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Status Updates posted by JardyB10

  1. My dog's nickname is Pie.

  2. THANK YOU @Josh

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. JardyB10


      He purchased an item off my wishlist actually ;)

    3. rory


      does he get to watch you put the item on live on twitch tv?

    4. JardyB10


      Most definitely, but he’ll have to cough up $20/month to see me take it off again.

  3. Something on your mind? Let Berocka and I help. Visit this thread now:


  4. The best thing to do for Earth Day is to sign up for Super Coach!

    1. Shindigs


      Who decided to double book Earth Day on Super Coach day? That seems like questionable planning to me.

  5. Wouldn't it be super if coach?


    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. JardyB10


      I’m also a light mode elitist but that’s another status  

    3. fishy


      jardy did you realize that you've won 69 days?

    4. JardyB10


      I have, that’s why I haven’t been as active since December. Frankly I should just quit to be safe.

  7. Beav is willing to play ANYTHING 😏. Provide your input.



  8. There's currently five teams in the VHL with 22 points.



  9. Sims in boys - have at er

  10. I can't believe I'm breaking my streak of not updating my status for this.


    Pro-tip when waiting for games:  Look at the clock. Is it 8:00 pm CST yet? If not, there's not going to be games up. Even if I missed a day. I work 12 hour days, 7 AM to 7 PM. More or less every day ever. It's hard for me to be on the ball with my backups, so MAYBE someone will have it earlier than 8 PM. But if it's not 8 PM, don't ask where games are. They will never come before that, and if they do, consider it a nice bonus.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Higgins


      Look at the clock. Is it a time with a number in it? Then don't expect a sim.

    3. NotAVHLM-GM


      But what time is that in Trifecta Standard Time?

    4. Gooningitup


      Its 9pm CST :P no games 

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