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Everything posted by BOOM

  1. Sorry man we can't. Main reason is the disproportionate TPE rewards. Kesler/Metis would only get 11 while Victor would get at least 60. Happy birthday though!
  2. Meg won't stop sending me pics......
  3. BOOM


  4. Great career for KT and thanks for the help you gave me on various things. Not sure if there is definitely no new player coming, but if not, all the best IRL with the upcoming wedding etc.
  5. Not having one adds an air of mystery!
  6. Personally, I don't see an issue as long as it's not also submitted as a sig PT. Looks good.
  7. Nailbiter
  8. Party in the NY locker-room after the last sim. I'll be supplying the beverages.
  9. BOOM


  10. Has anyone actually used the new chat yet?
  11. Yeah, nothing to get your panties in a bunch about
  12. Oooooo, interesting.
  13. He's still welcome in New York!
  14. Yeah, that one wasn't bad.
  15. I will do what I can, although Noah and the Blue Team can be merciless.
  16. Fuck the bears...where's my Rwandan Gorilla?
  17. I have reported you for reporting it. Your punishment is being discussed.
  18. First 3 letters are right.....
  19. Valid point. Maybe he found a copy of FIFA '98 laying around.
  20. Haha, "Funnel"...thanks for that song. Good listen Joseph.
  21. You can do it Saskatoon!
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