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Daniel Janser

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Everything posted by Daniel Janser

  1. Review: I am really a sucker for the 'dirty/gritty/crumpled' look. I like the crumpled paper background a lot. You removed any NHL (or whatever league this is) branding. I am a fan of the 'static noise' fonts. The only little beef I have is that the Jersey and the background colour are too close, but this is only a preference of mine and does not take away from your art. solid 9.5/10 from me.
  2. they do know that you want to buy tickets only and not the whole blinking team, right? For the two tickets of USD 1,200 I could buy a season ticket here (admittedly not front row).
  3. My pleasure... Just tell her you discovered this all dancing and singing vegan restaurant I am sure she can be persuaded (especially seeing that it around your birthday)... good luck anyway (also in securing tix)... Edit: apparently Red Sparrow and Cornish Arms seem to be highly rated on different forums... never been to Oz and do not particular indulge in vegan diet (my family is strictly omnivore), so please take this with a pinch of salt.
  4. Bana are you going to watch the match ups of Kings-Yotes in Melbourne prior next season?
  5. 1. Cold, solid and slippery. Ricer needs to find out how we best function with the 6-3-2 setup, but I am sure we will get there. 2. I did, but being an absolute homer, I am very doubtful that I get a lot of points from that corner (historically speaking) 3. Our supporters are still on a high from our cup win and everyone knows that with a new season everything is reset again. 4. Top three in the NA conference is where I see us. 5. Not really celebrating, went to my dad's homestead in the mountains. 6. My schedule says yes, my body begs to differ.
  6. Graphic courtesy of Leandrofg (Marcel's stats/Daniel's stats) The S88 season is about to start, and this news outlet takes this opportunity to get a preseason interview with the younger Janser brother. As most of our valued readers know the Swiss defender is dressing now for Helsinki, another Original Eight franchise. Our Finnish correspondent Simo Routsalainen met up with the Rotkreuz native to catch up. Simo Ruotsalainen (SR): 'Hi Marcel. Thanks for meeting up with us.' Marcel Janser (MJ): 'Hyvää päivää, Simo. Excited to answer your questions.' SR: 'Marcel, Calgary could not afford your services anymore and you entered FA this past offseason. You had several offers. What did make you declare for Helsinki?' MJ: 'I am a big fan of Original Eight franchises and Helsinki has an interesting future ahead after a couple of rather underwhelming seasons. GM Frank Funk convinced me with his vision. On top of that I can provide some veteran presence to a young defence core and bring that cup experience into the mix.' SR: 'Does that mean that we will see a more offensive version of the Calgary-Marcel?' MJ (laughs): 'I do not think so. I am still a stay-at-home defender with limited offensive output. The points will come from the young talented prospects like Grimes, Dixon and Kardashian.' SR: 'For the first time in your professional career you will be playing against your brother. Are you looking forward to these meet ups?' MJ: 'I mean we played against each other during our time in Switzerland. I like to think that knowing him as well as I do can give me an edge. Dan needs to get creative playing against me, as I know most of his moves. So he will need to do new things, which can be a chance for our team, when he is not as proficient with the new tricks as with his proven ones. It will be interesting for both of us.' SR: 'Will we see the Jansers dropping gloves against each other?' MJ: 'Never say never. Alas, we were taught that brothers need to stick together. Of course we were also raised to give our all for our teams in every match. Contrary to what people may believe in view of the legendary line brawl against Seattle in game three of the conference finals, Dan and I are not big fighters. We acknowledge that it is part of the game and that there are times when you need to draw a line in the sand, but we prefer to focus on playing hockey.' SR: 'You came to Finland on your father's yacht together with Dan, Bonnie, Callum and your sister Nicole. How was the passage? Did Callum get seasick?' MJ: 'Not at all. Not even when we hit some rough patches mid-Atlantic. He sleeps as good as can expected from a newborn.' SR: 'How about your new home? Have you found an accommodation in Helsinki yet?' MJ: 'Yeah I found a flat in the vicinity of the Hartwall Arena where we will be playing our home games. It is nothing fancy, but I am a simple guy with simple tastes, so flat hunting was not that difficult. Especially not with the help of the Titans' HR department, who assisted my with translating and all the paper work.' SR: 'Okay that's it from my side. Good luck in your new club and welcome to Finland.' MJ: 'Appreciate it Simo and thanks for having me, hyvästi' We will revert with news from our intrepid heroes in due course. Stay tuned. https://vhlforum.com/topic/133955-a-tale-of-two-brothers-slaying-bears/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/134168-a-tale-of-two-brothers-we-are-the-champions/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/134337-a-tale-of-two-brothers-good-bye-janser/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/134635-a-tale-of-two-brothers-an-interseason-summary/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/134672-a-tale-of-two-brothers-the-janser-retirement/
  7. Thanks for the link now I can listen to bedtime stories at a more appropriate time for a man my age (afka skwhassoi)
  8. No haters in that locker room. While everyone of course hopes to snatch one or more of these coveted awards, we are also happy for all those who ultimately receive them
  9. G - Oskar Lindbergh @VattghernCZ
  10. He and Nayt Bedard were Marcel and my team mates in our rookie season in the VHLM...
  11. I thought that would be the case, posted it more for the memes... Thanks for the clarification, Beketov, much appreciated.
  12. Wait, does that mean I can claim the Groovy Dood HOF article as MS as well
  13. with this name I expected a goalkeeper to be honest
  14. I of course knew the Wrestler 'The Undertaker' but not his official name... you learn something new every day
  15. Rigged, nepotism On a more serious note congrats to the leadership group...
  16. True, mea culpa My point still stands if you vote last minute (or even after last minute ;)), one could make a valid case that 'sleepy Spartan' would be a thoroughly deserved 'title'
  17. Well to be fair you admitted to not have been voting for some of the awards in the BOG... so I guess it is a fair assumption to make
  18. F - The Board Game Clue on Skates @Brandon
  19. ah but through deprec they fell below the 400 mark...
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