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Everything posted by Aimee

  1. I'd be up for it! I used to beta read for fanfic forever ago and my sister is self published and I've helped her with her books as well.
  2. I've done a few once a month groups. Makes it a lot easier to figure out schedules.
  3. DM me on discord for the server link.
  4. Awesome! Maybe if we can get 2-3 more people we could have a good sized group. I can even make a discord server for everything to be done through.
  5. I love playing D&D. I've been a DM once or twice but there's nothing like playing. At the moment, I have no group to play with and I am starting to get the itch to play again. Would anyone be interested in starting a game group? Roll20 now has a feature through Discord so it would make playing really easy. Just feeling out for any interest. UPDATE :shoot me a DM if you'd like the discord link ☺
  6. Always keep them wondering.
  7. Born on a planet no one in the VHL would be familiar with to a family long lost and forgotten, Ahsoka Tano was raised to be a Jedi. And a hockey player, it would seem. She was found by Master Plo Koon of the Jedi Order and trained to be one of the best Jedi that the galaxy had ever seen. Though, if you asked her, she was no Jedi. Having turned down the title when the arrogant Jedi Counsel refused to admit that there was evil among them and that it wasn’t her. She ran away, fighting for the Mandalorians but then went into hiding during Order 66. She was followed to the ends of the Outer Rim, hunted by the Inquisitors. Found over and over, she was always on the move, trying to find a place where she could just hide and put her past as a Jedi behind. Once things calmed down some, and the evils around her were defeated by a lone Jedi on a mission, she finally found some peace. The ability to breathe a sigh of relief could be heard far. She worked until she was able to find a ship that could travel long distances without needing a refueling stop. It was small but it would work for what she needed. Ahsoka boarded her ship and took off from the galaxy that she knew, leaving it all behind to prosper or fall as it saw fit. With no one left for her to care about, there was no reason for her to return or ever look back. So, she traveled for a long time through the universe, making one final stop along the Outer Rim for long haul supplies and fuel. Finally, she was on her own and alone for more light years than she could count. Space was quiet when you didn’t have the New Republic zipping around in their X-Wings trying to give out speeding tickets. No freighters full of supplies or people. No more hiding. No more sneaking around. Just her and the stars. It was several months before she neared a galaxy that showed any signs of life. However, it was primitive, and technology was still rocks and pointy sticks. But she was able to easily find a place to land and try and find some food and water that she could stock up on. It gave her a good ability to rest and breathe some fresh air as well. After a few weeks of exploring, resting, and restocking, she took off once more and soon entered the Milky Way Galaxy. When Ahsoka finally approached Earth, she found a secluded area to land and call home. Up in Greenland there seemed to be enough uninhabited land where she could touch down with the ship and get herself sorted. She was able to fit it in a small mountain range not too far from the nearest settlement. Her robes were perfect for this weather, and it reminded her of the winters she had enjoyed and endured on various planets. She picked what supplies she could carry in her bag, shut down the ship for a long hibernation, and then took off. It was hard to get herself integrated with the local people seeing as she was aware that this planet had yet to make any contact with other species. Strangely, though, Jedia had apparently been heard of and honestly, she wasn’t going to question it. She was too tired of being alone and she was willing to just accept this interesting turn of events. Eventually she found her way in with a nomadic people who were willing to accept her into their community once she was able to prove that she would be able to carry her weight and help provide for the group. After a few years of wandering, living the life of a nomad, and learning about the planet she was now calling home, Ahsoka discovered hockey. The game was played by the children whenever they found a frozen lake and she fell in love with the fast-paced movements. It also was fun to watch them use the sticks to slap around the puck. It was different from a lightsaber, but her years of Jedi training would actually come in handy as she learned the game and the rules. Once Ahsoka took off from the peoples she lived with and moved into a small town, she began to learn even more and continued to work to integrate herself into society. Getting to be able to openly know people was something she hadn’t been able to do since she was practically a child, so it was nice to be making friends and be out and about in the real world. As her knowledge of hockey grew along with the rest of it, she discovered the VHL and its affiliate leagues. It was then that she would work towards her career and find herself amongst some of the greatest athletes in the sport. 833 words for week ending 8/11/2024
  8. It’s been six weeks since I was hired as an updater. Holy shit time flies. And I got to say, it’s as good a job as I thought it was going to be. I wouldn’t say it’s an easy job, as I’ve made some mistakes while learning but it’s not a job where I feel stressed. It’s also nice because I am getting exposed to forum content that I probably wouldn’t have looked at otherwise. It’s also giving me the chance to talk with some more of the well-established members of the VHL through the updater chat and I’m enjoying that as well. It’s nice to feel like I’m doing something worthwhile. For the last 2 years I have been chasing this job and the wait was well worth it. So just wanted to say that I am now seeing a lot more content and I am really enjoying it all. 151 words for week ending 8/11/2024
  9. I was recommended a book by a third party and I used Storygraph to see if it was something I might like. This is what the Personalized AI said about the book, among other things: "Like One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish, Glory Be's charm lies in its vivid characters and descriptive storytelling, which will transport you to the bayou and keep you guessing until the very end." What the fuck lol. It is cause the Louisiana Bayou is known for the seafood?
  10. 2 1st OAs on my second player. Holy shit.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Aimee


      @Triller so close to a hat trick lol

    3. sadie


      i mean just look at teno, you’re a pretty great choice

    4. samx


      @leandrofgmessed up the trifecta... But you ended up with the cooler people anyways so.. it works out

  11. Edinburgh would be beautiful! I have a whole media spot dedicated to moving the team. I suggested the team be called the Highland Nessies and have a highland cow as the mascot.
  12. Who on the BOG do I need to do "favors" for to get this rolling?? I'm not afraid to do what is needed...
  13. Okay but seriously. Anyone else still up for the discussion about London relocating to Scotland?
  14. Took a few seasons off but now I'm back.
  15. After having been drafted 5th overall in the VHL draft by the Helsinki Titans, Ahsoka Tano gave a brief interview stating that she was excited about being drafted and that she was grateful to Helsinki. While obviously happy, she appeared to have an air of apprehension and nervousness before excusing herself from the press conference room at the draft. ____________________________________ As she walked through the hallways of the draft building, Ahsoka Tano wrung her hands in front of her once she was alone. She checked various doors as she walked the halls, trying to find one that was both unlocked and unused. It was hard to find one given that this was an off-season stadium. The only people at this time of year who would frequent any rooms were the janitors and cleaning crew. After a few failed doorknob attempts, she finally found one that was dark and unlocked. After a quick peak around the room, she realized it was full of old equipment that either was simply in storage or was bound for the dump. Perfect. She slipped inside and quietly closed and locked the door behind her. Despite the near pitch black of the room, she had little problem seeing enough to get through. She made her way to the back of the room where there was an old desk and chair, and she took a seat. Ahsoka sighed as she leaned back, eyes closed as she took in the day she had just had. It wasn’t the top 3 that people had been speculating but 5th overall wasn’t anything to turn a nose up at either. It meant that she had not only proven herself a good enough player, but seemingly one of the best up and coming. It was exactly what they needed… After a few moments of silence with her own thoughts, Ahsoka sat back up, took a deep breath, and pulled a disk communicator from her leather jacket pocket. It was a little dinged up and hadn’t been used in a long time, but it still worked. Thankfully. She blew what little dust remained on it before pressing the activation button. It only went to one person, but she didn’t know if they would answer. Time passed as the disk sat on the desk and she willed it to light up with the hologram of her friend and mentor. She knew it was a long distance for the signal to travel; further than she had probably ever asked of it. So, while the wait made her uneasy, she had half expected it. An hour or so passed and her eyes had fully adjusted to the darkness of the room. She had closed her eyes a while ago and began to meditate. In times like this, it helped keep her calm despite the nerves quickly building inside of her. She thought about home, her friends, family, mentors, and her life prior to coming to Earth. As those thoughts began to turn to her current worries, a very quiet beep sounded from the communicator. Ahsoka’s eyes shot open and a robed figure of blue holographic light was there to greet her. 524 words for week ending 8/4/2024
  16. With a handful of interviews done, it’s looking like Ahsoka Tano has a guaranteed home in the VHLE and the VHL. The only question comes down to where and in what draft position. All of the prospective drafts that have come out have had her being drafted in the top 3, consistently 3rd overall. It seems that despite her ups and downs in the VHLM, Tano has proven herself a hard enough worker to possibly earn a high draft position. Currently Tano is working on her overall ability on the ice and has been training nearly every day since the off season began. She has made a lot of improvement in just these past few weeks and it doesn’t seem like her dedication to hockey will be waning any time soon. With only a short while to go before the drafts, we wonder if Tano will be able to prove the mock drafts right. 154 words for week ending 8/4/2024
  17. It's been amazing playing and hanging with you, Triller. Can't wait to see what the future has in store for you and your next player.
  18. Lol it doesn't have to be as specific as theme week. It could be literally anything.
  19. I think I'd like to see situations thrown into the VHL that don't have actual impact, but give people something to write about. So we all know that we write about our own promotions, demotions, trades, drafts, etc.. But what if there were league wide situations made up on a weekly basis to make the VHL feel more real? For example: Player was found to be throwing games in order to win at betting. GM has been spotted talking with other team admins and it sparks debate about if they are planning a move. Changes in game rules like in real life. All these would give everyone the chance to write something creative and could also give graphic artists something interesting to work with. With Jesse Teno I sort of did something like this where I wrote about them embezzling funds from their charity over the course of a few media spots. I feel like these sorts of prompts could really bring in some creative writing and graphics.
  20. for week ending 7/28/2024
  21. Ahsoka Tano is participating in the Junior Showcase Tournament this offseason and is playing for the Brigade. She was selected 5th overall. So far she has played in all 10 games and has 2 goals and 5 assists for 8 points with a -4. It seems she is also back in her old habits as she has racked up 18 penalty minutes. Overall she is the 13th best player in the tournament and the 5th best defenseman. “The tournament has been fun so far and it’s nice to keep my body going during the off season. But I am disappointed in my performance. I’m just hoping it doesn’t make teams think I can’t produce. I’ve also got the ProAm coming up so I’m looking forward to that.” Tano was selected a not so surprising 45th overall by the Kitchener Kitsunes. Given that she is going to be playing with well established VHL players, it’s not farfetched to think she would be drafted that low. 164 words for week ending 7/28/2024
  22. Transaction ID: 60S50976NB1115535 5 Uncapped Doubles Week 1M Player Store
  23. Amazing career! Can't believe what you accomplished. So proud of you, friend.
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