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Everything posted by Thunder

  1. Always enjoy your nighttime shows.
  2. Maybe your next player should be named Bowser!!!
  3. Bet he doesnt know how to drive!!!
  4. Always enjoy the stuff you write. Well done!! And youre right, Juan Ceson is a legend.
  5. 1. There have been some blockbuster trades now that the offseason is underway! Any big moves that stood out to you? Crashing press conference for the 2 TPE Grimgor Ironhide for one. Cant go wrong there. I’m sure there will be more blockbuster moves before Alex is done. 2. We have just acquired some big names in Grimgor Ironhide and Sadie St-Louis! Thoughts on our new acquisitions and how they’ll help bolster our roster? Davos might be a contender given the number of moves that has been going on. 3. What attribute will you focus on the most this upcoming season? Defense is the priority this season and the other attributes will be boosted as defense bumps up. 4. What is your player’s jersey number? 22 is my all time favorite jersey number. 5. If someone asked you to describe the VHL in one word, what would it be? Virtual. (I’d say more but I’m only allowed one word to answer this question) 6. Do you believe anything has to be added to the offseason to make it more engaging for members? Easy uncapped TPE, but there are a lot of things going on anyway. 7. Of the remaining NHL teams, which two do you believe will make it to the Cup final? New York and Edmonton, even though I’d like to see Boston. 8. Xbox, Playstation, or PC? xbox for video games, PlayStation for movies, PC for porn, can’t add to this one unless you want to know if its one legged porn.
  6. Donation $15.00 Transaction ID: 4P909259A98073522 $1 Million Player Store Doubles Week 5 uncapped TPE
  7. One can only hope he tangles with Ninefingers, but I’m afraid his head’s not in the game. He do what he do!!
  8. Rip Wheeler, @ScottyP is on vacation after coming off his best season in the VHL. Prague GM @Tetricide, received Wheeler in a trade with Calgary at the beginning of season 93. Tetricide sat down with Wheeler and had a heart to heart talk with the talented winger. Leaving the interview Tetricide could not get Wheeler’s credo out of his mind, “NO RAGRETS” and Tetricide knew he’d get the best out of Wheeler for one season. And that’s what he did. @Scurvy was the most surprised of Wheeler’s performance. After every goal Wheeler scored, he celebrated with his signature smile, looked at the crowd, and yelled, “I do what I do.” Someone in the crowd must have gotten his attention because he’s not the hockey player of season 93. Could it be the long flowing auburn hair, the geometrical curves of the souvenir jersey, the allure of the penetrating eyes, or the claws of this mantrap that has kept Wheeler off the ice once the season ended. We will miss Rip Wheeler’s on ice antics, and can only hope that he snaps out of this trance and puts on skates again. Perhaps Wheeler could put up even bigger numbers next season. Come back from vacation Rip. Please! 208 words
  9. 1. Going into the offseason, what do you believe Davos needs to become competitive once more? Crashing the press conference again. Need the tpe. Davos just needs to unleash David Jokinen. 2. How would you reflect on your player’s season individually? Is there anything you would’ve wanted to improve on or see from them? I would have liked to have more shots blocked and more hits 3. To those who have just graduated from the VHLE, welcome to Davos! What do you hope to bring to the team? To our veterans, what would you like to see from our rookies next season? Does not apply 4. Did you sign up for the ProAm tournament this offseason? Yes 5. In a Game 7 shootout situation, which active VHL starting goalie would you want in net for you? The one who stops all the pucks 6. How did you find out about the existence of the VHL? That dumb ass @Scurvy. Now I’m obsessed. 7. Thoughts on this year’s NHL draft lottery? None whatsoever 8. Have you ever met a professional athlete before? If so, who was it? Pudge, Spaceman, Luis, Rico, Carl, Jim, Bob, Tony, Bobby, Dwight, …
  10. Graphic Review thanks to my F up on one trivia question this week. The color schematic is really good and the shades of blue are intense and provide a a good blend with the background. I like the white noise that gives it a frost/snowfall effect. The player leaning forward like he is, is a unique graphic and it gives it some life. The logo on the chest being more perpendicular to the ice indicates that the jersey is loose and is away from the player’s body. The signature is a good font and size and supports the graphic with the shade of blue. It doesn’t dominate the graphic but it gives it the necessary attention. Even the stick adds to the graphic in a way that provides a complete picture. You chose good colors to make this graphic and it demonstrates your talent. Nicely done. Score 9.5/10
  11. Rip Wheeler, @ScottyP, had a decent performance in season 93. Looking at a winger who is built to play rough, yet tends to avoid too much contact to save his nimble stick skills, he could be depended upon to score a point a game. Wheeler was consistent with team play, scoring a few more assists than goals. Wheeler showed that he can be undisciplined at times as well, as he spent a good time in the penalty box. I hate to say this, but Wheeler could have earned the title “Mr Clutch” by racking up 8 power play goals in the season. There is nothing that sticks out as spectacular with Rip Wheeler, but given his progressive improvement and dependability, Wheeler will definitely be a leader for the Prague Phantoms next season. In fact, Phantoms GM @Tetricide has an abundance of confidence in Wheeler, considering Tetricide wagered big on Rip Wheeler during the recent opening of the VHL Virtual Bookie bets. And now with retirements coming, it really gives Tetricide no other choice than to ask Rip Wheeler to step up. Time to be a superstar Rip. 189 words
  12. No shit talking??? You’re getting soft like @ScottyP
  13. 1. Will DAVID be a contender again next season?! Oh yes. I trust Alex 2. Now that we are deep into the Continental Cup playoffs, which team do you believe looks the strongest? Moscow 3. Do you believe the regular season should be adjusted in any way in terms of amount of games (lengthened or shortened)? Or is 72 just the sweet spot? 72 is good 4. What was your player’s best stat this season? Ah crap, I wasnt paying attention. I’m gonna say, the bar bill after winning the division. 5. The Stanley Cup playoffs are also heating up! Was there a series outcome in particular that surprised you? Not yet. I just hope Boston wins 6. Other than hockey, what other sports do you enjoy watching? Football, the Red Sox, been watching Tag lately 7. What was the last movie you watched? At the theaters? Cant remember. Too expensive. Budget cuts going on here. On the TV? The Lincoln Lawyer. 8. How many holes does a straw have? @Ahma says one, he’s always right. If I didnt look at his presser, I’d have said zero.
  14. Got any inside info????? I gotta get my numbers in tomorrow.
  15. There were some shocking payouts this week with the VHL Virtual Bookie. The biggest impact on this was because it is playoffs and the odds were applied to all the games. Now that the round is over, here are some highlights. The New York Seattle series ended with more goals per game than predicted, costing the Bookie 515 in wages. The Bookie bounced back by counting on Wwwwwwwwwwww Wwwwwwwwwwww @rory to make over 35.5 saves, which he did 3 out of the 4 games, increasing the Bookie’s pockets by 990. FISTED ANALLY BY A CIRCUS MONKEY Analfist @STZ split the shots on goal, by going over 5.5 twice, and under twice. The biggest loss for the Bookie was placing a wager of 1000 on Daryl Dixon, @Ricer13to score over 2.5 points. Unfortunately, Dixon was flat the entire series. On the Toronto/DC series, the Bookie picked up 500 on Bobby Bob @Baby Boomer, only to lose 100 hoping for The Frenchman @OrbitingDeath , to get the first star. The Bookie managed to add 200 from a wager on the puck line. The Malmo/Moscow series was lucrative for the bookie, thanks to Gregger McKeggegger @TheNeonShaman getting over 4.5 shots per game. The Bookie got 3500 out of that wager. Adding a 400 money line wager made up for the 100 wasted on hoping for Reese McFleury @Spaz to get second star. The Bookie should have placed a wager on Grimgor Ironhide, @FrostBeard getting the third star, as that payout was 12000. The big payout came from the London/Prague series. The Bookie placed a 500 wager on John Jameson @Frank to win 45000, and it paid off. Jackpot!! Thank you John Jameson. And the biggest disappointment goes to Rip Wheeler, @ScottyP. A 1000 wager was placed by @Tetricide to win 250000. Go big or go home, and tetricide went home sad. 306 words
  16. Cold but before it wrinkled, if it was still prime condition!! I thought you got three? I’d have eaten two on the road. Those damn pics make me hungry for dogs
  17. Was the hot dog cold when you got home? Didn’t you even take a bite on the way home?
  18. I’m pretty sure there was an exorcism that went on and definitely a little bit of brujaria. The hex is on Saskatoon right now. That’s gotta change.
  19. Ah man, I’m afraid you might be really close. Just hope you’re wrong!!
  20. 1. After a tough start to our series against Mississauga, we're now up 2-0 on Halifax in the Semi-Finals. What has gone right for us so far, and what do we have to continue to do to win this series? We score more than Halifax!! We seem to be on a roll, hope it continues 2. Have you been as disappointed in the first round of the NHL playoffs as I have? 1 sweep, 6 series at 3-1, and 1 series at 2-1 so far doesn't scream the type of drama that I love in the playoffs. No, my only disappointment is that Boston is taking their time putting Toronto out, and I’m afraid they just dont have it to get past florida. Not a playoff team…. 3. How do you get out of a scoring slump when you're in one? I stop drinking tequila and dont pick up any hookers. 4. You're trapped in a locked room for a week, and can bring one movie in with you to watch. What movie are you picking? Bambi Goes Down for A Buck. JK, I’d pick a series like Sopranos or The Wire or even La Reina del Sur 5. This is likely the last or second last Press Conference of the season with the playoffs winding down. I always try and split my questions between team/VHL content and random personal questions, and I'd like to know which your preference is. What types of questions over this season have been your favorite? Your questions are good, I just do it for the TPE!! 6. As the season winds to a close, and most of you will take the next step in your careers to the VHLE or VHL next season, what has been your favourite part of playing for the Saskatoon Wild this season? Winning!! Its a good group of players and trades were made that added a lot of depth to put us strong for a trophy. Its nice to see the activity in the locker room and it should keep first gens interested in sticking it out.
  21. Its more fun bringing it up!! I got fooled big time by it. Even put in for the tpe. You’re a legend to have your birthday recognized back in 2014!!
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