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Everything posted by Aimee

  1. You almost made me shed a tear.
  2. 2019 Subaru Legacy Premium pictured on the day I got her. Her name is Sexy.
  3. It’s been a quiet offseason for Ashoka Tano who has been working hard every day to improve as much as she can before the VHLM draft. Word is that she is expected to be drafted high but only two teams have reportedly reached out to talk to her. As one of the hardest working defenseman in the upcoming draft, it wouldn’t be surprising if she were to go within the top five. “I’m just working hard and trying to prove that I’m worth the hype. I know how important what I do now is to my draft stock so all I can continue to do is train and hope that some more general managers reach out. But if they don’t, I won’t take it personally. There are a lot of players who are great going into this draft so I need to do what I can to stick out. But hopefully someone will see something in me worth drafting for.” 160 words for week ending 5/12/2024
  4. Hell yea! So glad you're enjoying it.
  5. For week ending 5/5/24 Answer 6, get 2 TPE. Answer 3, get 1 TPE 1. We made it past the first round! How is your player celebrating? 2. What do you think of your player's performance so far in the post-season? 3. Has your player developed any new superstitions? 4. What do you think our odds are against Moscow? 5. If we make it past Moscow, who would you like to face in the finals? 6. McDonalds, Wendy's, or Burger King?
  6. Reminds me of a few I did lol. Great read!
  7. With Mexico City’s post season coming to a quick end, Ahsoka Tano is officially on break and looking for her next home. Maybe it’ll be Mexico City? But who knows. With the VHLM draft coming up, and the buzz around the young defenseman minimal, who knows where she will end up next season. Ahsoka had finished the season off with 1 goal and 10 assists over 15 games with a -7. Her one goal did come on a power play. While not great, it isn’t really enough to reflect her potential. Given the lack of active teammates around her, it’s not surprising that Tano struggled to make much in her start. In the short-lived post-season, Tano did manage 2 goals and 1 assist for 3 points over 5 games and was -4. Surprisingly, one of her goals was a game winner. “We all know I didn’t have a chance to really show what I can do so I hope that whichever team decides to draft me knows that I’m a hard worker and I’ll do whatever I can to make a difference. Also I’ll try and figure out how to stop getting penalties.” 193 words for week ending 5/5/2024
  8. For week ending 4/28/24 Answer 6, get 2 TPE. Answer 3, get 1 TPE 1. We're finally in playoff season! How are you feeling? 2. What did you player do after that final win of the regular season? 3. What is your player doing to prepare for the playoffs? 4. Who do you think is going to make it to the finals? 5. What do you think our odds are of getting to the finals? 6. Other than London, what other team would you root for to win it all?
  9. After her first week in the VHLM, Ahsoka Tano is now fully a member of the Mexico City Kings. In her first 15 games, Ahsoka has 1 goal and 10 assists, which includes 1 power play goal. Unfortunately for her, Ahsoka is also a -7 given the rough go that Mexico has had. But with 11 points over 15 games, she is hoping to get some more experience under her belt before the VHLM draft in a few weeks. One surprising aspect about Ahsoka is how she had 14 penalty minutes already. For someone who sells herself as focusing on skills, it is a bit of a shock to see her wracking up so many penalties this early into her career. “I think the refs just don’t know what they’re doing, to be honest. Most of the penalties are bad calls but who am I to argue on the ice? I don’t agree with it but yelling at the refs is just going to make things worse for myself and my team.” 172 words for week ending 4/28/2024
  10. Transaction ID: 47162340ME6336420 $1M Player Store Cash 5 TPE Uncapped Doubles Week
  11. Ahsoka Tano walks into the press conference room wearing a blue suit with a white button up shirt and orange lining and pocket square. She is greeted by the Mexico City King’s GM @JCarson and shakes his hand. They stand for a few pictures and Tano is shown and offered her jersey. She smiles and thanks him as they pose for a photo. Tano then removes her suit jacket before pulling on her new jersey. They then sit for the press conference, camera flashes going off like crazy the whole time. “Ahsoka, how are you feeling now that you’re officially in the VHLM” “Feels great! I’m thrilled that the Kings allowed me to join their team for the end of the season and hopeful post season.” “Since there are only a handful of games left, what impact do you think you’re going to make?” “Not sure yet. I haven’t gotten on the ice with the rest of the team, but I just hope that whatever it is, it’s positive.” 169 words for week ending 4/21/2024
  12. Nope! We're leaving Teno behind with their legacy.
  13. Beautifully written!
  14. Ahsoka Tano was born to a nomadic people in the county of Greenland. While they were mostly observant of the old ways of life, Ahsoka’s parents wanted more for her. They wanted her to explore the world and see what was beyond their small community. Much like an Amish teen on rumspringa, Ahsoka was amazed when she entered the capital of Greenland, Nuuk. Between the stationary buildings and the modern equipment, she didn’t know what to check out first. But after some time, Ahsoka found herself enjoying being around so many people. She could continue to see the sites of her beautiful country but from the safety of a warm home instead of a nomadic tent. While she missed home, she knew she wanted to see what else the world had in store for her. Ahsoka found herself in the library most days, teaching herself English and reading about the world. It was within the books that she discovered hockey. She was athletic in a strong sense and had played native games with friends and family, but she had never participated in a sport quite like that. So, when the local school was holding a scrimmage game, she stopped by and fell in love. The puck skittering across the ice, the sounds of the skates leaving their smooth marks, pucks slapping off a goalie’s pads, and the unmistakable ring of hitting the crossbar. One game and she had found her new favorite sport. From there, Ahsoka added learning all she could about hockey to her usual self-teachings. She also made some friends after going to a handful of games, so she was able to pick their brains as well. It was a lot easier to understand the game when someone explained it versus what a book could tell her. Eventually she managed to get a job that didn’t pay great, but it was enough to allow her to save up so she could get out of Greenland and towards Canada. She had quickly learned that the best places to see hockey would be Canada, the United States, and Eastern Europe. Since Canada was closer and cheaper to fly to, she figured that’s where she would go. And go she did. In her 20s, Ahsoka finally took off for Canada with enough money to sustain herself for a little bit. She left everything she knew and loved behind to chase a sport she still had yet to play. Once in Canada, she hired someone to teach her, and from there she learned how to play hockey. She tried all positions but landed on defenseman, as she enjoyed the idea of being on the line of defense instead of being the attacker. Back home with her family she would have also been a line of defense when her father and brothers went out for a multi-day long hunt for food, and she was left to help protect the older women and younger children. So, it spoke to her naturally. Now in her 30s, Ahsoka will be what most consider to be past their prime in age and she is only just now joining the VHLM. While she isn’t the most experienced, she hopes that she can become a story that will prove that it doesn’t matter where you come from – only where you’re going. She also hopes to make money to send home to her family in Greenland so that they can afford more when the adults trade with local villages and towns. Ahsoka is looking forward to her time in the VHLM and has, until the next draft, joined the Mexico City Kings for a professional try out. She’s looking forward to getting to know her teammates, even if they are only temporary. Hopefully these few weeks will give her some time to hone her skills and discover what it’s really like to play professional hockey. The trip to Mexico City itself was a lesson learned. Between Greenland and her decade or so in Canada, Ahsoka had experienced warm weather but never like this. The heat and humidity were totally new to her, and it seemed it would just be another obstacle for her to overcome in order to pursue her love of the game. Ahsoka also took this time indoors in the air conditioning to watch a lot of NHL hockey. It seemed even a whole other level beyond the VHL, and she was amazed. Though, she noted no women, so she figured this was the best place for her to be. So now Ahsoka sits in her small apartment in Mexico City waiting to suit up for her first professional hockey game. Her nerves are running wild, but she can’t wait to step out on the ice in front of the crowd. The next stage of her life was about to begin, and she wouldn’t change a thing.
  15. For week ending 4/21/24 Answer 6, get 2 TPE. Answer 3, get 1 TPE 1. Only about a weeks worth of games left. How are you feeling about this backend of the season? 2. How are you feeling about our place in the standings? 3. Do you do trivia? Why or why not? 4. How's your NHL or local hockey team doing this year? Are they making into their respective post seasons? 5. If you could see any two teams meet in the NHL Stanley Cup Final, who would it be? 6. What is your favorite movie of all time?
  16. Player Information Username: aimkin Player Name: Ahsoka Tano Recruited From: Returning Age: 31 Position: D Height: 75 in. Weight: 165 lbs. Birthplace: Greenland Player Page @VHLM GM
  17. It's a tad off with the video and audio but only a second, maybe less. Enjoy my lookback at what I accomplished with Jesse. Thank you to everyone who supported me and Jesse over their career. I truly appreciate it.
  18. Tomorrow I will have my first recreate. I can't believe I'm saying goodbye to Teno.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. JCarson


      When you recreate what team do you think you will join?


    3. Aimee


      @JCarson Haven't really thought about it to be honest. And no one has asked me before lol.

    4. Mysterious_Fish


      Teno has been a legend for Fantasy

  19. Jesse Teno woke up to the sound of a door closing in their dark London flat located deep within the city. They were on their couch, head pounding, and their hands wet. No. Not just their hands. Their clothing too. It was sticking to their skin and felt thick. Jesse sat up slowly, wanting to rub what felt like sleep from their eyes but their hands stopped when the wetness smelled metallic. They finally stood, feeling wobbly on their feet, and made their way towards the bathroom. They stumbled on furniture that had been moved out of place. But finding the bathroom light was easy; just reach around the wall and slap the button. The light stung, telling them that they had been in darkness for quite a while. When their eyes finally adjusted and they looked up into the mirror, they were shocked to see themselves covered in blood. Fresh. Blood. 152 words for week ending 4/14/2024
  20. For week ending 4/14/24 Answer 6, get 2 TPE. Answer 3, get 1 TPE 1. The Theme Week this season is Rebrand. Are you creating for it? What do you think of the subject? 2. TDL is next week which means we're more than halfway through the season. How are you feeling? 3. With TDL coming up, whose recreate are you looking forward to seeing? 4. We've got a 4 game win streak going. Think we can make it 5 or 6 tonight? 5. What do you think is one improvement the VHL still needs to make? 6. If you could spend 24 hours with anyone, alive or dead, who would it be?
  21. Jesse Teno kicks puppies and steals candy from babies. They push old people to the ground and yell at customer service members just trying to get through the day. They are a troll online and on the ice. Jesse Teno is the most hated player in the VHL to date and there is no stopping them. Teno was in more fights than any other player in high school, college, and now the VHL. For a goalie, they are quite the menace and unofficial enforcer of the London United. Get in their crease? Hope you didn’t need that knee cap. Tap their pads one too many times at a rebound attempt, guess you didn’t need those teeth after all. Teno has also been documented as the goalie with the most broken sticks not only in a season, but in a single game. During a recent 5-2 loss to Moscow, Teno was so fed up with losing to Olober Syko that they broke a stick with every goal scored against them. It’s rumored that some of the stick shards ended up in some other player’s skin like large splinters. Apparently, the equipment manager also had to run out during the 2nd intermission to go buy back-up sticks. Outside of the VHL, Teno has also managed to get in some hot water with the SEC and the IRS as allegations of fraud and embezzlement have been linked towards their foundation. According to sources, while The Teno Foundation may has raised $4.2 million total, it seems that only about $1.5 million of that money has actually been spent on charitable causes. Documents and financial statements claim that nearly all of the money has been spent however investigators tell us that much of the equipment was purchased second hand. It would seem that the Teno Foundation also failed to pay many of their contractors who built and refurbished the rinks. On top of the lack of money spent on the focus of the charity, other sources have also spotted Teno driving around in not only a top-of-the-line Tesla, but a 2024 Mercedes-Benz G-Class, a Ducati Panigale V4 R, and they had also been seen at a Rolls-Royce dealership in Manhattan while on break. If these allegations prove true, then the London admins must be happy to be seeing the goalie go after this season. It seems while investigating the above allegations against London United Goalie Jesse Teno, our offices were broken into and most of our paperwork related to the case has been stolen or destroyed. Some were found inside the office shredder. We do not know if Teno themselves did this or if it was some other bad actors protecting them, but we have brought in the FBI to investigate the break-in and theft. We are also unsure as to how anyone knew of our investigation as our work has yet to go public. No one in this publication has made any mention of it outside of the office. We believe that Teno may have someone working on the ins… 506 words for week ending 4/14/2024
  22. Do I recreate as a D or a G? Help me out.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Gustav


      Agree on not repeating a position. You may or may not want to consider forward as well after this draft class--but you earn well enough that lots of people going to one position won't hurt your chances anywhere.


      Something I really appreciate about defense is that hits and (especially) SB mean a lot more. Maybe you won't put as many points on the board as a forward, but you also have more numbers to care about.

    3. Gaikoku-hito


      I would go either D or F but since you asked between only two, I would say D!!

    4. N0HBDY


      VHL is in desperate need of D so that's my vote

  23. Since my last post I have finished the audio books of The Lightning Thief, The Messenger by Terry Maggert, and Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. Currently I am listening to Dungeon Madness which is the 2nd book in the Divine Dungeon series but I'm listening to the dramatized adaptation and it's so much better than the regular single narrator. My up nexts are Sea of Monsters and Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. It's possible you may see a pattern here lol. I'm also attempting to pick up a physical book during my short down times during my work from home days and that is Little Thieves by Margaret Owen. I received it in a blind book purchase so we'll see how that goes.
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