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Daniel Janser

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Everything posted by Daniel Janser

  1. Welcome Viperar, I am Daniel Janser, the GM of the Mississauga Hounds in the VHLM. @Ente2997 is my AGM. We are a franchise coming from a rebuild and we can offer you a top six spot. We are sitting on a playoff spot at the moment and hope to enter the title race as a darkhorse in the playoffs. The Hounds encourage locker room activity and the management and the Alumni are always willing to help to develop your player. We encourage you to build the player as you imagine him to be, but also offer assistance if you are at a loss how to achieve your preferred build. If you want to be part of this rebuild/project and we could attract your interest, please quote this message and add #releasethehounds. We will send you an invitation to our discord channel (this is not mandatory but helps enormously with communication) and a contract which kindly accept in order to join us. Whatever team you decide to join, we wish you best of luck and more importantly lots of fun with Tristan Rangel.
  2. Part of it would be due to the nerf of the skaters versus the netminders (at least that appears logical to me)... Other than that, it seems more realistic now... for example Roman Josi, arguably one of the best defenders in the NHL, has a career average shooting percentage of 6.5% (playoffs even 3.9%) This season he hit 8.2% in regular season, the best shooting percentage in his career as of yet...
  3. In German 'Bulette' (without 'o' but sounding very alike) is a meat or fish-patty... So I second that it should be 'Boulet' (though in Swiss German 'Poulet' (with 'P', but again sounding very similar) is a fried chicken...) I should not write such things approaching lunch time, I am hungry now...
  4. Welcome back @wayne gretzk, I am Daniel Janser, the GM of the Mississauga Hounds in the VHLM. @Ente2997 is my AGM. We are a franchise coming from a rebuild and we can offer you a top six spot. We are sitting on a playoff spot at the moment and hope to enter the title race as a darkhorse in the playoffs. The Hounds encourage locker room activity and the management and the Alumni are always willing to help to develop your player. We encourage you to build the player as you imagine him to be, but also offer assistance if you are at a loss how to achieve your preferred build. If you want to be part of this rebuild/project and we could attract your interest, please quote this message and add #releasethehounds. We will send you an invitation to our discord channel (this is not mandatory but helps enormously with communication) and a contract which kindly accept in order to join us. Whatever team you decide to join, we wish you best of luck and more importantly lots of fun with Jeremy Dalton Jr.
  5. Welcome back @Acydburn, Somehow, your name seems familiar. At the moment we are sitting on a playoff seed and hope to get to the post-season as a dark horse. We would like to have you in our squad as a backup (or you can mud-wrestle (or any other competition the two of you can agree on) with Devise for the starter job. The Hounds encourage locker room activity and the management and the Alumni are always willing to help to develop your player. We encourage you to build the player as you imagine him to be, but also offer assistance if you are at a loss how to achieve your preferred build. If you want to be part of this rebuild/project and we could attract your interest, please quote this message and add #releasethehounds. We will send you an invitation to our discord channel (this is not mandatory but helps enormously with communication) and a contract which kindly accept in order to join us. Whatever team you decide to join, we wish you best of luck and more importantly lots of fun with Matt Murdock
  6. Welcome back @Abaddon, I am Daniel Janser, the GM of the Mississauga Hounds in the VHLM. @Ente2997 is my AGM. We are a franchise coming from a rebuild and we can offer you a bottom four spot, with the option to go up, depending on development. At the moment we are sitting on a playoff seed and hope to get to the post-season as a dark horse. Just for my curiosity, is your username by any chance inspired by Warhammer Fantasy? The Hounds encourage locker room activity and the management and the Alumni are always willing to help to develop your player. We encourage you to build the player as you imagine him to be, but also offer assistance if you are at a loss how to achieve your preferred build. If you want to be part of this rebuild/project and we could attract your interest, please quote this message and add #releasethehounds. We will send you an invitation to our discord channel (this is not mandatory but helps enormously with communication) and a contract which kindly accept in order to join us. Whatever team you decide to join, we wish you best of luck and more importantly lots of fun with MORPHEUS DESTRUCTIOUS X2
  7. Oh shoot a day late and a dollar short, wishing you much success and fun in Miami. @thekaganator
  8. I do not think it was the intention for you to stop... maybe the pay out needs to be tweaked, I personally like what you did with the convenient google forms....
  9. I hate to admit it (as I jump at any opportunity to get that sweet, sweet TPE (especially the uncapped kind)), but I agree that the amount paid out in Fantasy Zone is disproportional to the effort made (not by @youloser1337 but the participants). Speaking of my experience it takes me approximately 2 minutes to fill in the forms and get some uncapped TPE every week. And I agree with Spartan here that this is not in line with what you would need to do to get a comparable amount of uncapped TPE. Uncapped TPE should be a reward for going the extra mile (at least in my understanding) and not for clicking some buttons and making more or less educated guesses (less in my case)... I am digging my own grave here... *sigh*
  10. We are not doing the Minority Report here... pitchforking and torching is only appropriate, once the feces hit the ventilation system...
  11. Yes. My recommendation would be to go to a Museum (or even better a Zoo, as it is outdoors) near you, which you wanted to go for a long time but never found the time (or too many excuses) to do so. This would satisfy your 'I do not want to stay at home' side as well as your 'student' side as it would be educational as well...
  12. Graphic courtesy of Leandrofg (Marcel's stats/Daniel's stats) Our two fraternal Swiss hockey export played two games each and here are the relevant summaries. 5-4 The first VHLE match in published in today's issue of your favourite newspaper is Vasteras against Rome, where the Iron Eagles walk away with two points in a 5-4 win. Gonçalves answered Rome's first blood with a brace of his own to give the Swedes a 2-1 lead after 20 minutes. The latter of the two goals was scored in power play. The Gladiators managed to tie the game with the sole goal scored in the second period. Vasteras replied with three consecutive goals scored by Vladovechsenkchushkin in power play, Bridgers as well as the unnamed 13th forward who got some icetime to relieve the stars. Rome pulled back two goals but the deficit was apparently too much to bridge and Byrne shut the gate. The three stars went to Gonçalves (2g/1a), Bridgers (1g/1a) and Maloish (0g/3a). In the duel in net Byrne (.867) lost same to Rome's backup goalie (.902), but his teammates saved the day, as it was a game played with open sights on either team. Vasteras' power play was okay (2/7), their penalty kill not so much (2/3). Marcel went home with a 0g, 0a, -2 and 6sb record. 1-3 In the Iron Eagles' second match they faced the Istanbul Red Wolves in a 3-1 win. Vasteras took an early lead in the first with goals by Elsby and Retoslav. Gonçalves followed up with a goal of his own in the second. And that was all she wrote. Istanbul's dignity goal midway through the third only served the purpose of spoiling Byrne's potential shut out. Retoslav (1g/1a), Chang (0g/2a) and Byrne (22 saves) were named three stars of the night. The latter (.957) bested Nu (.921) in an allstar worthy netminder competition. Vasteras' power play was inefficient (0/5) and has been the achilles heel of the team for the majority of the season (if they have any at all looking at their record), while their penalty kill allowed the Wolves nothing (3/3). Marcel was noted with 0g, 0a, +2 and 1 hit. 2-4 The first match of Daniel's Wranglers was against D.C. and ended in a 2-4 loss for the Albertan team. The only highlight in the first period was an altercation between Dropper and Schmigel, with the bitter end for the Wranglers' forward. The referees decided to send both players for 5 minutes in to the sin bin to cool off. The Dragons scored the only goal in the second period for a 1-0 lead. They continued strong in the final period with two consecutive goals, one of them in power play, before the Wranglers pulled back two goals by Dropper and Lazeski. However, in his eagerness to contribute to the chase, Daniel planted his stick unintentionally into Peepants' face and got a 2 minutes minor, which ex-Wrangler Funk used to score the Coup de Grace. The three stars were Vidot (1g/1a), Sova (1g/1a) and Peepants (0g/2a, one black eye). Utonium (.931) had the better of Dahl (.826) and helped their team to walk away with the loot. The Wranglers' power play was once more abysmal (0/4) and so was the box play (0/2). It is safe to say that a win would have been possible if the special teams performed at least on an acceptable basis. Daniel left the ice with 0g, 1a, +0, 2 PIM (the aforemention Highsticking penalty which lead to a goal against), 2 hits, 3sb and 58.33 FO% 2-3 The second match for Calgary against the Warsaw Predators ended in a tight 3-2 loss for the Canadians. Warsaw went ahead in the first half of the starting period, with two goals, one of which on a man advantage. Beach cut the lead by one in the second and Johnson tied the game in the third before Warsaw decided the game with another power play goal. Beach (1g/0a), Johnson (1g/1a) and Wilk (1g/1a) were given the spots on the podium. Dahl (.927) lost the fight between the pipes against Wumbo (.938). The special teams were a tire fire again with power play (0/3) and penalty kill (0/2) being equally bad. Daniel had 0g, 1a, +0, 5 hits, 3sb and a 41.03% success rate at the hashmarks. Here are the brothers' most recent stats: Marcel: 50gp, 9g, 24a, 33pts, +16, 78 PIM, 72 hits, 60sb, 2gwg, 6ppg Daniel: 52gp, 20g, 19a, 39pts, -17, 35 PIM, 111 hits, 95sb, 4gwg, 2ppg, 1sb, 54.15FO% Stay tuned for further updates and why not read one of our previous articles below in the interim? https://vhlforum.com/topic/120317-a-tale-of-two-brothers-trudging-on/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/120397-a-tale-of-two-brothers-the-saga-continues/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/120432-a-tale-of-two-brothers-the-emperors-new-clothes/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/120456-a-tale-of-two-brothers-onwards-always-onwards/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/120464-a-tale-of-two-brothers-make-and-mend/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/120852-a-tale-of-two-brothers-fast-forward/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/120906-a-tale-of-two-brothers-two-thirds-done/ GM 195: Vasteras Iron Eagles vs. Rome Gladiators (vhlportal.com) GM 198: Istanbul Red Wolves vs. Vasteras Iron Eagles (vhlportal.com) GM 396: Calgary Wranglers vs. D.C. Dragons (vhlportal.com) GM 408: Calgary Wranglers vs. Warsaw Predators (vhlportal.com) 765 words
  13. Welcome @ghleen, I am Daniel Janser, the GM of the Mississauga Hounds in the VHLM. @Ente2997 is my AGM. We are a franchise coming from a rebuild and we can offer you a top six spot, with the option to go up, depending on development. The Hounds encourage locker room activity and the management and the Alumni are always willing to help to develop your player. We encourage you to build the player as you imagine him to be, but also offer assistance if you are at a loss how to achieve your preferred build. If you want to be part of this rebuild/project and we could attract your interest, please quote this message and add #releasethehounds. We will send you an invitation to our discord channel (this is not mandatory but helps enormously with communication) and a contract which kindly accept in order to join us. Whatever team you decide to join, we wish you best of luck and more importantly lots of fun with Sam Ayotte..
  14. you forgot the rating Kendrick, which I am being told is essential should you wish to claim the review for TPE...
  15. Somehow I have a feeling, that @Shindigs is a big supporter of this...
  16. 1. I am happy with my GM position in the VHLM. I would not go for a GM post in the VHL at this point in time, as I just cannot deal with the cap (is there LTIR in VHL)? 2. I have always been a defence first person, so I prefer the latter. Also chances that other teams are poaching your players is rather small with defensive minded players as they often go under the radar. 3. My player has kind of a sophomore slump (partly due to the change with the hybrid attributes) in pure scoring figures, but shows increased in some other areas (more gwg, more sb, less PIM, on a trajectory to score more goals than last season). So it is a mixed bag, but with around .75 points per game in a rebuilding franchise and as a two-way player, I am okay with that. 4. Pittsburgh Penguins and any team with Swiss participation plus the Avalanche (because it was the first franchise with a Swiss player (Goalkeeper David Aebischer). 5. I do not watch basketball and have no clue about it. In the 80s I was kind of a fan of Bird, so if the Celtics still exist that would be my go-to team. 6. Hockey or Rugby. I just love the pace of these two sports plus the sportmanship involved (unless you are called Marchand, then this seems to be irrelevant)
  17. Graphic courtesy of Leandrofg (Marcel's stats/Daniel's stats) The Jansers played four and three games respectively since last we reported from them. Please find without further ado the relevant summaries. 3-5 In the first game we are featuring in this summary, the Iron Eagles faced the Oslo Storm. Vasteras took an early lead, when Bridgers scored the only goal of the first period. After the tea, Vasteras scored two goals by Elsby and Chang (the latter in powerplay) for a 3-0 lead, before Oslo could pull one back. In the final period, both teams scored two goals each, with Gonçalves and Elsby being successful for the Swedes. The three stars went to Chang (1g/2a), Elsby (2g/0a) and Raider (1g/2a). Kennedy (.865) and Gaming (.909) had a mid duel between the pipes with the better end for the Vasteras netminder. The Iron Eagles' powerplay was decent (1/3) and their penalty kill was ok (3/4). Marcel left the ice with 0g, 1a, +2 and 2 PIM (Hooking, no effect on the score) 3-0 In the second match, Vasteras clashed with Cologne in a 3-0 win for the Scandinavians. Two of the rookies in the Iron Eagles line up collaborated the first (and game winning goal) in the first period for a 1-0 lead. Mathias in the second and Bridgers in the third put a lid on the win. Mathias (1g/1a), Gaming (15 saves) and Bridgers (1g/0a) were given the three stars of the night. It needs to be said, rarely has a shutout been as cheap as Gaming's in this match, but a shutout it was and hence he gets the win in the goalkeeping department over his counterpart Protagonist (.919) who showed no mean game themselves. Vasteras' powerplay was okay (1/4) and the boxplay obviously impeccable (1/1). Marcel was recorded with 0g, 0a, +0 and 1sb. 1-3 In the third match up, Vasteras met the Bratislava Watchmen in a 3-1 win. Mathias and Retoslav scored for the Iron Eagles in the first, interrupted by Bratislava's intermittent equalizer. In the second period, Gonçalves on a power play scored the only goal for this leg of the game. The third period was without a goal, as neither team allowed many opportunities for the other to score. The places of honour went to Gaming (26 saves), Mathias (1g/0a) and Elsby (0g/1a). Gaming (.963) had the edge over Saucey (.906) on a high level standoff in net. The Swedes' power play was okay (1/4) while the penalty kill was once more flawless (5/5). Marcel had 0g, 1a, +0, 2 PIM (Hooking, obviously no influence on the score board), 1 hit and 2sb to his name. 4-2 In the fourth and final Vasteras match we feature, they had a rematch against Oslo in a 4-2 win. Chang with two goals, one of which on a one man advantage, brought the Eagles 2-1 ahead in the first period. After the intermission, both teams scored one goal each, with Elsby finding the back of the net for the Swedish team. Young set the final point in the third period with their 14th goal of the season. Chang (2g/1a), Elsby (1g/2a) and Young (1g/0a) were given the three stars of the night. Vasteras' back-up Byrne (.920) had Kennedy's (.911) number and added another win to his CV. The Eagles' power play was okay (1/4) and their penalty kill (5/5) proved once more, why it is one of the best in the league. Marcel logged 0g, 1a, +2 and 2 hits. 4-5 The first Calgary match we feature was against the New York Americans and ended in a 5-4 win for the Canadians. The Wranglers took an early lead with Kotkakoivu and Lazeski scoring in the first period. In the second the Americans made on the score board with their first goal of the game. As same was bracketed by two Wranglers goals, the score after two periods was 4-1. Lazeski and Johnson found the back of the net for the Albertan team. In the third period, New York made an effort to tie the game, scoring three goals. However, Johnson with his second goal of the night thwarted such cunning scheme and won the game for his colours. The three stars went to Kotkakoivu (1g/3a), Lazeski (2g/1a) and Johnson (2g/0a). Dahl (.905) showed ex-Wrangler Vaughn (.868) who is boss in net. The Wranglers' special teams did not cover themselves in glory as the power play (0/2) as well as the box play (3/5) left much to be desired. Daniel went home with a 0g, 0a, -1, 1sb and 67.65 FO% record. 5-2 In the direct rematch the Wranglers defeated the Americans in a 5-2 win. In the first period, Johnson with two goals and Janser with one secured an early lead in the game. Johnson's goals were 19 seconds apart, profiting from a double minor against Vaughn for Slashing. Both times Daniel provided the final pass. The young center scored his goal after Johnson missed the net and the stray puck ended on the Swiss' blade. Before that Johnson and him played thimble rig with the puck and the NY defence, passing the biscuit back and forth. Before the intermission, the Americans pulled one goal back to make the game 3-1. In the second period Kotkakoivu and Johnson with his third of the night extended Calgary's lead. New York managed to score a single goal in the third but the deficit proved to much to overcome for the Empire State franchise. Johnson (3g/1a), Janser (1g/2a) and Lamb (1g/0a) were named three stars of the game. Dahl (.946) was once more a safe harbour for his teammates and stood head and shoulders over Vaughn (.898). Calgary's power play was very efficient (2/4) and their penalty kill was spotless (2/2). Daniel was recorded with 1g, 2a, +0, 2 hits, 4sb and 58.82% win rate at the hash marks. 1-7 The third and final Calgary match featured in this issue is a 7-1 steam roll win over the Vancouver Wolves. Johnson opened the score after 17 seconds played and scored a second time in power play after Vancouver tied the game. The Wranglers went into the first intermission with a 2-1 lead. In the second period, Kotkakoivu and Lazeski scored, while Johnson completed his hattrick. In the third period Lazeski and Kotkakoivu bagged one goal apiece for the final score of 7-1. Kotkakoivu (2g/3a), Lazeski (2g/2a) and Johnson (3g/0a) were awarded the three stars of the night. Dahl (.955) dominated his opposite number Fuhr (.873) at will. Calgary's power play was efficient (1/2) and the box play impeccable (1/1). Daniel had 0g, 2a, +1, 2 PIM (Hooking, no effect on the score), 1 hit and 57.69% succes rate on the draw. Both Jansers are at the moment on a playoff seed. Here are their individual records for the season so far: Marcel: 48gp, 9g, 24a, 33pts, +16, 78 PIM, 71 hits, 54sb, 2gwg, 6ppg Daniel: 50gp, 20g, 17a, 37pts, -17, 33 PIM, 104 hits, 89sb, 4gwg, 2ppg, 1shg, 54.41 FO% Stay tuned for further updates on the brothers' careers. https://vhlforum.com/topic/120317-a-tale-of-two-brothers-trudging-on/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/120397-a-tale-of-two-brothers-the-saga-continues/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/120432-a-tale-of-two-brothers-the-emperors-new-clothes/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/120456-a-tale-of-two-brothers-onwards-always-onwards/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/120464-a-tale-of-two-brothers-make-and-mend/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/120852-a-tale-of-two-brothers-fast-forward/ GM 180: Oslo Storm vs. Vasteras Iron Eagles (vhlportal.com) GM 184: Vasteras Iron Eagles vs. Cologne Express (vhlportal.com) GM 186: Bratislava Watchmen vs. Vasteras Iron Eagles (vhlportal.com) GM 192: Vasteras Iron Eagles vs. Oslo Storm (vhlportal.com) GM 376: New York Americans vs. Calgary Wranglers (vhlportal.com) GM 384: Calgary Wranglers vs. New York Americans (vhlportal.com) GM 392: Vancouver Wolves vs. Calgary Wranglers (vhlportal.com) 1169 words
  18. I see your point there. However, Switzerland got rid of the Royalty more than 700 years ago Having said that, the Bear is the Heraldic Animal of Berne, so this could be an alternative as well (and kind of bring the Jr Bears back)... Fun fact: Switzerland does officially not have a capital, Berne is seat of the federal government however. All in all I really like your articles and research you put into them, carry on.
  19. Welcome @THE SpiffY I am Daniel Janser, the GM of the Mississauga Hounds in the VHLM. @Ente2997 is my AGM. We are a franchise coming from a rebuild and we can offer you a Backup spot, with the option to go up, depending on development. The Hounds encourage locker room activity and the management and the Alumni are always willing to help to develop your player. We encourage you to build the player as you imagine him to be, but also offer assistance if you are at a loss how to achieve your preferred build. If you want to be part of this rebuild/project and we could attract your interest, please quote this message and add #releasethehounds. We will send you an invitation to our discord channel (this is not mandatory but helps enormously with communication) and a contract which kindly accept in order to join us. Whatever team you decide to join, we wish you best of luck and more importantly lots of fun with THE SpiffY..
  20. Graphic courtesy of Leandrofg (Marcel's stats/Daniel's stats) We missed out on many games and we sincerely apologize for that. However, we are doing a quick recap and will add an interview with our intrepid youngster on their chase for glory. Marcel's Vasteras Eagles have won the last 17 games and are head and shoulders above the competition in the VHLE with a comfortable 12 point lead over the second best team in Beardislava Bratislava. Marcel as well as Gonçalves have been regular contributors to Vasteras' succes. Marcel has a atypical high shooting percentage of 9.78% which puts him third of the team. Leandro is leading the team in game winning goals with six, which also puts him to tied second in the league, behind Calgary prospect Bob Chicoine. We are convinced this is something Wranglers' GM Ricer is happy to see, as clearly the Alberta team is in need of players being able to tip the scales in the team's favour. It also looks as Marcel can finish a season with a positive +/- rating and less than 200 shots blocked. He is leading his team in PIM though, with almost double the minutes in the sinbin as the next best Iron Eagle in that category in Bridgers. Daniel's Wranglers struggle with consistency, but against all odds occupy a Wild Card spot at the moment. They are in a less comfortable situation than Vasteras though, as the competition is breathing down their neck and every slip up can doom the franchise to a no-post-season fate. Daniel mirrors to some extent Calgary's problems with consistency as some games he is a force and deciding games singlehandledly mixed up with phases where he is not even on the score sheet. At the time of writing this article, he is on a 45 points trajectory, which is nowhere near last year's PPG average. It seems he is on a sophomore slump. On the plus side he is not as a frequent guest in the ice box as last season and is therefore less of a liability in that respect. Kotkakoivu looks like he will easily surpass his last season's scoring. We also wish to give a shout-out to Johnson who is now the Wrangler All-Time leader in hits with approaching the 1800 hits mark (not counting the hits he delivered for the Bears). We had an opportunity to talk to the two Swiss players. Please find the interviews as follows: Gretta Hjalmarsdottir (GH): 'Marcel, your team is top of the league with no serious contender in sight. Are you going to win the Renaissance Cup?' Marcel Janser (MJ): 'Hi Gretta. I do not agree that we have no contenders. As you know some of the wins we had recently were one goal affairs and it does not take much in hockey for the puck luck to turn on you. We have to work hard every night out there to get the results and if we get complacent, it will be punished. As to the other question, we play to win and that includes to go all the way and win the cup. But there are seven other teams who will do whatever it takes to win. At the moment we are in a very good position to make the playoffs and once there, everything is possible.' GH: 'How do you judge your performance so far in your second year with Vasteras?' MJ: 'We are much more competitive and that helps my +/- rating, which looks to be positive for the first time in my career. Unfortunately, I take a lot of penalties, something I should work on. As to date, I am roughly on track to repeat my last season's offensive output, which I am happy with, considering I am a defence first defender.' GH: 'Will you be playing for the Wranglers next season?' MJ: 'That is a question for Ricer, but I hope to be called up. Calgary has somewhat of a lack in defencemen, and even if I will not be a top player, I may give AirRig and Bob some relieve.' GH: 'Ok, that is all for now. Thanks for your time and good luck.' MJ: 'My pleasure and thanks for having me.' Jean-Luc Lieuxperroux (JLL): 'Hi Daniel, how are you? Please summarize the Wranglers' season so far.' Daniel Janser (DJ): 'Hi Jean-Luc. I am fine, thanks. Well, this season has been a bit of a roller coaster as we seem not to be able to get some consecutive wins together. Sometimes we lose games and do not know why, other times we win games we have no business of even being near to win, but due to individuals making a superhuman effort (namely our rookie goaltender Dahl), we still do. So we may be able to make the Wild Card spot, but it does not take much to lose same in the remainder of the regular season.' JLL: 'And how do you summarize your personal performance thus far?' DJ: 'I knew it will be difficult this season with the rebuild we are undergoing. There were highlights however and it started already before the first faceoff, as I was named one of the alternate captains, which is a great honour. I stay out of the box more than last season and block more shots. Also I had one SHG which certainly is nice. Last but not least, I was first star three times this season, whereas I had the same honour twice last season. And even though my scoring is not as high as it was last time around, it is more meaningful.' JLL: 'Can you please elaborate your last statement?' DJ: 'Of course. Last season I scored 23 goals, only one of them a game winner and we won 38 games that season. This season, I scored 19 goals so far, with three of them being game winning goals and we won only 18 games. So you can see that last season I 'secured' 2.63% of the wins, this time around it is 16.67%. I also think that my offensive output for a two-way player was inflated last year, profiting from a high scoring era which is now over, due to the rule changes made by the league in the pre-season. JLL: 'Thanks for your insight and good luck for the remainder of the season.' DJ: Thanks, much appreciated. Take care.' Here are the Jansers' stats as of now: Marcel: 44gp, 9g, 21a, 30pts, +12, 74 PIM, 68 hits, 51sb, 2gwg, 6ppg Daniel: 47gp, 19g, 13a, 32pts, -17, 31 PIM, 101 hits, 81sb, 3gwg, 2ppg, 1shg, 53.94FO% https://vhlforum.com/topic/120289-a-tale-of-two-brothers-regular-season-again-at-long-last-part-one/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/120291-a-tale-of-two-brothers-regular-season-again-at-long-last-part-two/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/120317-a-tale-of-two-brothers-trudging-on/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/120397-a-tale-of-two-brothers-the-saga-continues/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/120432-a-tale-of-two-brothers-the-emperors-new-clothes/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/120456-a-tale-of-two-brothers-onwards-always-onwards/ https://vhlforum.com/topic/120464-a-tale-of-two-brothers-make-and-mend/ 1094 words.
  21. That is very interesting... and kind of sad imo
  22. Is this a preparation/recruitment thingy in case you want to become a Mountie?
  23. While this is true, we all know that 42 is the answer to everything....
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