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Everything posted by Thunder

  1. Answers to the Questions: 1. Prediction for Victory Cup team (Top team at the end of the regular season) I gotta go with Moscow this season. They toy with competitiveness every season and then step up in the playoffs. This just might be the time for them to go balls to the wall. 2. Prediction for last place team in the league. I’m gonna pick Calgary for this, and I think its by design. If they are in a rebuilding time then they will want the best chance for 1st pick next season and it could happen. 3. Have your expectations for your current player matched what your player has done so far in their VHL career? Haven’t hit the big leagues yet, but as long as the team I’m on wins the cup, I could give a hoot about how my player is doing. Being surrounded by solid players is a lot more fun. Questions 1. There’s a debate in the Brat locker room…. Settle the debate. Is it going to be Dallas or Edmonton and defend your decision. 2. Could you give up your phone, tablet, ipad, laptop, computer, video games, etc…. All electronics, for a week? Two weeks? A month? Under what conditions? 3. Do you prefer apple pie over blueberry pie?
  2. I’ve got 1000 of virtual wagers on you to win it. I’ll get 320,000 when you win!!!!
  3. His bags are packed and he’s on the way to Europe for the next step in his VHL career. Bollos de Trueno is on a pathway to success with his new team, Bratislava Watchmen, in the VHLE. He will be surrounded by a team of high profile players and he has a great big smile on his face every time he thinks of being on the ice with such a talented group of hockey players. Bollos de Trueno is looking forward to the guidance from GM @rory, and playing in the new Bratislava arena, The FTX Amazon Apple Microsoft Temu Roger’s Rorydome Powered by Shein. De Trueno said he’s not even going to try to remember the complete name and will refer to the rink as the “Rorydome.” Bollos de Trueno is looking to continue his progress as a stay at home defenseman and hopes to prove to be a good shot blocker as well as a heavy hitter protecting his teammates. De Trueno was not overly impressed with his physical play in the VHLM with Saskatoon, and hopes to change that with Bratislava; however, he will continue to pass the puck to the goal scorers on the team and make that a priority for his offensive play. De Trueno feels that by continuing to improve his passing over his scoring, it helps balance the decision making process and strengthens the team. De Trueno is happy to see he’s teamed up with Pierre Marc Bouchard, @Gaikoku-hito, and looks forward to dishing the puck to him and the other forwards, including Tommy Shelby and Aeschylus Jigglejawns CXXXVII I, just to name a few. Bollos de Trueno has promised his new General Manager that he will continue to work out hard and improve his defensive skill level throughout season 94 with Bratislava. Sacrificing his body with blocking shots and hits should give Bratislava goalie Hugo Boss, @Dil, a peace of mind, and allow him to keep the puck out of the net. Bollos de Trueno has no problem squaring up with any opponent to protect his teammates but is a little concerned about possibly of not winning the fights to spark the crowd at the Rorydome. His fighting abilities are low on the priority for development at this time, but de Trueno has said that once maximizing the defensive traits it will become valuable to start the fight training, even though his two favorite targets, Rip Wheeler, @ScottyP, and Logan Ninefingers, @Scurvy, are now off limits. Bollos de Trueno is expected to set the tempo and locker room atmosphere for the team and has already agreed to be an example of the professional player expected by GM Rory. Hopefully, he can live up to the expectations and provide Bratislava with valuable support at defense. Bollos de Trueno is committed to doing his best to help get Bratislava into the playoffs and winning the Renaissance Cup, and bringing it back to Bratislava. High Street Club, Dia Noche Bratislava, and Club 8 Bratislava, are all going to have to wait until the end of season 94 to see Bollos de Trueno, because he is dedicating the season for intensive training, hard nose hockey, and total domination to help win the cup and to prepare for the future of de Trueno’s VHL career. 550 words
  4. Jeffrey Pines, @rory, likes to tell people that his son Jeffrey Pines Jr, @dylanjj37, wore skates before wearing baby shoes, and this is true. Jeffrey Jr was meant to play in the VHL, and that moment has come true. The giant of a goalie, standing at 6’8” has signed with the Miami Marauders. The senior Pines did not hide the fact that he was hoping for his son to join Mexico City like his dad, but nevertheless he is proud of his son. Jeffrey Jr grew up playing hockey with his father in the back yard and enjoyed the time spent together. It was the beginning of the “Dream Team” according to Pines Sr. Jr went to every hockey game he could pass the time in the locker room and watch his all-star father crush opponents and protect his goalie. Every Wolves player enjoyed the presence of the younger Pines. Jeffrey Sr developed his son to play any position and in the end it was the net minder position that Jeffrey Jr preferred to play. In fact, in season 80 of the VHL, Jeffrey Jr stepped onto the Vancouver ice during a pregame warmup and took some shots in the net. It wasn’t until his father stepped on the ice that he noticed his 12 year old son playing against the pros. At the time, Jeffrey Jr was 6’03” and could measure up to any VHL goalie. Jeffrey Sr and the Vancouver Wolves went on to win the Victory Cup and the Continental Cup, and Jeffrey Pines Jr was allowed to raise the cup with the team. 271 words
  5. In cooperation with Tribal Gaming, the VHL Virtual Bookie is providing a chance for all VHLers to win some favorable wagers, by wagering on the predictions for the season 94 awards. This is completely separate from the prediction on the portal and the only one getting TPE from this media spot is the Virtual Bookie, so you still need to place your predictions in order for a chance for TPE. But, this is a great opportunity to pick up some virtual riches from a very generous VHL Virtual Bookie. A word of advice though; the Virtual Bookie does not have much success with actual predictions on the portal, so if you want to win some TPE on the prediction portal, consider choosing the opposite than what the Virtual Bookie has picked out for you to wager on. There is no limit to your wagers, just reply and all wagers will be processed. Remember, the minimum wager is 100. Just think, you could be the Virtual MoneyMaker!! Good luck. Continental Cup - VHL Cup Winner Moscow Menace - (+24000) Wager 100 to win 24000. Moscow is a consistent playoff threat and is due to come out on top. With a fierce lineup this season, GM @Spartan is looking to come out on top and give the Menace the trophy. Seattle Bears - (+33000) Wager 100 to win 33000. The season 93 Continental Cup Champion is destined to repeat by some, but others have put Seattle behind Moscow, but still this could be a valuable wager considering Seattle’s depth and the interesting trades by GM @Banackock. Vancouver Wolves - (+48000) Wager 100 to win 48000. GM @Frank, has placed Vancouver in serious contention for the Continental Cup and with these odds, it could be the pick of the league. Adding The Frenchman, @OrbitingDeath , to the offense, and Mark Calaway @Beketov to the defense are likely to be the catalysts to set the Wolves up for a successful season. Both Frenchman and Calaway are likely to be taking home other awards as well. Add Logan Ninefingers @Scurvy, and Riley Martin @Smarch in the mix and it bolsters the award opportunity. Victory Cup - The Best Regular Season Record This trophy has the oddsmakers in a whirlwind as there are so many teams who could take this trophy home but in the end it was a look at the schedule and the conference that locked in the odds for the makers. London United (+18000) wager 100 to win 18000. With Leonard Triller, @Triller, and Wann Kerr, @VattghernCZ, scoring goals and Merome Dilson, @MexicanCow123, in goal, London is likely to have many winning streaks, putting them as the favorite. Seattle Bears (+25000) wager 100 to win 25000. Face it, Seattle is stacked again this season. Seattle’s schedule is a little tougher than London’s which gave them the added payout. If Daryl Dixon, @Ricer13 and Severus Targaryen, @Banackock mentor newly acquired Eric White Jr, @Mysterious_Fish, Seattle may be a lock for this trophy. Moscow Menace (+48000) wager 100 to win 48000. Normally Moscow has more success as the underdog, but in season 94, Moscow finds a roster full of studs able to compete. Jarmo Ruutu @jRuutu, and Axle Gunner, @Steve, are going to be leading Moscow’s offense. Be on the lookout for George Richmond, @badcolethetitan, as he’s in his second season in the VHL, and is likely to put up trophy winning numbers. Devon Marlow-Marta Trophy - North American Conference Champion Seattle Bears - (+12000) wager 100 to win 12000. Seattle is looking good this season. The oddsmakers aren’t willing to risk too much. Vancouver Wolves - (+22000) wager 100 to win 22000. There’s a whole lot of talent on this team to think they don’t have a good chance of leading the conference. Toronto Legion - (+36000) wager 100 to win 36000. The oddsmakers are putting Toronto on the list given the unbelievable forwards in GM @Moon lineup. Terence Fong Trophy - European Conference Champion London United - (+17000) wager 100 to win 17000. Sticking with the Victory Cup odds, it appears that London is a shoe in for the Terence Fong Trophy and the oddsmakers aren’t willing to offer higher odds. Moscow Menace - (+21000) wager 100 to win 21000. This is a good bet if London starts out slow, because Moscow is going to be a consistent threat. Warsaw Predators - (+59000) wager 100 to win 59000. Here’s a long shot and a good bet for those who like to take risks. The oddsmakers are giving Warsaw a shot because of forwards like Maxim Anisimov, @McLovin, and Thor Reingaard, @N0HBDY, but most of all because of goalie Lachlan Summers, @kirbithan. Scotty Campbell Trophy - Most Valuable Player during regular season Leonard Triller @Triller - (+33000) wager 100 to win 33000. Leonard Triller has been consistent in the past 3 seasons and its not likely for this to change. With a high wager, the bettor is sure to get a large payout. Severus Targaryen @Banackock - (+45000) wager 100 to win 45000. Severus Targaryen is another high scorer and contributor to his team. The oddsmakers are giving bettors a teaser with this wager. Riley Martin @Smarch - (+90000) wager 100 to win 90000. This may be too soon to put Riley Martin under this much pressure, but with the recent addition of The Frenchman and Mark Calaway, Martin is sure to reach an unprecedented level and therefore the oddsmakers were willing to risk the high payout. Brett Slobodzian Trophy - Most Outstanding Player voted for by the players Wann Kerr @VattghernCZ - (+25000) wager 100 to win 25000. Coming off a career season 93, it is likely that season 94 will be even better for Kerr. The Frenchman @OrbitingDeath - (+37000) wager 100 to win 37000. Going to Vancouver with such a high pedigree, The Frenchman is looking to lead the Wolves to a successful season. Axle Gunner @Steve - (+62000) wager 100 to win 62000. This is the Brett Slobodzian long shot, although the odds are more favorable than Logan Ninefingers, its still reaching and is a good bet for the risk takers. Daisuke Kanou Trophy - Most Valuable Player in the Playoffs Olober Syko @Spartan - (+45000) wager 100 to win 45000. There’s a good possibility for Moscow to win the championship and in doing so they will need a stellar performance from the all-star Olober Syko. Just have to keep Spartan out of traffic, not because of his driving, but other idiot drivers! Fuukka Rask @Jubis - (+58000) wager 100 to win 58000. The oddsmakers are keen on goalies winning this trophy in the playoffs, and nothing has changed with this pick. If Seattle wins it all, it will be Rask’s major contribution. Liv Slater @Subject056 (+82000) wager 100 to win 82000. Here’s another long shot that could lure only the riskier bettors, but given Slater’s outstanding history in the playoffs, it could make someone very rich. Mike Szatkowski Trophy - Points leader in regular season Wann Kerr @VattghernCZ - (+12000) wager 100 to win 12000. In season 93, Kerr crushed the points and there is nothing the oddsmakers see that will change this. The only reason the odds are what they are is because the new pool of challengers could fool us all. Leonard Triller @Triller - (+42000) wager 100 to win 42000. The oddsmakers see this as a value bet considering if Wann Kerr isn’t putting up the points as in season 93, then Leonard Triller will be, not to mention the combination of the two just adds to this favorable bet. The Frenchman @OrbitingDeath - (+49000) wager 100 to win 49000. This may seem like a long shot to some, but the oddsmakers weren’t willing to offer more due to The Frenchman’s exceptional talent and going to a new team with a scoring punch, it makes this bet more attractive. And because The Frenchman spends little time in the penalty box, its a given he’ll spend more time scoring. **Bonus Wager Offer** Tribal Gaming has authorized a bonus wager offer. Wager on this if you believe there will be a tie for points leader. It doesn’t matter who the players are. Two way tie - (+240000) wager 100 to win 240000. If you have 100 to spare, this is a no brainer bet. Three way tie - (+800000) wager 100 to win 800000. Now this wager is only for those who can afford losing. Kevin Brooks Trophy - Goals Leader at the end of the season Owen Lazaro @traphag - (+48000) wager 100 to win 48000. The oddsmakers are throwing a bone to the bettors with Owen Lazaro. When you look at Lazaro’s goal scoring history and you add the new teammates, there is only one outcome. Owen Lazaro’s goals go off the chart! Wann Kerr @VattghernCZ - (+55000) wager 100 to win 55000. Here’s another opportunity to cash in. There is no doubt Wann Kerr will put up some numbers to repeat. The oddsmakers see Kerr as a dish master this season and making fewer goals in exchange for more assists. This future hall of famer is going to make people rich. Mac Atlas @v.2 - (+87000) wager 100 to win 87000. This long shot is alluring to the risk takers and could be a good pay out. The oddsmakers like Atlas’ shots on goal numbers and is anticipating that Mac Atlas could put the puck in the net a lot more this season. Alexander Beketov Trophy - Assist Leader at the end of the regular season David Jokinen @Ahma - (+42000) wager 100 to win 42000. David Jokinen has been a true team player his entire career, and continues to provide laser passes to goal scorers, thus the oddsmakers have determined Jokinen to be the favorite for this trophy now that John Jameson @frank retired. Bobby Bob @Baby Boomer - (+62000) wager 100 to win 62000. Bobby Bob is another team player who prefers to let others score and there’s some scoring talent on Toronto that make this wager ripe for easy winnings. Logan Ninefingers @Scurvy - (+91000) wager 100 to win 91000. Only the most knowledgeable bettors will wager on this long shot, and the oddsmakers know that. They are willing to put up the lucrative odds due to the additions of serious goal scorers to Ninefingers line, which gives Logan the opportunity to show off his team play. If you’re looking to win some TPE, this is a good pick in the predictions also. Sterling Labatte Trophy - Top Overall Defenseman in the VHL Skor McFleury @Alex - (+58000) wager 100 to win 58000. Skor McFleury has been eyeing this trophy for a couple seasons, and now that he’s on a new team, there’s a good chance for him to succeed. Already famous for his assists, McFleury likes to put his body at risk and block shots. The oddsmakers are enticing bettors with such a high payout for this pick. Mark Calaway @Beketov - (+61000) wager 100 to win 61000. The oddsmakers aren’t willing to bump the odds much higher than McFleury’s in order to attract more bettors to Mark Calaway. Calaway is also on a new team and is a complete player. Given the strengths of Mark Calaway, its obvious that this could be a promising bet. This is another prediction pick that could give you TPE. David Jokinen @Ahma - (+65000) wager 100 to win 65000. Jokinen, like Calaway and McFleury, is a top defenseman and the oddsmakers are keeping things real without offering a long shot in this category. There is just too much talent in Jokinen that gives some allure to this bet for some easy winnings. The oddsmakers really like David Jokinen and with only two seasons remaining, they hope this future hall of famer breaks records. Alexander Valiq Trophy - Top Offensive Defenseman Bobby Bob @Baby Boomer - (+50000) wager 100 to win 50000. The oddsmakers like this pick because Bobby Bob puts up impressive numbers offensively and is a major contributor to the team. Given a solid season 93 performance, there’s a good chance Bobby Bob jumps all over the scoring in season 94. Skor McFleury @Alex - (+56000) wager 100 to win 56000. Skor McFleury has yet to let up and the oddsmakers would be remiss in putting McFleury in the running. With a stacked list of all stars, this pick, like Bobby Bob, can only guarantee a good opportunity to score TPE as well. Liv Slater @Subject056 - (+61000) wager 100 to win 61000. This pick is another hot defenseman, and given the added strength to the Wolves lineup, the oddsmakers could have easily listed Slater as the favorite. Given the three choices to win some bets, any of the three could fatten the wallet. As far as TPE goes, there are still several more potential defenders who could win the award. Jake Wylde Trophy - Top Defensive Defenseman David Jokinen @Ahma - (+32000) wager 100 to win 32000. This wager is a guaranteed win. David Jokinen has every bit of talent to hold onto this trophy and the only thing preventing him from getting this is if another defender breaks out with a record season. Told Yvel @Trazan - (+62000) wager 100 to win 62000. Told Yvel is coming off a decent season and the oddsmakers have some inside knowledge that this is a break out season for Yvel. They have made the wager attractive enough to bring in plenty of action and are not afraid of saying “I told you so” when Yvel wins the trophy. Tommy Sleeves @dasboot - (+87000) wager 100 to win 87000. If there is a long shot that makes the oddsmakers worry about multiple payouts this is the one. Tommy Sleeves is a monster and has spent the past crushing opponents. This season could be the “record” season to bump Jokinen right out of the running. You risky bettors, dont be afraid to go big with this bet. Aidan Shaw Trophy - Top Goalie in the VHL Olober Syko @Spartan - (+48000) wager 100 to win 48000. In order for Moscow to win it all, which they most likely will, Olober Syko is going to have a hall of famer season. This goalie is talented, competitive, and like his Moscow GM, very crafty. The oddsmakers debated over pushing the odds a little lower to be safer, but in the end decided to give bettors a huge opportunity to load up. Fuukka Rask @Jubis - (+60000) wager 100 to win 60000. Fuukka Rask is another legend in the VHL. This wager is a clear enticement for bettors to pick up some easy winnings. Rask has had a stellar career and there is nothing stopping him from another trophy. Dalkr Vidalssen @KaleebtheMighty - (+95000) wager 100 to win 95000. The numbers are not wrong here. The oddsmakers see this goalie as a long shot and have given the riskier bettors an opportunity to cash in. Vidalssen is now surrounded by an incredible defense and top goal scorers; this is sure to give him a boost to go above and beyond for the team. Take advantage of the oddsmakers’ generousity on this wager. Greg Clegane Trophy - Lowest Goals Against Average in the VHL Merome Dilson @MexicanCow123 - (+52000) wager 100 to win 52000. The new VHL Simon T adjustments are not having a big impact on Dilson, and this goalie is capable of keeping the puck out of the net. Some might not like the odds on this wager, but there’s a reason for such a low number, its the confidence the oddsmakers have in the selection. Lachlan Summers @kirbithan - (+55000) wager 100 to win 55000. You dont get odds like this by not being a star goalie, and there is no doubt that Summers is a star. The oddsmakers aren’t willing to consider what surrounds Summers as a factor in the odds, because time and time again, Summers has proven he can handle his own. Olober Syko @Spartan - (+67000) wager 100 to win 67000. This is another big teaser for the big bettors. Olober Syko is going into the season in peak shape and will keep the puck out of the net. The only thing keeping Syko from having lower odds is that opponents just don’t bother shooting at him much because he saves the puck with ease. This teaser bet is also a good pick in the prediction for TPE. Christian Stolzshweiger Trophy - Top Rookie in the VHL Antonia Bucatini @CowboyinAmerica - (+45000) wager 100 to win 45000. This trophy is so unpredictable which increases the odds, but Bucatini has prepared for this and is the favorite by many. Consider this wager an easy bump in your wallet and don’t be afraid to increase your wager. In addition, this is likely the favorite for the TPE in predictions. Wayne Gretzky @MubbleFubbles - (+68000) wager 100 to win 68000. If there is a good pick to challenge Bucatini for this trophy, its Gretzky. Coming out of the VHLE with awards, there is no doubt Gretzky is in the running. If his new teammates take him in and show him the way, Gretzky could be the one to take the trophy from Bucatini. The oddsmakers have bumped up the odds on Gretzky to even the score. Lucy Leitner @LucyXpher - (+84000) wager 100 to win 84000. The oddsmakers looked to the VHLM and the VHLE to come up with this selection. There is promise in this rookie and the oddsmakers see a high value wager for Leitner to surprise Wayne Gretzky and Antonia Bucatini to win this award. For those who aren’t afraid of being risky, wager more than the minimum. It only benefits the winners. **Bonus Wager Offer - Once again Tribal Gaming has thrown out a teaser for the more experienced bettors, and here it is. Only the riskiest will take this challenge. Maverick Goncalves @leandrofg - (+99000) wager 100 to win 99000. This is a true long shot who can overcome the odds and make the riskiest bettors richer. Goncalves has nothing to prove and is expected to come into the league to learn, but because he has nothing to prove, it only means he is going to show the world their is a reason he is one of the best. If you want to become rich, wager more than the minimum on this one. Scott Boulet Trophy - Top Two-Way Forward in the VHL Harry Callahan @dstevensonjr - (+62000) wager 100 to win 62000. The oddsmakers put Callahan the favorite for this award because he’s not afraid to get physical. Callahan, like his namesake, looks opponents straight in the eyes and challenges them to out muscle him. If you’re looking for some easy winnings, go big on this bet. Owen Lazaro @traphag - (+69000) wager 100 to win 69000. Here is another tough guy who can contribute to his team. The oddsmakers have taken into account Lazaro’s new teammates and factor in that Lazaro is going to have a record breaking season. Sit back and watch this monster stack up the numbers. Logan Ninefingers @Scurvy - (+84000) wager 100 to win 84000. Its not because I’m Ninefingers IRL friend, but yeah, that’s probably the reason the oddsmakers have bumped him into this category. Ninefingers has a history of battling and being a blue collar hockey player. And with Rip Wheeler joining his team, Ninefingers won’t be distracted on getting the opportunity to smash his face. This is a high value wager. David Knight Trophy - Top General Manager London United @jacobcarson877 - (+75000) wagerj 100 to win 75000. The oddsmakers are struggling with this trophy, therefore have raised the stakes to promote action. Nevertheless this GM is steady and puts lineups in that compete day in/day out. Given the high odds, this is an encouraging wager if you want to become rich. Vancouver Wolves @Frank - (+81000) wager 100 to win 81000. The offseason moves by Frank have given the oddsmakers some awe and thus the placement into the running. Perhaps the last minute acquisition of Rip Wheeler could have adjusted the odds one way or another, nevertheless a high bet on this one will put your kids through college. Moscow Menace @Spartan - (+83000) wager 100 to win 83000. A number of GM’s could be selected in all three of these selections, but it was the remarkable trades giving Moscow the first two picks of the season 94 entry draft that gave Spartan the edge. Given the amount to win, this is another easy pick for making you rich. Dustin Funk Trophy - Most Improved Player Behrens Minion @UnknownMinion - (+55000) wager 100 to win 55000. The oddsmakers are taking a chance with this selection because they like what Minion has done as a rookie. Minion is a hitter and is bound to increase scoring stats to go with the aggressiveness. Look for Behrens Minion to triple his stats across the board in season 94. Catia Goncalves @cLoWn - (+67000) wager 100 to win 67000. This could be the spoiler for the Dustin Funk Trophy. Goncalves is a hitter like Minion, and has improved every season. The oddsmakers see this as a risky bet. Adi Dassler @BOOM - (+85000) wager 100 to win 85000. The oddsmakers are always thrown off with Boom’s signature graphic, and have decided to give Adi Dassler some credit where credit is due. Dassler may not be the physical player like Minion and Goncalves, but Dassler can put up points. Like Minion, the oddsmakers expect Dassler to triple the points in season 94. 3490 words
  6. Are you going to try to recruit any future VHLers?
  7. Waited all week for this!!!
  8. 1. Did you actively take part in watching this season VHL draft? And what did you think about the two players that Vancouver selected? I got onto twitch late because my fat ass was late coming home from the fruit stand and by the time I got on, the picks were in for Vancouver. As far as the picks, I think Frank is taking a big risk picking Bollos de Trueno before Soju. 2. Broadcaster mentioned Goaltending controversy likely coming to the Vancouver Wolves due to our second pick of Soju; Do think this will be the situations? Why or Why not? No, I think there is a good reason Frank picked Soju and things will work out real good for Vancouver with however it plays out. Other than Dalkr Vidarsson having a long fricking name that makes it hard to spell, I think Frank will make sure Dalkr is successful with Vancouver. 3. Broadcaster also mentioned this AGM being disappointed or should be put out when his player was selected 3rd overall since he bleeds black & grey of the Wolves? Do you think this is situation that this AGM is disappointed and should managers be disappointed when they are drafted to a different team than the team that they are managing? There’s a reason Pierre was selected 3rd in VHL and 1st in VHLE, he’s a stud. He should have been picked 1st overall. As far as disappointed, yeah, he should be disappointed for being such a high caliber player!! I can say this because my player got on Vancouver!! But at least Trueno and Pierre get to play on Bratislava together for a season. Who knows, Frank might be wheeling and dealing to get Pierre where he belongs, Vancouver. Scurvy said Frank’s a magician. 4. Did anyone actively take part in the ProAM tournament or even know it was happening? What is a better way to make this tournament more engaging? I signed up and tried to pay attention to what was going on. I look at it multiple times a day when I jump on discord. 5. JST is another interesting tournament that took place as it does most off-season and while I feel like it is a good idea to have a tournament to keep interest in new members higher, It feels like it is starting to fall flat. How would try to bring interest back into the JST tournament and what would you change? Maybe have it so that its not an extra sign up and all the juniors are in it. I dont know…. 6. WJC championship should have kicked off by now so are you actively following the tournament or any of the prospects in the tournament? Which team in any or which prospect if any? I look at it every time I get on discord. There’s so much to look at these days!! Team World of course!! 7. Bonus: Since I am being lazy this week, tell me what would be a great article for the VSN to cover during the off-season Or an article that might be interesting topic to cover in the future? Why? Are you a VSN writer too? Well here’s a good one for you that could be interesting…. Why is Rip Wheeler so fickle with earning TPE. Talks with a forked tongue and promises to start earning but he’s got pussy on the brain and can’t seem to get his hands off her long enough to build his player like he should be. If VHL was a virtual sex game, he’d win every trophy.
  9. 1. What are you most looking forward to in S94? Playing hockey again. I look forward to see what Bratislava can do and how I can help, I hope to pass the puck to Pierre @Gaikoku-hito so he can score the shit out of it. 2. Nearly a week out from the draft, what are your thoughts on the players we selected? I forget who Davos selected, but I know Alex always does a good job picking players so it safe to say Davos will be competitive. Just not as competitive as Vancouver!! 3. Adding onto this, how do you feel about the Davos roster and prospects going forward into this season? What can I say??? I have forgotten what the roster is, other than Antonia, David, and you got a couple of good trades. 4. What is one thing you would do if you were VHL commissioner for a day? Give everyone 2 TPE who wishes @Victor Happy birthday, even if its not his birthday. 5. What are your goals for your player this season? Build defense so that when I get into VHL next season I can help Vancouver kick the shit out of Davos. 6. What do you do to keep yourself busy during the offseason? Trying to keep the front lawn looking like Fenway Park infield and some house maintenance. 7. Where was the last place you traveled to? Another funeral in Vermont 8. If you could eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be? Cosmic Apples
  10. Good, you finished your TPE so you’ll put a new one out! Question #1 - Are you happy where you got drafted? Question #2 - Describe your TPE attributes and why they are going where you are putting them. (Not really a question, but it will educate me!!) Question #3 - Which team do you like better? Bruins or Sharks. And why. Thats all I got to ask!!
  11. 1 - I like where the team is heading. There's new leadership so their motives for their moves are an interesting development. 2 - Change the game engine. It's holding us back. 3 - Adventure and biography genres certainly interest me. QUESTIONS: 1 - What's on your Spotify playlist these days? 2 - What in your opinion is STHS' biggest flaw? 3 - What are you favorite flavors for bags of chips? 1. I have Sirius XM, but on Spotify I do have @Berocka bite sized podcasts. I’ve tried to put others on there but I am too dumb to figure it out. Now I just need to see more bite sized podcasts! 2. Flaw?? Well, I supposed I’d like to see all the attributes have an impact on the player overall performance and not just the 4 or 5 or 6 that are in there. It’s been a while since I looked at what the major attributes do, maybe I should look so I could sound somewhat educated with this answer. 3. I am very particular with chips. Not just flavors, but brands. As far as flavors go, plain, BBQ, and jalapeño are my top 3, but I can also go for sour cream and onion. Now to the brands, Wise and Stateline are my favorite, but I will go for Ruffles. Tim’s Cascade for the jalapeño. But…. We are on budget cuts at the house so we’ve been eating Winco. Questions: Q1 - Should the injury option be turned on to add to the games, and if so what would you consider a maximum # of games for the injury? Q2 - How long did it take you to become comfortable navigating through the VHL forum and the portal? Who was your biggest mentor on helping you get acclimated? Q3 - How many teams have you applied to be GM for and what teams have you been selected to be GM?
  12. Is Jeffrey affiliated with the Juan Ceson fortune? What do I write about?
  13. This one was better than last week. good listening. Keep ‘em coming!
  14. Thats one hell of a sponsorship
  15. If that’s your defense, you could be in trouble. Saskatoon playbook is on-line. Page 1 - Must beat Halifax. Page 2 - See page 1.
  16. It appears that the inspiration of @Scurvy has given @ScottyP the renewed energy to increase the TPE of his player Rip Wheeler. It’s taken a group text created by Scurvy for us to keep working ScottyP to build his player’s abilities and earn a consistent amount of TPE. In fact, after a dismal last couple of weeks, ScottyP increased his TPE earnings by 100% and this can only go up. Congratulations goes out to ScottyP for putting in the energy to maximize his earnings capabilities and give his new team a well balanced forward. On the downside to Rip Wheeler joining the Vancouver Wolves; that being he will no longer be given the opportunity to have his face smashed in by Logan Ninefingers. It’s bitter sweet that Wheeler has teamed up with Ninefingers and its even more disappointing for Riley Martin, @Smarch, who takes pleasure in using Wheeler as a punching bag. In the end; however, Ninefingers and Martin can only be happy that Rip Wheeler has demonstrated such loyalty to his new team. It’s not easy for Wheeler to complete an accomplishment of increasing his TPE for the week by 100%, but he managed to do it. Well done. 202 words
  17. Frank made that happen. He knows what he’s doing with Rip Wheeler. @ScottyP is going to show promise.
  18. The other GM knows how to drive, not Euron
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