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Everything posted by Tomat0

  1. REVIEW So let me start off saying that I really liked this article. I feel like a Career Review type of article is a great pick that makes for an interesting article. I really think you could've put some more effort into the formatting though. You started off well with the headline, but the text is in dire need of some separation into paragraphs. It read very well despite the formatting problems. 8/10
  2. REVIEW Loved this article. As someone who hasn't paid attention to the VHLE yet, I appreciate this article as it let me catch up quick to how it's been going. I loved the formatting, looks very professional and easy to read. Only thing I'd add is maybe a picture or something. Could go even for just team logos over their respective paragraphs. 9/10
  3. Robert Wilk’s slump The San Diego Marlins captain – Robert Wilk had started out the season red hot as a scorer. Despite being a low picked rookie the young Right Wing was scoring goals left and right, managing to secure himself a spot on the Goals leaderboard. He used that as motivation to focus on improving his game and trying to keep his name on the board. Unfortunately over the past games Robert hasn’t been scoring much. He has many games failed to even set up an assist or two. San Diego fans are distraught and some have speculated that Wilk has problems with his motivation. It’s hard to judge the youngster as the Marlins have lost nearly all games they have played this season, mostly due to a very big lack of defense and a real goalie. Fortunately these issues have been amended as the San Diego GM managed to pull of a series of great moves.
  4. 1. Both are great gets for as as we lack severely on defense. Big win. 2. Scoring, clearly. Though I've been slacking at that front lately. 3. Wanna get my shooting back up to how I started. Would be nice to see myself on the leaderboards. 4. Predators baby! 5. I read a lot of SFF books. 6. Uhh Gouda is okay.
  5. REVIEW Really interesting article! As a noob in this league it's nice having someone experienced share their viewpoint of the VHLM method, though to you this may seem obvious I find it really interesting. My biggest gripe is the formatting. I think you changed the default font color, because the text is black even on darkmode, so I had to turn light mode on to read it - and the formatting overall was so-so, but that's just nitpicking. Fun article! 7.5/10
  6. REVIEW Really neat article! You've done a great job of shouting out all the team members of the Storms contributing to their amazing success as a team. Your writing reads well, but I think you could work on making it seem like more of an "article" if you worked on formatting a bit, by adding a headline at the top for example. Overall really good 8/10
  7. Robert Wilk on his performance so far The San Diego Marlins haven’t been winning many games. Considering the draft picks the team had coming into the year, nobody was expecting the Marlins to wreck house, but it’s still a bit disappointing. What hasn’t been disappointing however, has been Robert Wilk. The young RW has been a menace on offense, scoring 20 goals in 19 games so far and brining in 17 assists to boot! At the moment that puts him at 8th in goals in the entire VHLM! Very impressive for sure. The San Diego Marlins captain has been doing his best to showcase his skills to the world in hopes of getting drafted by his dream team – the Warsaw Predators, which are located in his country of Poland, and his hometown as well! Though Wilk knows he’s far from the best prospect in his draft class, he’s hoping hard work and determination will see him through to getting to the team of his dreams.
  8. 1. I feel like our defense has been very weak. We can get our shots in, but we let the opponent score much more in turn. 2. Jyuunya Pureya Oneri Desu has been our sole carry on defense. 3. My dream is playing for the Warsaw Predators! It's my hometown afterall. 4. I don't know really, guess I'll just do what my GMs tell me is best. 5. I'm a sucker for good old Rock'n'Roll 6. Don't watch the NHL unfortunately. Started watching the NFL lately though! It's quite fun.
  9. F - Lexy Glass @Spartan for Domino
  10. Not my turn yet I believe. You missed yours, Prout picked one but has 2, then it's back to you and only then me. @leafsmancan you confirm?
  11. REVIEW I liked this article! You've done a great job fleshing out your player's character with this piece. The whole interview felt refreshingly real and human and it isn't often people manage to do that. I'll be paying attention to how your player does in the VHLE! 7.5/10
  12. REVIEW I really dig this article! It's not a media spot idea you see every day and you've done a great job with it. My only real issue is that you've used similar talking points in most city, population, GDP, I would like some more diversity in the arguments. Overall I really liked it. 8/10
  13. Robert Wilk ecstatic about his move to San Diego San Diego Marlins RW Robert Wilk has had quite a change to his day to day life since being drafted in the VHLM. The lifelong Pole experienced quite the culture shock upon moving to the United States of America – a country he’s only ever known from TV and pop culture. Although the country turned out to be a far cry from the magical land of freedom and plenty, it’s still a great positive change for the young European. “The biggest difference has been the weather honestly. Living in eastern Europe it’s usually much colder and less humid than here. I’m liking it though, but having to buy a whole new set of summer clothes was a bit much.” The young RW is excited at the prospect of enjoying the San Diego nightlife and tourist spots. Fans of the team can look forward to meeting the player on his time off.
  14. 1. I'm loving San Diego and America in general. It's been a wild experience moving here. 2. I'm hoping to help my team out as best I can and play a good game. That's all I can hope to do. 3. I just like talking with people honestly. I'm not big on any discord games. 4. Just help me out when I ask dumb questions. I have many. Many dumb questions. 5. I don't watch hockey at all. I'm a big NBA fan though. 6. Lemon sorbet, no cap.
  15. Robert Wilk Reacts to the VHLM Draft During the days coming up before the VHLM Robert Wilk was extremely nervous. He knew some VHLM teams had at least a passing degree of interest in his abilities, as he had spent his time taking part in many an interview with scouts. Despite that though, Wilk knew very well he was far from the best of the prospects available. Many players on the board were stronger, quicker, better skaters, have practiced longer and were very simply better than him. What’s more Robert has made it very clear to GMs all around that he’s a player that needs a fair amount of guidance in order to grow into the stellar player he knows he can become. On draft night, tensions in the Wilk household were high. The entire extended family had gathered together to witness Robert getting drafted into the league. Although everyone around him was sure his long years of training and sacrifices would pay off and that he would obviously find a place on a VHLM team, Wilk was not so sure. His emotions were at a peak in the final minutes before the draft started. This was it. The culmination of his life long training. A singular moment that would judge his worth. As pick after pick were made, Robert’s emotions were wracked. With every passing pick not being him he felt a feeling of dread slowly creeping up the very depths of his soul. He wasn’t good enough. He didn’t do enough. He wouldn’t make it. By the time the first round was over Robert’s forehead was covered in sweat and he felt as if a drum was going off inside his head whenever a pick was made. When the second round came into a close even his family members had stopped reacting strongly to every pick, yelling “this is the one Robert, this one is you” every single time. When the third round finished, nobody was talking anymore. A solemn feeling crept over the entire household. Hope was gone and no one really expected what was to happen. When the forty first overall pick was announced, Robert didn’t even notice. It was only when his family members around him erupted in massive shouts and yells that he looked up and saw his name on the board. Drafted to the San Diego Marlins with the 41st overall pick of the VHLM Draft. He was good enough. His dream would come true. He would play in the VHL. Soon after the phone call from his agent came congratulating him on the pick. Wilk spent the next hours discussing business matter with his agent and the hours after that were consumed on a phone call with the San Diego Marlins GM JB. Within mere hours of being utterly convinced he would never make it in the VHLM, Robert Wilk was on a flight to the USA, where he would start his new life as a professional hockey player. San Diego – you better watch out!
  16. REVIEW Exciting recap of the final game in the series! I really enjoyed your style, it flowed nicely and was overall a great read. I appreciated the formatting greatly - Always nice to have an article easy to read. Great job! 9/10
  17. I really liked this article. Your analisys is clear and informative, easy to follow even for a newbie like myself. The topic is interesting and not something you see every day. Great job on the media spot man, I'll be looking forward to seeing more of your work! 10/10
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