New York?' 'Nah, so far something was always wrong. Either the price, the commute or something else.' 'Listen, Cal. I have an uncle in the real estate business who happens to have a vacancy. It is a penthouse loft in Mulberry Street which is also a rent-controlled flat.' 'That is amazing, what is the catch?' 'There is no catch, my uncle is a big Americans fan. Well, there is a small catch to it. You cannot stay there should you ever leave the Americans' organization.' 'That is fair enough. This is an offer I cannot refuse.' 'Funny you should say that, my uncle said the exact same thing.' 'What?' 'Eh,fuggedabowdit. I was just thinkin' aloud.' Mancini's uncle (probably)
  8. *doesn't dare to open it, being an 80s pick as well* EDIT: Phew, dodged a bullet there. I agree that Marcel has to be in contention for the biggest steal in the draft for the period and team. Michael Shotter is also remarkable as CGY signed them as a FA when he got undrafted... but technically of course cannot be considered a CGY draft pick...
  9. 1. Ricer has picked the right people (especially Janser) to make bad decisions. JK, am excited to still remain somewhat relevant in the CGY locker room. 2. Oh there are so many. The Gonçalves legacy to be continued, getting a second center, bringing AG (aka team pylon) back into the fold... the list goes on... 3. I think Rip Dub may have enhanced stats after a re-tool of their build. 4. I think this year we will have a four-way tie with these four players- 5. Going to Bali dozing off for five hours per day and then do whatever the heck I like (like dozing off even more)? Sign me up. 6. After four days of brain washing there can only be one answer: Chicken Wings
  10. Randy better set up this sauna quick...
  11. 1. That would be absolutely 2. The offseason would be longer, or the career over too soon and players not being able to reach the same level (unless we double the career length as well). 3. I think the render on the player page would be cool, and the retired jersey have already been added to the Team's page. 1. What is your most successful (or favourite) player of yours? (Or favourite player for first gens). 2. Do you follow the offseason tournaments (JST, ProAm, WJC, WC, Comissioner's cup)? 3. What is your favourite hockey match snack?
  12. Callum was excited when his name was called first in the S91 VHLE entry draft. He would play for the same franchise as his dad, before the latter made himself a name in the VHL as Calgary's longterm captain. It is here where his old man honed his tools and became a center, due to the lack of players on that position. He called DJ to check whether the flat was still in family possession, which of course would make things much easier for the Swiss defender. It was not but his father had still the contact details of the real estate company who provided him with his accommodation this many years ago. Cal-Gary checked the time and figured that it was still too early in Oslo to get in touch with the agent. So he postponed it to the next day. When he woke up, he noticed some missed messages and learnt that he was traded together with Greenland defender Leif Reingaard to Vasteras, which looks to compete in S91. In fact, one could be excused from thinking the Eagles are a Reingaard-family operated enterprise with Leif, Thor, Aanarsi and Dietrich either in the line-up or the prospect pool. He checked out the squad and was convinced that Vasteras is setting to compete with a stacked roster. He is tied best defensive player together with Spanish Defender-turned-forward (and certified Mississauga legend) Hannibal Barca. He is also the toughest guy with a good physical play and no fear to drop the gloves. He brings some much needed grit to Sweden, which latest is essential come playoff time. Offensively, there are more gifted players in the roster and Janser is likely to play a lot of penalty killing minutes and take the role of the defensive anchor of his line as well as occasionally draw a line in the sand as enforcer. Even though the VHLE will be a stepping stone for the Calgary native, he will give his best regardless. Remarkably, Vasteras is no stranger to the Janser family, as Callum's uncle Marcel holds several franchise records for the Swedish team. It is no surprise then, that Marcel got a call from his nephew with the same questions as his older brother. Again, the twice Continental Cup winner has sold his flat in Vasteras ages ago, but provided the address of his then-real estate agent to Cal. The Renaissance Cup is one trophy which so far eluded the Janser family. We will see whether young Callum will be able to change that.
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