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Daniel Janser

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Everything posted by Daniel Janser

  1. that was probably the real reason why they threw all the tea in the Boston harbour... on that note: You know why Americans cannot make proper tea? Because they use saltwater... I show myself out...
  2. I am confused, I was of the opinion that Honour, Favour and Colour are written with a 'u'.... is this one of these 'Queen's English' vs 'Rebel English' things? Like 'boot' and 'trunk' or 'bonnet' and 'hood'?
  3. Luckily the effects to Berocka are negotiable... it comes sometimes with a sound of impact, followed by a sudden pain to the back of your head (mostly when your spouse or a close friend/relative is nearby), which is annoying but not severe. Studies show that the people affected/suffering the most, are the people living in the same household. In that respect, it is similar to one being dumb. One does not really suffer but the people around the affected do. So no need to put Berocka out of his non-existent misery (as far as dadjokeism is concerned)...
  4. And of course congrats to you and your significant other
  5. I hate to break the news to you, but as a dad of two, I can tell you this is irreversible.
  6. amongst others there are claims that he has the girth of three
  7. Welcome @Retuperkele, I am Daniel Janser, the GM of the Mississauga Hounds in the VHLM. @Ente2997 is my AGM. We are a franchise coming from a rebuild and we can offer you a bottom six spot, with the option to go up, depending on development. The Hounds encourage locker room activity and the management and the Alumni are always willing to help to develop your player. We encourage you to build the player as you imagine him to be, but also offer assistance if you are at a loss how to achieve your preferred build. If you want to be part of this rebuild/project and we could attract your interest, please quote this message and add #releasethehounds. We will send you an invitation to our discord channel (this is not mandatory but helps enormously with communication) and a contract which kindly accept in order to join us. Whatever team you decide to join, we wish you best of luck and more importantly lots of fun with Robert Talla.
  8. afaik they only work a.) when the 'projectile' is subject to gravity (i.e. is either hanging from or perched on a rail) and b.) on a fixed track and as much fun it is to be projected at horrendous speed in a circle, I would not necessarily call it 'skating'... Again, from my limited experience and education on the subject matter, magnetic monorail are based on the force pushing two identical poles of a magnet away from each other. This is certainly not what you want, hanging from a ceiling (even fully clad in hockey gear)...
  9. You can skate upside down without magnets... if you put your skates on your hands and 'walk' in a handstand (and learn to grab your stick with your feet, if you want to play hockey)... I would not put it beyond Vasteras to encourage their players to acquire this very specific skill set, to what end I cannot even hazard to guess... Skating on the ceiling on the other hand will imho not be possible, regardless of the amount of magnets involved...
  10. Welcome @wayne gretzk, I am Daniel Janser, the GM of the Mississauga Hounds in the VHLM. @Ente2997 is my AGM. We are a franchise coming from a rebuild and we can offer you a top six spot, with the option to go up, depending on development. The Hounds encourage locker room activity and the management and the Alumni are always willing to help to develop your player. We encourage you to build the player as you imagine him to be, but also offer assistance if you are at a loss how to achieve your preferred build. If you want to be part of this rebuild/project and we could attract your interest, please quote this message and add #releasethehounds. We will send you an invitation to our discord channel (this is not mandatory but helps enormously with communication) and a contract which kindly accept in order to join us. Whatever team you decide to join, we wish you best of luck and more importantly lots of fun with Jeremy.
  11. Welcome back @Alex Bridges, I am Daniel Janser, the GM of the Mississauga Hounds in the VHLM. @Ente2997 is my AGM. We are a franchise coming from a rebuild and we can offer you a top six spot, with the option to go up, depending on development. The Hounds encourage locker room activity and the management and the Alumni are always willing to help to develop your player. We encourage you to build the player as you imagine him to be, but also offer assistance if you are at a loss how to achieve your preferred build. If you want to be part of this rebuild/project and we could attract your interest, please quote this message and add #releasethehounds. We will send you an invitation to our discord channel (this is not mandatory but helps enormously with communication) and a contract which kindly accept in order to join us. Whatever team you decide to join, we wish you best of luck and more importantly lots of fun with Alex Bridges III.
  12. Shindigs is certainly a dedicated max earner and it seems he wants to contribute to the community as a VHLM GM. I do not like the terms 'overachiever' or 'overworker', as they have a negative connotation in my ears. If you mean to say he is going the extra mile, I tend to agree with you. There has been times I write 500+ word articles every day of the week, just because I liked doing it. In the interim I slowed down a bit. I am still dedicated to do good articles and if inspiration does not kiss me, I'd rather not write a half-assed article and take a step down and write a good article (at least in my eyes, I am aware that opinions on that differ, and that is okay for me) the next day (or the day after that). From what I can tell, Shindigs simply likes to do what he is doing and wants to share it with us, and who am I to judge. To be honest, I like most of his contributions and contrary to me, he can do graphics. For me, the more and the more versatile content there is on the forum the better, so everyone finds something they like to look at/read about it. If it was all about max earning, Shindigs could achieve that with much less effort, than he puts in it atm.
  13. I think they certainly could use the grit provided by them...
  14. I find both boob-jobs quite good, but I prefer 'more boobs' over mere 'boobs'...
  15. I mean Helsinki will have 5 or so players coming up from the VHLE next season, so this could mitigate the cap situation... and they have 2 first rounders in the S84 draft. One of the problems Helsinki has is being in a strong European conference. If they were in the NA conference and all being the same, they were in the Wildcard spot and in striking distance of a playoff seed.
  16. Cannot say that I have. He does .coms? I thought he had so many titles/jobs that he does not know which ones to claim to get the dirty dozen full...
  17. 420 would have been nicer (or 420 + 69)... anyway Spartan will hate you for the click baity title... but I guess that was the intention...
  18. Welcome @Aiden Ienco, I am Daniel Janser, the GM of the Mississauga Hounds in the VHLM. @Ente2997 is my AGM. We are a franchise coming from a rebuild and we can offer you a top six spot, with the option to go up, depending on development. The Hounds encourage locker room activity and the management and the Alumni are always willing to help to develop your player. We encourage you to build the player as you imagine him to be, but also offer assistance if you are at a loss how to achieve your preferred build. If you want to be part of this rebuild/project and we could attract your interest, please quote this message and add #releasethehounds. We will send you an invitation to our discord channel (this is not mandatory but helps enormously with communication) and a contract which kindly accept in order to join us. Whatever team you decide to join, we wish you best of luck and more importantly lots of fun with Jeff Ienco.
  19. Welcome back @TownBizness, I am Daniel Janser, the GM of the Mississauga Hounds in the VHLM. @Ente2997 is my AGM. We are a franchise coming from a rebuild and we can offer you a top six spot, with the option to go up, depending on development. The Hounds encourage locker room activity and the management and the Alumni are always willing to help to develop your player. We encourage you to build the player as you imagine him to be, but also offer assistance if you are at a loss how to achieve your preferred build. If you want to be part of this rebuild/project and we could attract your interest, please quote this message and add #releasethehounds. We will send you an invitation to our discord channel (this is not mandatory but helps enormously with communication) and a contract which kindly accept in order to join us. Whatever team you decide to join, we wish you best of luck and more importantly lots of fun with Fred Hampton.
  20. Not Cole? I am shocked... #blamecole
  21. Welcome @JJsAnd1s, I am Daniel Janser, the GM of the Mississauga Hounds in the VHLM. @Ente2997 is my AGM. We are a franchise coming from a rebuild and we can offer you a bottom six spot, with the option to go up, depending on development. The Hounds encourage locker room activity and the management and the Alumni are always willing to help to develop your player. We encourage you to build the player as you imagine him to be, but also offer assistance if you are at a loss how to achieve your preferred build. If you want to be part of this rebuild/project and we could attract your interest, please quote this message and add #releasethehounds. We will send you an invitation to our discord channel (this is not mandatory but helps enormously with communication) and a contract which kindly accept in order to join us. Whatever team you decide to join, we wish you best of luck and more importantly lots of fun with Aiden Ienco. Daniel Janser
  22. I think they exclusively drink Clue Thirst...
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