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Daniel Janser

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Everything posted by Daniel Janser

  1. You never disappoint, Phil EDIT: Maybe with the exception of not enough Ollie Cameos in your pod casts
  2. 'DID YOU PUT YOUR NAME INTO THE GOBLET OF FIRE ballot box?' Royal Canadian Mountain Police being busy catching fugitive Mayors...
  3. noob, everyone knows that Alt+F4 is the auto-win cheat
  4. They are holding the hockeysticks the wrong way around...
  5. The audacity to call Sirdsvaldis Miglaskems and me old...
  6. D Marcel janser F dogwood maple @Toast
  7. Graphic courtesy of Leandrofg (Marcel's stats/Daniel's stats) The season has started and our intrepid heroes have played four games yet. Calgary sports a rather underwhelming 1-2-1 record, the same as the Phantoms in the European conference. We picked one game each for the brothers to feature in this edition of the 'Swiss Central Gazzette'. 3-8 In their second game of the season the Wranglers faced the Stars in 8-3 slug fest. The captain opened the score after only 22 seconds after the first face off. The Swiss veteran won the face off in the neutral zone and passed the disc to AG. The blue liner passed to VLG, who shot and missed the net. Dan dug out the orphaned puck and beats Vanderlay backhand above the pads. Wolanin and Gonçalves increased the lead to three before LA scored for the first time. VLG then reinstated the 3 goal advantage. However, the Stars had the last say in the first period, when they scored the first goal in power play. The Californians then smelled blood when the came within one goal as the scored another marker on the man advantage. Alas, VLG and Wolanin with Calgary's first successful power play set the record straight. The Quèbec native Laroche-Gagnier scored his third goal for the night. This is when Art has had enough and made room for the LA back up netminder. Daniel then made sure that not even said reserve goalkeeper has a mini shut out. First VLG tried his luck but missed the goal, Torbjorn picked up the loose biscuit and fired away, off target. The Swiss Center was first on the puck and had not more luck with his attempt than his team mates. AG brought the disc into the danger zone once more, where Dan finally was able to beat the goalie top shelf. Throw enough shit at the wall... That was the end of the match. The three stars were awarded to Janser (2g/3a), VLG (3g/2a) and GoodBrandSun (0g/4a). Dilson (.921) was clearly better than Vanderlay (.781) but had to concede to LAS-G2 (.947) with a rather small sample size. Calgary's power play was decent (1/4), their penalty killing could do with some TLC (3/5). Daniel left the ice with 2g, 3a, +5, 7 hits, 1sb and a 58.49FO% 2-5 Prague managed to spoil London's Champion-banner-raising fun when they handed out a 2-5 defeat. It certainly was a special game for Marcel, who just the season before helped United to win said Cup. Now he assisted in kicking their ass and maybe some regrets were felt to have let him go. The first period saw no change on the score board. In the second period, Prague scored two back-to-back goals by Greg and Jameson. London pulled one back shortly before the frame ended, to keep it a one goal game. The cheers were shortlived though, as Kauppi profited from a Holding penalty against Womp Jr. The Bri'ish cut the lead back to one, before Laperriere scored a deuce, the first one into the vacated net. The post game distinctions were given to Laperriere (2g/1a), Jameson (1g/1a) and Kauppi (1g/1a). Murdock (.946) was the better netminder in the battle between the posts against Kanou awardee Teno (.900). The Czech power play was deadly (1/2) while their hardly tested penalty killing unit shut the shop (1/1). Marcel was recorded with 0g, 2a, +1 and 1sb Here are the brothers' stats for the season: Marcel: 4gp, 1g, 3a, 4pts, +0, 0 PIM, 2 hits, 9sb Daniel: 4gp, 3g, 4a, 7pts, +5, 6PIM, 19 hits, 2sb, 1ppg, 60.24FO% and 1 First Star award. We will revert with news as they unfold. Stay tuned. https://vhlforum.com/topic/136491-a-tale-of-two-brothers-repeat-continental-cup-winner/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/136583-a-tale-of-two-brothers-the-last-off-season/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/136752-a-tale-of-two-brothers-go-west/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/136893-a-tale-of-two-brothers-away-to-new-frontiers/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/137274-a-tale-of-two-brothers-the-final-countdown/ GM 17: Los Angeles Stars vs. Calgary Wranglers (vhlportal.com) GM 15: London United vs. Prague Phantoms (vhlportal.com)
  8. 1. I think we picked up some solid player for the future. 2. McDonald's-esque (meaning 'I'm loving it') 3. Get rid of those Toronto and Vancouver losers (jk love y'all) 4. 7 and it is related to my birthday (and one of my favourite defenders when a was a teen (Dino 'Dynamite' Kessler) who wore it when playing for Zug). 5. I think we found a very good solution on the FA market. 6. We do not really have coasts in the US I have only been to the East. For my country I say East because that is where they speak German whereas the West is French.
  9. huh so you were in my neck of the woods... I live about 20 minutes drive from the funicular going up to Stoos...
  10. Sounds like you need to give him the good advice I am sure he gave you not so long ago: 'To grow a pair and stop complaining.'
  11. F Landon Wolanin D AirRig GoodBrandSun @Toast
  12. hope I am not stinking out your LR
  13. Graphic courtesy of Leandrofg (Marcel's stats/Daniel's stats) The season has already started and we will feature some highlights of the games, however we have recorded an interview with the two brothers prior the season's start and will publish same on todays edition. Jean-Luc Lieuxperroux (JLL) talked to the Jansers, while they were having a day off at their dad's place in Mississauga. JLL: 'Good morning gents and thanks for your time. So let's address the elephant in the room: There are rumours that S89 may be the last with a Janser in the VHL. Is there some truth to it, or is it just the usual doomsayers.' Daniel Janser (DJ): 'I cannot speak for Marcel of course, but I do take into consideration to call it quits after this season. I had a good run and achieved everything I wanted and then some. Bonnie has so far been very patient and understanding and I do believe it is time for me to pay back. I also do not want to became one of this jaded players who hang on to a career that is long gone. I want to go out on a high note, or at least on my terms.' JLL: 'Wow that is big albeit sad news for the Wranglers fandom. You were the face of the franchise in the last couple of seasons. What about you, Marcel? Is the lure of fishing too big?' Marcel Janser (MJ): 'I would be lying if I said, I would not enjoy a long fishing expedition. Luckily, hockey gave me the opportunity to make a decent dime and I do not need to worry about my financial future. My doctor also recommended me to quit playing backstop for hardrubber projectiles travelling at 80+mph. But since blocking shots is a key element of my game and I do nothing halfassed, I am considering to go to the pastures as well.' JLL: 'Another shock but this time for the Phantoms. Are you going to complete your personal title hattrick? I have not checked the historical data, but I would imagine this would be a rare feat to win three consecutive cups with three different teams.' MJ: 'You know, I do not sell the hide of the bear I still have to hunt. Of course I play to win, and if I can get another cup, I am the last one to say 'nay'. On the other hand, I had more success than any player with my limited talent has any right to have with a WJC gold medal (something Dan never got), WC silver and two Continental Cups. Maybe I will even make Jerry Garcia's 'Hall of not Bad'.' DJ: Yeah, rub it in you dick. I think it is safe to say that Marcel and I always gave our best for every franchise we ever played. We also showed that it is possible to break into the big show, even if you are not coming from a traditional hockeymarket, if you have the right attitude.' JLL: 'So if you decide to retire, what will you do next?' DJ: 'Well, with the money I made, I already set up a hockey academy in Switzerland, where we will focus to further talents, which otherwise would not be able to afford to play hockey. I work closely with the brass of my childhood club, the EV Zug.' MJ: 'I will travel the world with Will Groves and develop non-traditional hockey markets. We work closely with Blake Campbell, who has spent several months in Oz to help set up a league.' JLL: 'What are your plans for the more immediate future?' DJ: 'Well, Mason Jones and I agreed to have a fight somewhen this season on our way out.' MJ: 'I will be in London, when the raise the S88 Champions banner to the rafters. And then I will do my very best to make them lose, as this is done in the season opening game, which happens to be against Prague.' JLL: 'Well thanks for answering my questions and good luck.' DJ/MJ: 'Thanks, and it was a pleasure to catch up.' We will revert with more news in due course. In the interim we recommend some older articles of ours down below. https://vhlforum.com/topic/136282-a-tale-of-two-brothers-one-step-away/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/136491-a-tale-of-two-brothers-repeat-continental-cup-winner/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/136583-a-tale-of-two-brothers-the-last-off-season/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/136752-a-tale-of-two-brothers-go-west/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/136893-a-tale-of-two-brothers-away-to-new-frontiers/
  14. How fitting as Marcel will be present for the ceremony as well, being hired in FA by Prague...
  15. Why are you trying to ruin the illusion of me being a successful hockeyplayer? that was uncalled for
  16. this is in line with the latest edition of the IIHF rule book (rule 6) and is also in line with the NHL rules (2021/22 edition): 6.1. CAPTAIN One (1) Captain shall be appointed by each Team, and they alone shall have the privilege of discussing with the Referees any questions relating to interpretation of rules which may arise during the progress of a Game. The Captain shall wear the letter “C,” approximately 8 cm (3 in) in height and in contrasting color, in a conspicuous position on the front of their jersey. No “Co-Captains” are permitted. One (1) Captain and no more than two (2) Alternate Captains are permitted – see Rule 6.2 – Alternate Captains. Any Captain, Alternate Captain or any Player who comes off the Players’ Bench and makes any protest or intervention with the Officials for any purpose shall be assessed a Minor Penalty for “Unsportsmanlike Conduct”. ➔ Rule 39 - Abuse of Officials. Should this protest continue, they may be assessed a Misconduct Penalty, and if it further continues, a Game Misconduct Penalty shall be assessed. A complaint about a penalty is not a matter “relating to the interpretation of the rules” and a Minor Penalty shall be imposed against any Captain, Alternate Captain or any other Player making such a complaint. The Referee and Official Scorekeeper shall be advised, prior to the start of each game, the name of the Captain and the Alternate Captains of both Teams. A team cannot change its Captain or Alternate Captains during a game. If a Captain is ejected from a game or cannot play the entire game because of an injury, one of the Alternate Captains must assume their duties. If both the Captain and Alternate Captain are on the ice, only the Captain is allowed to talk to the Referee about a point of interpretation. If either the Captain or the Alternate Captain comes off the Players Bench, uninvited by the Referee, they shall be penalized accordingly. No playing Coach or playing Team Manager or Goalkeeper shall be permitted to act as Captain or Alternate Captain
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