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Everything posted by BOOM

  1. Glad for the victory, but Jaguar is a stud.
  2. Thank god for PP's.
  3. Congratulations Calgary.
  4. Nice result, sorry that Odinsson wasn't more useful.
  5. I think people have stopped complaining because this is more where we were expected to be, in terms of results and standings.
  6. So this is what it's like to have a mediocre player? Can't say I like it.
  7. Bring back spade!
  8. Odinsson you bum. 1 shot? Ewww. Good result, thanks NewYork.
  9. BOOM

    WJC Predictions

    I'm with this man.
  10. Better lines for New York in effect. Close game.
  11. Americas funniest home videos?
  12. Use the grindr group chat app.
  13. What were you shooting?
  14. No shame in that. Next sim might be more promising. Let's go Malmo.
  15. Close loss against a very good team. Heads up and carry on.
  16. 1. No, I don't think so. We've obviously performed beyond expectations so far, but I'm always cautious about over confidence. 2. I wasn't happy with the way that Odinsson was performing as a forward and I thought that he may be more needed as a defenseman. I started with Boomchenko as a DEF so it's a good way to go out with Odinsson. 3. Yes, he's the end of the line. It's time and if being honest, I probably shouldn't have even created him. The VHL flame has been dead for a while. 4. I think I've said it before, but for me it's probably Tordahl because of the success, but I really liked Bismarck Koenigs back story. I could have made him better if I'd stuck with him. 5. Well I should have answered this earlier now that I have games to use as research, but I thought we'd be reasonably successful in the first season. I wasn't thinking possible playoffs, but it's a possibility if we can maintain some momentum. As for individuals, I thought that Materazo and Kovalev would be strong contributors but Glover has been outstanding. 6. Well Vaydar is supposed to be said like it's Vader, as in Darth. It should have been made clearer but I didn't care about it at the time.
  17. Another week in the VHL and once again I find myself with zero motivation to open up photoshop and make a sig and/or a player card. Off to the welfare thread I go, posting for 5 free TPE and thanking the heavens that I've had enough previous players to qualify for the max amount of welfare. It's obvious that I have stayed too long here in the league and even though I have confirmed that Vaydar is my final player, it's getting harder to maintain any interest. The switch to discord has been a struggle for me, for whatever reason and my reliance on LR activity has seen even further decline in my interactions with teammates and other members. I'm always negative in game threads, where I used to enjoy posting relevant gifs( when I was with new york for example), so it's even more obvious that it's time to go. "Real life" has kicked me in the balls lately and it's obviously had more of an effect than I realised. I apologise to everyone and will try to restrain my bullshit as I head towards the exit. Regards.
  18. Another loss, seasons over.
  19. Oh well, a loss.
  20. JFC, the season will be over....
  21. Laissez-faire, my favorite economic term.
  22. The Game of Guesses.
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