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Everything posted by BOOM

  1. Tourist, yes. Resident, no. You'll be fine. Hope the weather is good for you.
  2. Is sandpaper permitted?
  3. BOOM

    Count to 1000

    At least post pad with tits. Jesus.
  4. Sydney sucks. Avoid if possible.
  5. You're welcome.
  6. Sorry, just a drive-by pooping.
  7. I was doing a poo and didn't have anything to read. Thank you for providing me with something to peruse while losing approx 1 lb.
  8. Thanks for the questions, but 1.Yes and 2. No.
  9. 38 reads and not 1 response. Must be being discussed on discord. Not sure about the idea personally, but wanted to say nice work on formulating the idea and putting some effort into your thoughts.
  10. Well Malmo claws a game back this sim, after the debacle against the Bears. Hope it's more of the same next sim.
  11. Oh well. These things happen. Sths is a funny old thing sometimes. Well done Seattle, you win this time.
  12. Quality post. You're bound to win the lottery again. Good luck!
  13. Fair enough.
  14. When was the criteria for an eligible comment changed and where was it announced?
  15. 17-3 Titans
  17. Good. Fuck you.
  18. Come on man, the teams pessimist role is already taken!
  19. It's at a great time for me.
  20. Ouch, that hurts. Good game Wranglers.
  21. My hired lizard bodyguard will protect me.
  22. ST. LOUIS BLUES vs. BOSTON BRUINS Winner: Boston Bruins # of games: 7
  23. Sorry, no time to reply. Too busy scrolling through 9 hours of old conversations to see what you guys were talking about. Oh nevermind, it's mostly guys instructing the bot to display their player page. Everyone has an opinion which is great, but mine is that it's pretty much killed the team LR as a functioning thing on this board. May as well remove them altogether.
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