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Everything posted by Thunder

  1. Answers to the questions 1. You get to add 1 new type of attribute for players or goalies (your choice), what would the attribute be called, and which stat would it improve from upgrading it? Training Room - it would boost or lower every other stat and be a fluid number. For instance, if there was some slacking in putting tpe into the training room, all goes lower, and vice versa. 2. Which 2 teams would appear in your dream VHL alumni game? Season 82 Moscow vs Season 91 Vancouver. Fighting would be boosted though. 3. Did you celebrate Father’s Day with anyone? yeah, we picked up some tacos and drove to our son’s house. Daughter did face time with us. Questions to be answered: 1. What was the last video game you purchased that you played only a few times and havent touched it since? 2. If you could get a suite for a season, what team would it be? (Oh, its a free suite. All expenses paid) 3. Have you been to another country to watch a sporting event?
  2. Dyl would never spread fake news. I believe him.
  3. Press Conference for Phil Sakic 1. How do you choose the intro music? 2. Would you consider having another podcaster getting on with you and making a podcaster battle bot? 3. Would you consider applying for the announcer position opened by Jack Edwards, and work with Brick? If not, what team would you announce for?
  4. We are just over half way through the season and the opponents are asking themselves how they are going to beat Cologne and knock them out of first place. After spending considerable time looking at the team and checking out the stats, its clear that there is only one way. You GM’s are going to have to play dirty. I’m going to give you all some advice, but its up to you to make it happen. Starting with Maple Dogwood, @dogwoodmaple, the only way to fix him is to get him on a cross country tour celebrating hero’s because he needs to stay off the ice. Obviously Dogwood needs to get more accolades for saving all those dogs from a potential deadly fire. If you GM’s cannot get Maple Dogwood off the ice, then have sickly dogs attend the games and he will be distracted and want to save the dogs. Next is BjorkaBjorn BjornaBjorkson, @JardyB10 Bjorka … is a menace to the opposing teams and should be spending time doing podcasts and entertaining all VHLers with his podcasting talent. Just don’t claim the TPE. And we can’t forget about Maverick Goncalves, @leandrofg, Tyrece the beast, @beanhead420, and Joseph Dubois, @Dubois, as all three of these players are responsible for way too many of Cologne’s points. GM’s get together and figure out something to stop them. Sorry @rory, because it seems Bollos de Trueno cannot seem to stop them. Lastly, there is Soju, @Frank. How the hell do you stop the best goalie in the VHLE? I think we can try to get Soju drunk and keep him drunk the rest of the season. Or perhaps we could have Frank spend time IRL with @ScottyP, and force Frank to listen to Scotty P. @Scurvy is pretty sure that Soju would bash his head on the pipes to try to get that voice out of his mind, which could allow Bratislava and the other teams to score goals. Otherwise, we’re f’d. 331 words
  5. Graphic Review because I’m an idiot and got a trivia question wrong. At first glance, I noticed the player in an action pose and positioned at the center right of the graphic which gives him a good focal point. I like the signature being good size and the font you chose makes the graphic easy to look at. The background is really good as it adds some mystery with the lighthouse and the fog surrounding it and the player. Everything blends in really good, making the graphic well designed. On further inspection, I see the logo on the jersey to be centered, angled, and shaded appropriately. It looks like it belongs on the jersey. It goes well with the player and the contrast. I like the graphic and see that you have some talent doing graphics. The fog, clouds, shading, font selection, and placement of everything all contribute to a really good graphic. Well done. Score 10/10
  6. Hardly noticed the break in the action! What’s the link for questions? I’ll come up with some to keep you going a while!
  7. I am actually looking forward to reading and hearing about what everyone’s perspective is of the VHLM. The reason I say this is because I’m quite sure that its unique to most people. As all TPE earners are in the process of working on their theme week graphic, podcast, or article, I start with this: for me the VHLM was a way to get my skates wet and navigate the VHL forum without pressure. It was a way to build confidence in interacting with other users, stepping out there and try (and fail) at podcasting, make shitty graphics, write stupid articles, and all just to have fun and enjoy this virtual hockey league. I blame @Scurvy. I can still remember hearing Scurvy at his desk telling a co-worker about how he got into another fight, got PIMS, had a goal and two assists, on and on. This sounded foreign to me as I knew fights, PIMS, etc. were nothing new with Scurvy on Xbox, so my next thought was, “is this idiot playing hockey for real now?” I had to find out, so I stepped out of my office, walked around the cubicles and intruded on the conversation. Scurvy was happy to explain what he was talking about and then encouraged me to join the league. Unbeknownst to me, the reason he wanted me to join was that he got TPE out of it. It took about another month for me to get the balls to join the league, and start finding out what Scurvy thought was so great. But, and I say this lightly, trying to get help from him on navigating the forum was like trying to keep my wife out of the casino after her payday. It took other great VHLer’s like @Shindigs, @Spartan , @MubbleFubbles, and many others, to offer assistance and get me through the growing pains. Trial and error was a common theme for Thunder! I dont know how many times I got messages from the updaters telling me that I posted in the wrong place and my TPE was rejected, and then there were others who said I fucked up but they fixed it. The VHLM draft was probably one of the most exciting things at first, but also the most disappointing! I waited all day for the draft and couldnt wait to tell Scurvy where I landed. Especially after receiving a few interviews, I was really looking forward to the draft. In fact, I delayed my workout and listened to the draft as long as I could before turning it off and running into the gym to get it done. And, when I finished and came back to my truck, turned on the draft on the phone to find out the draft was over and I did not get picked. Luckily; however, by the time I got home, I had a message from Las Vegas Aces that Jake Thunder was offered a spot on the team, and some playing time on the 3rd defensive line. That’s all it took. I quickly became a true fan of the VHLM and this virtual league, and learned how to navigate the forum, discord, the portal, and all that. And thanks to the VHLM, this virtual hockey league is a part of my day. In fact, it seems to take up a lot of my time, but fortunately I still have free time to do other things, and will continue to as long as I dont join farmers only .com. 582 words
  8. You’ve stepped up your game scottyp. You do what you do!
  9. Caught scurvy at a weak moment Rip. Keep it up. You’re doing great.
  10. Lachlan Summers is an amazing goalie. I say the teams she played on can choose to retire the jersey or not. Lachlan is a player that will get standing ovations where ever she shows up!!
  11. Could have substituted Montezuma’s Revenge on that first part. Very vivid.
  12. 1. On Monday, Theme Week begins! Any guesses as to what this season’s theme could be? Hmmmmm, let me think…. Well without knowing who makes the decision, there is no way for me to predict. I just hope its easy and fun. 2. With the TDL also coming up, are there any additions you would like to see Davos making at this point in the season? Yes, I’d like to see them lose every game to Vancouver. 3. What goals do you hope to achieve by the time your current player’s career is over? Just be a contributor to the team and hopefully win a championship. 4. How long have you been a member of the VHL? I think January 2021, with a few month break due to family deaths. 5. As of right now, which VHL team do you think is Davos’ biggest rival? As always Helsinki. At least that’s what @Ahmasays. Helstinky. 6. Oilers or Panthers to win the Stanley Cup? I want oilers but think panthers will pull it off 7. Who do you believe will go 1st overall in this year’s NHL draft? No clue. I only went to one Silvertips game and didnt follow any players 8. Do you prefer traveling by car or by plane? That depends on where I’m going, for how long, and how much the flights are. So I guess the question is too open ended. Or…. I have no preference, its just the considerations.
  13. Your fan club is getting bigger!!
  14. Not an early morning read!! Stomach is not ready for mayochup!! How come this stuff never got in your comments in job pay?
  15. 1. Uhhh, well maybe because Halifax is stacked with good players, or maybe the Halifax GM is quite smart with the lineup and knows how to get the best out of Simon. 2. Spicy…. Well how about any team except Saskatoon and Las Vegas because those are my prior teams. 3. Most definitely it would be Jeffrey Pines Jr. 4. I am not sure about that but I would say its a defender. They never get enough credit!! But, thanks for letting me crash your press conference! 5. I picked Panthers, but I want Edmonton. 6. Oh crap. I dont know their names. I’m going to say I would take the youngest one because that way he’d be on the team longer and would be worth more if I as GM decided to trade him for someone better.
  16. Nothing wrong with that!! At least President Frog is not anti sharks
  17. You should blame @Scurvy for any loss Halifax suffers. Just look at his player, Logan Ninefingers. No doubt he sucked in some smoke at the fire and called upon the wizards to create havoc to Halifax.
  18. The Halifax 21st server was invaded last week by invites from none other than President Frog, @dylanjj37. As one of the invitees, I felt I had to accept the invitation, being the Juan Ceson fan club leader, and looked forward to hearing about Dylan having been given such an important position in the Halifax organization, like AGM or something else of major importance. And then I found out from @LucyXpher that Dylan is President Frog // John Season in the Halifax organization, which turns out to be a much more prestigious position than AGM. As President Frog, Dylan is responsible for the energy of the new look on the Halifax server. Initially Lucy was excited to see all the new people coming in and getting to know Halifax, but that has faded somewhat as it appears that President Frog has moved on to something else. Where did President Frog go? It has now been five days and there is nothing from President Frog. At least Halifax has moved on and keeps winning in the VHLM. 176 words
  19. 1. Who is your selection to win the Stanley Cup and why? I want Edmonton but i picked florida because I get answers wrong and this way the Oilers will win it. 2. Does the Conn Smythe trophy really mean anything to the players? Also how do you think wins? At the time of winning it, probably not. Later on when they are retired and look back, maybe.. how do i think they win it, well they get voted for it as far as i know. 3. Last time Edmonton was in the finals was way back in 2006; when I first started dating my wife; and they had Captain Canada on the team. Who is Captain Canada in the VHL? And do you even know who Captain Canada is? I didnt pay attention to hockey in 2006 and dont know shit about captain canada. Is it a superhero in canada? Is it that shop teacher with those great big ta ta’s? Congrats on being able to remember when you started dating your wife, cuz it takes a while for me to remember that!! 4. If you had to compare Stuart Skinner to any VHL goaltender, who would it be and why? I’d compare him to Soju, because they are both damn good hockey goalies. 5. Who is currently the McDavid of the VHL? PMB - he’s scoring goals. 6. Do you think experience matters in Championship series? Why or Why not? Absolutely. There are good hockey teams that just aren’t good playoff teams. You gotta have the grit to play playoff hockey and win. 7. Bonus: What matters more in the VHL experience or leadership? they go hand in hand
  20. 1. A week into the season, what is one word to describe how Davos is playing thus far? One word……. Hmmmmm….. lets see…….. how about……. “Good” 2. Who is your player’s render for graphics? Radko Gudas. He became my favorite player when he played for the Silvertips and he was famous for the Radko hip check, and it got a lot of fights going. 3. Of the three main point tasks, which is your favorite: graphics, media spots, or podcasts? If I was talented, I’d do graphics because it seems to be the most fun. Then I’d do podcasts but my ability to do podcasts sucks so I do media spots. 4. We’ve had a few new portal updates in the past few weeks: what are your thoughts on the new additions and changes? I like the new set up. 5. What is your favorite part about being a part of the VHL? Playing hockey and keeping my teeth in my mouth. 6. What is the inspiration behind your player’s name, if any? Had to come up with something related to Thunder and Thunder buns just didn’t sound good in english, so went the spanish route 7. Would you ever consider GMing/AGMing for a team if you haven’t already? Consider, yes. I think it’d be cool, but I’m not computer savvy. 8. What sports team would you most like to see play live? It depends on the location of the game, where the seats were, and if it was in a suite or not. Kind of spoiled now!!
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