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Everything posted by BOOM

  1. Even if it was just boob pics, I always tried to keep LR's active and post counts ticking over. Nothing sadder (well there obviously is) then a dead LR, especially for newer members.
  2. So I recruited you?
  3. BOOM


    For the final time, goodbye. Thanks for 35 seasons of mostly good times. All the best.
  4. BOOM

    SEA/DAV ; S58

    Your market value has decreased considerably.
  5. What a disappointing way for the reigning GMOTY to go out.
  6. @Bring Back Chat No question.
  7. Player Name: Takashi Fujimoto VHL Team: The mighty New York Americans Cash you have: $6.25 Million Purchase Name: Two Attribute Points Cost of Purchase: $5,000,000 Cash Left: $1.25 Million
  8. Fujimoto was very improved.
  9. Thanks for the tally bash.
  10. BOOM

    S57 VHL Awards

    If Eagles voted like that, and particularly for himself as top GM, maybe they should have been void.
  11. BOOM

    S57 VHL Awards

  12. Stop using drugs.
  13. I heard this on discord, but is there a way to change what shows up on the VHL's google search result? Someone said they googled "Victory Hockey League" and the first thing they see is... They said it put them off a little as the first thing they see is a donations reference. I don't know....just telling you from a prospective members perspective.
  14. That sucks about the tire.Glad you are OK though. You did well to battle your way through the cast after that happened tbh.
  15. 1. Ivan Morozov 2. Kriztof Mueller 3. Aksel McKnight 4. Dragon McDragon 5. Lavar Ball 6. Adam Warlock 7. Otto Axelsson 8. ? Vladislav Koradek 9. Elias Karlsson 10. Paul DiMirio Jr.
  16. BOOM


    Mental instability? Classy as usual. As for leaving, it's been coming for months but didn't want to make first Smarch and then STZ suffer for my indecision and disinterest. So in fact, thanks for providing the motivation to finally make a decision on the VHL for me. It's been a fun 30+ seasons and I've made some good friends. I'm sorry you weren't one of them. By the way, your post could have done with some editing, but I know how you feel about that. Au revoir Benoit!
  17. BOOM


    Yes, please kick me out of the VHL. If you ignore the other layers I added to the original image, which I'm sure no one else has ever done, then the VHL should punish me. I'll save everyone the trouble and leave before a punishment is handed down. Thanks boubabi for being the league saviour and enforcer of VHL standards. Farewell friends.
  18. OMG, the pressure. Ummmm...... Have you enjoyed your outstanding season in NY with Jones? Will you forgive me for the slightly less active Female Appreciation Thread of late? What do you think NY needs to take the next step towards VHL glory? Is there any personal frustration(real life) that you need to vent?
  19. BOOM

    fuji fan art

    Most replies to anything related to Fujimoto. #blessed
  20. BOOM

    fuji fan art

    Fan Art? That's very optimistic!
  21. God, mine looks so big(that's what she said anyway.) Re-sized if you want...
  22. Nice read Frank. I always like GM insight and thoughts.
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