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Daniel Janser

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Everything posted by Daniel Janser

  1. Welcome back in the VHL, Ace. I am sorry to say that the VHLM team Yukon Rush have been relocated to Geneva since you left and are now playing in the VHLE (also probably new to you). If you need an update on how to earn TPE please do not be shy to get in touch with me. Hope you will have a great time, Daniel
  2. 1. I like it, but I had to make up some rivalries to accommodate the narrative. Of course now after I wrote it some more ideas come up. 2. Vancouver is certainly a candidate, Toronto would be another (since they are the only other original Eight franchise without any rebranding/relocation), but they are just too non-competitive these past few seasons to be much of a rivalry. 3. If it just were that easy... Simon giveth and Simon taketh away... Overall I think we do not need to bother over single games, but see the bigger picture. We are still second in Conference and League, but yeah it is frustrating to lose against one of the weaker teams in the league. 4. DJ is a slot hog, going to where it hurts to score his goals. Nothing more rewarding to score at point blank range, while everybody and their mothers try to move you out of the danger zone. 5. At the moment I am binging 'Hogwarts Legacy' and have no spare time for TV shows. 6. That is a trick question. I think the right 'Texan' answer is rib eye steak (or maybe spare ribs) . I have no preference in the chicken department, it depends on the mood.
  3. The various rivalries of Daniel Janser Yeah you read it correctly, 'rivalries', plural. Because I had a hard time to really single out a specific one. Also, I used the term loosely, as I do not really have a beef with anyone. So here is a list with 'rivalries' that I think my player entertains to a certain extent. Sibling rivalry That is one which is maybe a no-brainer for all who do have (a) sibling(s). As most of you know my RL brother @Morcar80 has joined me with his player Marcel Janser in the same draft class. We even happened to have the same amount of penalty minutes in the S80-VHLM season, which we split between the Hounds and the Reapers. But that's where the similarities end. Marcel opted for a stay-at-home defender (and a rather relaxed earning rate) whereas I decided to go for a two-way winger (and a more competitive approach to the VHL). So not real a competition/rivalry on an eye-to-eye level if we look at the sheer numbers, but there is always a certain level of competitiveness between brothers. Draft class rivalry So during my time leading to the VHL/E draft, I had a discussion with @Spartan how unfair it is that recreates get so much bonus TPE and are likely to make it impossible for 1st Gens to become the coveted 1OA pick (plot twist: due to circumstances I will not mention here, Nico Pearce got drafted AFTER Daniel Janser). So I settled for becoming the earliest drafted first gen (another plot twist: @Vice player Cadmael Ixazaluoh beat me to it, but is not as active as he was when we both played for Philly). I still tried to catch up with Spartan in the earning department, but the man has no chink in his armour and is max earning like it gets out of fashion tomorrow (it won't). So I settled for being the second highest TPE player in my draft class. I have the consolation price as of yet though, that neither of us has won a cup yet, that Janser is higher scoring since he entered the VHL and that DJ was able to match Pearce's silverware (Brooks and Campbell Trophy in S84) in the last two seasons. Swedish-Swiss rivalry What do Sweden and Switzerland have in common? Well, for one they are the only countries to start with 'Sw' (as Eswatini decided in 2018 'fuck this shit'). Both countries are notoriously neutral and (used to) have a sizeable arms industry compared to the size/importance of their nation. Last but not necessarily the least, both countries enjoy a certain fame for their endemic food specialties ('Surströmming' in Sweden's case, stinky cheese in Switzerland's). No wonder, some people get confused about our two nations. So, the final rivalry I have is with @Shindigs Bo Johansson, as he has openly admitted to his endeavour to overtake me in the TPE race. I find it fitting that our alter egos have become arguably the best players in their position in the league, considering the motherlode of awards we were able to collect in the last few seasons. It is also interesting that we both play in the NA Conference and faced each other in the S86 World Cup final, with the better end for the Swiss Center. To be clear I wish all the best to all the players I mentioned and all the rivalry (at least from my side) is mainly friendly banter.
  4. Write about the Cologne/Istanbul rivalry then
  5. it is referred to as 'French Checking'
  6. Is Bobbus Dingus the cousin first grade of Biggus Dickus?
  7. Now try that with the CGY all time greats and you know how I feel at times (luckily Campbell did not play for the Wranglers, that would be an even more daring task)...
  8. And here I was hoping for a player name of Billy Idol (or something along these lines)... However, good luck with your player and if you need any help, I am glad to lend you a hand...
  9. Islanders would give him a 8 year contract with 8.5 mill per
  10. Plot twist: Warsaw's GM read it as well, which makes Bojo's statement true again...
  11. TBH you would be more successful at being trash if you stopped grinding all together (I just wrote this to prove that some of your literary efforts are indeed read).
  12. If Poopy Peepants @JardyB10 ever dressed for the Aces, that would explain the sudden change of colour (rushed even one could say).
  13. Graphic courtesy of Leandrofg (Marcel's stats/Daniel's stats) The Wranglers have dressed in 23 encounters in the running regular season and show a record of 15-5-3 which puts them in the third seed of the NA conference and indeed the league. They are trailing Vancouver and LA by two and one point respectively, but both adversaries have a game in hand. Since we last reported, all Wranglers have now a point to their names and Lindbergh has already four shutouts, as many as during his entire last season in Toronto. Larry Abbass Jr is now two points behind Daryl Dixon in the rookie points race, but is still in the competion to claim the coveted Stoltzschweiger. Daniel has been put back to the first line with Wolanin as they seem to gel best, while Gonçalves has now taken over the task to mentor the rookie line. He is still leading the teams in hits, with Janser, Wolanin and Strasmore hot on his tail. Speaking of the English non-Gentleman, he remains a regular visitor in the sin-bin and is in the top three most punished players of the league with 72 PIM on his record. The next highest penalized player is the Captain with 38 minutes. From a +/- point of view, Justice and Dan lead the way in the internal scoreboard with +15, good enough for tied-3rd in the league. The former looks like to exceed his personal record in scoring if he can keep up the current pace. AG is the usual offensive drive on the blue line with a point per game and a league-leading five game winners. He is also Calgary's number three in blocked shots, behind his more defensive minded brethren Strassy and Marcel. The veteran Swiss back also looks to exceed his highest point total in the VHL as well, with the points mainly coming in form of assits. He is second behind Phil when it comes to barring shots. VLG is the sniper of the bunch with a conversion rate of 12.2%, which puts him in the top ten of the league. One could only wish that the young winger would take a leap of faith more often, in line with Gretzky's quote: 'You miss every shot you do not take.' Dan is back on top of the league in points, though not in goals. The latter tally is at the moment in ex-Wrangler Saku Kotkakoivu's hands with 18 goals to his name. The Swiss Center is also the most efficient player league-wide on the hash-marks, winning 61.09% of the face-offs. He also scored a regular season short-hander for the first time since the S83 campaign, illustrating once more, that the Rotkreuz Phenomenon is dangerous in any situation. All in all with the rookies finding there steps and improving from week to week, and the veteran players stepping up to the plate, it looks like Calgary is a contender again for this season. A view which is shared by hockey's most prolific news outlet VSN (see link to their respective article). Reference in same is especially made to the S83 draft class, when GM Kris Rice secured three first round pick and acquired a franchise quarter back in AirRig GoodBrandSun, a generational left Winger in Landon Wolanin and a center who would play first line minutes in half of the league but never complains about being the number two behind Janser. This 'team first' attitude is maybe even more valuable than his raw talent, which is undeniably on an elite level. Please find for good order's sake the Jansers' updated stats: Marcel: 23gp, 1g, 16a, 17pts, +12, 28 PIM, 29 hits, 48sb, 1ppg Daniel: 23gp, 15g, 21a, 36pts, +15, 38 PIM, 68 hits, 9sb, 2gwg, 1ppg, 1shg, 61.09FO%, 3 First Star nominations https://vhlforum.com/topic/132298-on-time-s86-calgary-wrangler-awards/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/132368-vsn-presents-s86-vhl-awards/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/132563-s87-calgary-wrangler-captains/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/132607-a-tale-of-two-brothers-champions-of-the-world/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/132733-a-tale-of-two-brothers-change-of-pace/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/132890-vsn-presents-the-draft-that-built-the-future-a-calgary-wranglers-story/
  14. 1. Just win all the face off and do not let go of the biscuit until we bury it in the net. Easy actually. 2. If memory serves me right we always picked up speed in the second half of the regular season. 3. Spike Daryl Dixon's water bidon with a laxative so he is in no position to score against us. 4. Not for luck, just certain rituals he does to gain focus. Always lacing the left skate first for example, similar what a pilot does with the pre-flight checks. 5. Both have its time, but Chocolate milk is my favourite. 6. I have not, but learned that Kevin Fiala skates faster than any North American skater.
  15. For me it was similar, but this was more about me moving the goal post. So I had always felt that I have not accomplished what I wanted to. And this is still going on, as I have yet to win the Continental Cup. I think once I achieved that final goal, the feeling of accomplishment will finally settle in (which is hopefully by the end of this season)
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