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Daniel Janser

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Everything posted by Daniel Janser

  1. did you make Chatgpt post in this thread?
  2. United... They are in the UK not in Ontario
  3. You never seize to amaze me OD. I especially like the Persona 5 touch on the rod, heel goed gedaan.
  4. graphic courtesy by Leandrofg Callum has travelled to Vasteras since we last reported from him. He was engaged in various off-seasons tournaments such as the World Junior Cup and the Junior Showcase Tournament, with mixed success. Avid readers of any articles related to CGY Janser will know that the Swiss defender arrived in Sweden with a gold medal in his pocket. Here are the stats for the respective tournament: WJC round robin: 10gp, 3g, 2a, 5pts, -7, 12 PIM, 34 hits, 26sb, 1gwg WJC playoffs: 2gp, 0g, 1a, 1pt, +2, 4 PIM, 8 hits, 3sb JST round robin: 30gp, 5g, 24a, 29pts, -5, 39 PIM, 118 hits, 57sb, 2ppg, 1gwg, 1 First Star nomination JST playoffs: 7gp, 1g, 4a, 5pts, +1, 8 PIM, 18 hits, 6sb Our Swedish correspondent, Gretta Hjalmarsdottir (GH), who already interviewed Marcel Janser when he played for Vasteras, visited our hockey export aboard of his temporary home, the 'Chancer' for a 'Welcome in Vasteras' interview, which please find attached below. GH: 'Välkommen till Västerås, Callum.' CGY: 'Välkommen ombord på 'Chancer', Greta. Please mind your step when boarding, we have not fully secured her, as the coast guard just left after their inspection.' GH: 'So you have already learned some Swedish?' CGY: 'Well, my uncle played here for three seasons and he was almost fluent. I picked some of it, but I fear for today we need to stick to English. Please follow me to the kitchen.' GH: 'Is it not called a 'galley' on a ship?' CGY: 'You are correct Greta. In this case though, I call it 'kitchen' because it looks like a country kitchen ashore.' GH: 'Wow, you were not lying.' CGY: 'Kurt put much emphasis that our family feels at home aboard his ship. And the kitchen was always the focus of a home in our family, so he made sure it is as homey as possible. Can I offer you a tea or a coffee?' GH: 'Tea, please. Thank you. So let's start with the interview proper.' CGY: 'Of course fire away.' GH: 'Is it true that in this offseason, next to the usual off season tournament, you underwent a stringent on ice training? And if yes, what did you focus on?' CGY: 'I was able to connect with Bo Johansson, one of the best playmaking defenders of his generation, to improve my offensive tools and I also spent some time with Phil 'The Rock' Johnson to bring my physical play to VHLE level.' GH: 'That sounds promising for our local team. Seems like they will get a valuable addition on a roster which looks already very competitive.' CGY: 'I agree that this team must compete for the Renaissance Cup. Everything else would be a disappointment.' GH: 'I understand that you also are not afraid to drop the gloves. Do you believe it belongs to hockey then?' CGY: 'Absolutely. It is a mean for policing in my opinion. It is irrelevant whether you win or lose the fight. By challenging the other player (or accepting a challenge issued), one has already drawn a line in the sand. The other party is made unmistakenly aware that a line has been crossed. Will I try to win the fight? No doubt. No-one likes losing. I think it should not be the main event. We are on the ice to play hockey. I will play fisticuffs if I think a player has gone too far. But I will not seek out a fight, just to entertain people. There will also be occasions where I will need to pull my blows and concede the boxing match.' GH: 'Would you care to elaborate, as you are not known to do things half-heartedly?' CGY: 'Of course. See I was taught in the army to decapacitate and overwhelm my opponent with every available mean, including in mélée. Unfortunately, in this scenario, the well being of said adversary is secondary. So there will be fights, where I could win, if I am willing to risk a serious injury to the other player. That is a prize I am not willing to pay to win a scuffle in a game we play for fun. Because that is what it is at the end of the day. Of course professional players get paid to play hockey. But if they did not have the love for the game, they would not do it. And for said love, you need to enjoy it most of the time.' GH: 'That makes sense. That were all the questions I had for today. Thanks for meeting up with us in your home.' CGY: 'Of course. Do you wish to take a tour?' GH: 'That would be lovely, thanks.' CGY: 'My pleasure.' Please find related articles here below and stay tuned for further updates. https://vhlforum.com/topic/140772-the-cgy-janser-story-part-iv-almost-crunch-time/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/141062-the-cgy-janser-story-part-v-regular-season-is-done/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/141275-cgy-janser-sent-packing/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/141054-let-the-gloves-hit-the-ice/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/141334-the-cgy-janser-story-part-vi-between-two-seasons/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/141723-the-cgy-janser-story-part-vii-stars-spreading-the-news/
  5. Transaction ID: 9D821074SW2719943 1 Mill Player store 5 uncapped doubles week
  6. just waiting for the trade announcements for Slater, Adolfsen and FISTED ANALLY BY A CIRCUS MONKEY Analfist. JK congrats to all members of the leadership group.
  7. I genuinely read the 'Milk' on the right shoulder as 'Milka' which can be forgiven bearing in mind that they also sport a lilac/purple colour.
  8. the cousin of the Vegas legend Juan Ceson
  9. After the WJC as well as the JST were done, Callum and his gramps set sail to the harbour city of Vasteras. The New York American prospect has had a good experience and a mediocre one in the off season. The good one first: He won gold on the World Junior Cup with Team Europe. Something his old man was not able to do (he came second twice). The middling event was the loss in the Junior Showcase Tournament playoffs against his dad's former team, the Brigade. Alas, after a rocky start, it can be considered a good result for the Rush to still sneak into the playoffs and get a win out of the Brigade. Initially, the Swiss defender wanted to board the 'Chancer' in Vancouver and take the westward route. But Kurt and him thought better of it and changed their schedule. Instead, Cal-Gary drove to the Hamptons where his uncle has a house and left his trusty pick-up truck 'Eilidh' in Marcel's care. Reason for this change of plan is that neither Vasteras nor New York City are carfriendly places and so he decided to leave 'Eilidh' at the two-time Continental Cup winner's place and get an Uber whenever he needs a car. Either to go to the destination itself or to get to his uncle's to fetch his Ford. That way he has not to look for a parking spot in Manhattan. In the City that never sleeps he will travel on foot, bike or subway, depending on the distance to be covered.
  10. 'If you wanna win you need a Finn'. Seems the old rallye truth also applies in WJC
  11. Congrats to all the elected Captains. I always considered it a great honour to wear a letter on the uniform of such an esteemed franchise. Go Wranglers!
  12. Congrats to all the Wranglers who could claim some the above coveted silverware.
  13. Waiting for BoJo to be mentioned just to realize that Johansson was not even drafted by Chicago
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