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Daniel Janser

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Everything posted by Daniel Janser

  1. The Istanbul Red Wolves make a IA FA offer for Rustyov Dusterov.
  2. The Istanbul Red Wolves make a IA FA offer for Nagy AL.
  3. The Istanbul Red Wolves make a IA FA offer for Ray Withers.
  4. The Istanbul Red Wolves make a IA FA offer for Jordan Bennett.
  5. The Istanbul Red Wolves make an IA FA offer to Sebastien dokis
  6. The Istanbul Red Wolves offer a one year FA contract to BjorkaBjorn BjornaBjorkson @JardyB10 kindly confirm if you want to join us.
  7. Graphic courtesy of Leandrofg (Marcel's stats/Daniel's stats) It was early in the morning, when Kurt Janser's phone rang. He was fishing from the pier of his Bungalow on the island of Burgaz, not far off the vibrant city of Istanbul. The number displayed as his older son's. Inwardly sighing, he answered the call. Kurt: 'I hope this is important Daniel, you just scared the fish away.' Daniel could not contain his excitement: 'Dad, she said yes.' Kurt knew immediately what happened and thought to himself 'About goddamn time he made a move.' But he said instead: 'The woman is beyond help. What does a beautiful, intelligent woman want from a goofball like you?' Dan laughed at his dad, well knowing that the old man was just winding him up, as the Janser boys (and girl for that matter) do all the time. He took it at what it was intended to be: an expression of happiness on behalf of Daniel. 'You forgot to mention funny and vivacious, and a smile to die for.' he replied instead. 'Well, I cannot vouch for her taste in men, nor her standards, but the rest matches perfectly her description.' Kurt countered. 'But jokes aside, Dan. I am excited for the two of you. You seem very happy with each other.' 'Dad, the 'Chancer' is registered in the Bermudas, right?' 'She sure is. And, yes, I hold a sea captain's licence as you well know, so I can marry Bonnie and you aboard my ship.' 'Despite your old age, your still sharp, dad.' 'Well, someone in the family has to be, I lost hope on you and your brother. Nicky might become someone if she puts her head into it. When?' 'No, time like the present. My teammates and I will fly in to Istanbul asap. Those who can make it that is. Then I thought we can sail to Glasgow and have the reception on the 'Chancer' with Bonnie's folk. I will drag Nicky with me, I am sure she cannot resist the temptation of a tippsy bunch of hot hockey players, who have no way of escaping her attention.' 'Yeah, she always had a soft spot for hockey players. I will make the 'Chancer' ready for a long haul then. Call me when I should pick you up at the airport.' 'Sure thing, and thank you, Dad. I mean it.' 'Not a bother son. Give Bonnie my love, will you?' 'Of course, see you soon.' 'See you.' And with that the line went dead. Kurt put the phone away and sauntered to his vessel, to get her in shape for a wedding cruise. https://vhlforum.com/topic/131090-a-tale-of-two-brothers-another-post-season-for-calgary/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/131337-a-tale-of-two-brothers-another-early-exit/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/131798-21st-annual-unofficial-vhl-regular-season-awards-–-s86/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/131718-western-europes-s86-world-cup-announcement/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/131833-a-tale-of-two-brothers-outlook-on-s86-off-season/
  8. I mean I know it is a typo, but speaking about a Freudian one
  9. Classic indeed... I am not sure whether the blade is in compliance with the rules though... Hannibal gets bonus points for the proper helmet, though. I love how you are pulling through with the Hannibal Barca theme, always a treat to look at them.
  10. Graphic courtesy of Leandrofg (Marcel's stats/Daniel's stats) No updates were to be had recently in the careers of Marcel and Daniel. However, Jean-Luc Lieuxperroux was able to get in touch with the Swiss veteran Forward for an post-season interview. Please find same here below. Jean-Luc Lieuxperroux (JLL): 'Hi Daniel. First of all: Congratulations on your engagement.' Daniel Janser (DJ): 'Thanks a lot, we are quite happy and are looking for a date to tie the knot. It is a logistic challenge with Bonnie's family mostly living in Scotland and mine in Switzerland. But we will find a way to make it happen.' JLL: 'As is tradition, you will participate in the annual ProAm Tournament, this time for the 'Babylon Wonders', which drafted you on 3rd OA. Are you excited to play there?' DJ: 'Absolutely. I cannot recommend enough to any hockey-addict. It is fun, yet competitive and you get to share the locker room with players who are retired, your sworn rivals or maybe will never make the jump to the VHL for whatever reasons. I always had fun participating. This time around, I will dress with AJ Williams, who retired end of last season, Darryl Dixon, who was briefly part of my Dad's Istanbul Red Wolves, Leandro, who I share already a locker room with, Babushka, who was in the Calgary organization for a while and the two Velociraptors, Greg and Scoish Maloish, the latter of which was a Wrangler for one season. All the others are new to me and I am looking forward to get to know them. Obviously with two Raptors in our squad, we are going to tear the opposition a new one.' JLL: 'Zef Gonçalves called for your attendance on the World Cup and you answered. You are going to represent Western Europe in the quest for glory. How do you reckon your chances to get gold?' DJ: 'It is always an honour if the manager of a national team asks you to dress for them and there will always only be one answer from me in that respect: Of course. As to our chances: We have good squad and we all are ambitious enough to go for gold. I will meet with two fellow Wrangers in Strasmore and Leandro. Other greats are Nico Pearce, Ronan Lavelle, Laperriere, Cole Pearce and Utonium, to name but a few. Obviously we are going to mess with the best and it would be cocky to guarantee a medal, but we will do our level best to piss on the other nation's parade.' JLL: 'You are fast approaching the end of your illustrous career. Will there be any changes in the future? Will we live to see a Defender duo Janser?' DJ: 'It is true that with me settling down and starting a family, priorities will shift. Also, my physical play takes its toll on the body. At the moment I still feel fit and that I have a lot of hockey in me. Alas, it is a fast sport and things can change rapidly. I could definitely see me taking a step back to give budding super stars more ice time to develop and shine and/or mentor rookies in bottom six role. Ricer and I have a good working relationship and exchange thoughts on a regular basis. I also told him that I will play defender if the team is shorthanded in that department. I had my five minutes of glory with the individual silverware, now I want that elusive cup to round up my career.' JLL: 'Thanks Daniel for your time and your insights. Good luck in the tournaments ahead.' DJ: 'Thanks for having me and god speed on your way home.' https://vhlforum.com/topic/130908-a-tale-of-two-brothers-the-final-quarter-s86/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/130952-a-tale-of-two-brothers-the-final-stretch/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/131086-unofficial-vhl-s86-playoff-predictions/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/131090-a-tale-of-two-brothers-another-post-season-for-calgary/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/131337-a-tale-of-two-brothers-another-early-exit/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/131798-21st-annual-unofficial-vhl-regular-season-awards-–-s86/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/131718-western-europes-s86-world-cup-announcement/
  11. unless missed, my lil brother does not appear on the list (I know he will not be a scoring top shot, just thought I point it out) Edit: ah only forwards on the list... that would do the trick
  12. must you rub it in to @jacobcarson877 that he fell short of the 100 points? That is cruel.
  13. If memory serves me right this was in 1618 and is called the defenestration in Prague, which caused the little annoyance of a 30 year, religiously motivated, full blown European conflict, which depopulated large areas of Germany (which was Europe's battlefield). A nice reference to European history there.
  14. I do not disagree with you. BoJo has had an amazing season and the only fly in the ointment (as he mentioned himself) is his abysmal shooting percentage/lack of goal scoring.
  15. I am still waiting to fall off a cliff and with the depreciation looming on the horizon, I am hesitant to give any positive outlook on DJ's future performance
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