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Everything posted by BOOM

  1. I would to announce my decision to wish all applicants the best of luck.
  2. No Trivia review here. I've really appreciated the work you've been doing since your return and this one is no exception. Blending, text work and lighting/coloring all work great and the end result is really nice. Also nice to see these kind of dimensions again for a sig. Top notch 9/10.
  3. I find myself in need of reviewing TPE(thanks Trivia!) so please forgive my intrusion here. This is another great piece from you, and any player in the VHL would be proud to wear a sig from you. Great use of lighting and coloring, and the font plus stroke work really well. Everything comes together for an A+ result. 9.5/10
  4. F- Chris Hylands D - Alex Letang @der meister
  5. 1. Another week in the off season... is there anything I can do to keep you entertained? It's not your responsibility to stave off our boredom induced riots. It will be over soon and the Legion can be unleashed. 2. I'm running out of questions for the off season, so I'm going to start asking random ones... what is your favorite game genre? I don't get much time to game these days, but for a while I was into RPG's and most of the EA Sports catalog. 3. What about your favorite music genre? Himalayan Hip-hop and Eastern Lithuanian Chanting are my current go to styles. Waiting for the next hardcore spoken word Vanilla Ice covers to drop. 4. What about movies? I actually don't have a favorite genre as far as movies. There's very little lately that I'd even want to see to be honest. 5. Favorite snack to munch on while watching a movie/playing a game? Anything from my favorite Wuhan wet market. 6. Do you crank your music loud, or do you listen to it at a reasonable volume? It depends on who's around, or if I have the chance to turn it up. I'm actually quite considerate of others.
  6. Well then.
  7. Good listen guys and nice to learn a little more about @Spartanand his time in the VHL. I'd been wondering why you and Berocka hadn't recorded so I'm glad it's just scheduling issues. Thanks for the content and look forward to hearing more of these soon. Nice work @dasboot
  8. Nevermind. I saw things today I would rather have not witnessed.
  9. Is that a blanket statement re Genchat, or are you speaking to particular individuals?
  10. I listened to the end, but now my ears are bleeding. My fault for converting to mp3 so I could listen while driving home, then having no context with the game playing in the BG. I'm a little sad though, I'll have to drink my Pappy van Winkle by myself and cancel my trip to Magnetic Hill.
  11. Tougher choice this season, but to get us rolling, F- Mikko Lahtinen @der meister
  12. Four GM's in here right now. I dare you to work out a 4way trade.
  13. #socialclubsnub
  14. WTF
  15. Reported.
  16. Thanks
  17. My favourite article of VHL draft /off-season.
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