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Everything posted by scoop

  1. Scrap the Top Leader and Most Sportsmanlike awards imo Or, if we're going to keep them, let's base them both on the same thing. Either they are both forum-based awards or they are both sim-based awards. Top Leader could easily just be a "which captain had the best stats" or Most Sportsmanlike could be "who was the most sportsmanlike on the forum." I suppose it's all up to how the GMs want to vote, but personally though, I think we should get rid of them both. And I've felt that way for a while thanks for reminding me now maybe I'll bring it up to the BoG.
  2. I never liked the prediction setup to be honest. My preferred method allowed for members to add/drop players each week, but people didn't like that for some reason that I really don't understand. I don't know what's so odd to you about the salary system or why it's hard to understand. I'd like to see it work out with groups. But as someone who is in a group that isn't even halfway done with the draft yet, I'm not convinced it's the best route. Hopefully all the drafts an finish before we are 1/3 of the way through the season. I do appreciate the effort, though. I always enjoyed the VHFL (for the most part), and the reason I kind of gave up on it was because only a handful of others ever seemed to care about it as anything more than just another source of TPE.
  3. I checked and yeah, he did mention that the top team out of everyone would get 2 TPE. Sure, it's just 2 TPE which isn't a whole lot, but that's not gonna fly.
  4. Another alternative is not doing groups. I vaguely remember him once posting something about maybe having a reward for the top few teams overall, but it very well could've just been an idea that was mentioned once, scrapped, and never considered again.
  5. Yeah but it's not just about the time when it comes to those guys. Now the others in Group G have a massive advantage over the six-active groups. You think I like that? And it's for that reason that there absolutely better not be a bonus for having the best score overall.
  6. Not everyone is on all every day. I'm not exactly sure why you had visions of the drafts going faster. That guy in Group G, Kopiquick.. his only post in the VHL was literally his post signing up for the VHFL. Doesn't even have a player. In that same group, jphobbit hasn't been online since Tuesday; one day after he joined the VHL. Sure you can auto-skip them, and things will go faster, but it destroys the integrity of the VHFL. At the same time, you can't rightly deny someone like jphobbit entrance simply because he's new. Kopiquick, sure, you could've told him he had to have a player before joining. But also it's not even just the new guys who are making things go slow, but that's because like I said, not everyone is on all the time or at the same time as everyone else.
  7. actually nah, I have two centers already so I'll not make an offer best of luck though
  8. I mean, that S1 record team also didn't win a championship.
  9. I'm speaking relatively, dammit! Sure, these teams may not stack up to what we've had in the past, but that's the state of the VHL right now.
  10. I am not confident in the New York Americans chances this season. Do I think we can make the playoffs? Yes. I also think we could miss the playoffs. I also think we could win the Continental Cup. I think all of these outcomes are possible for four out of five teams in the North American Conference (I'll let you figure out which team is on the outs). The prevailing opinion appears to be that Seattle will miss the playoffs. However, the poll I'm basing that statement on (in which Seattle received 12 out of 19 votes to be the team missing the playoffs) was posted just a few hours after the Bears traded for Joel Jarvi; perhaps there are people out there who hadn't yet seen this acquisition and would have voted differently if they had. New York is next in line with five votes in this poll, so their relative weakness in net and on defense are not being overlooked. The Toronto Legion have two votes (including my own, though it was admittedly a hard decision to make), and last season's odds-on favorites to win it all (who were promptly knocked out of the playoffs in five games after winning the Victory Cup) have just one doubter. These four teams, I would say, vary greatly. Let's start by taking a look at the forwards on their rosters; the first thing to notice here is that none of these teams even have the same number of forwards, which is an odd thing to say. Toronto has just three. Granted, two of those three are Zach Parechkin and Max Molholt, but most of the other top teams (yes Victor, these four teams are all top teams) can match that top two and then outclass them severely down the line. Calgary has the next fewest with four; but they are four quality forwards. Aleksi Koponen and Tyson Kohler match Toronto's top two, while Theo Axelsson and Travis Gowecny are both superior to Toronto's third in LeAndre St. Pierre. I think Seattle's Bogdan Podarok, Thor Odinsson, and Joel Jarvi can hold their own with Toronto's top three, but probably not Calgary's. The Bears do have Sven Wolf to counter Gowecny, and then some additional help from AK47. I think hands-down, though, New York's forwards are the best bunch in the conference. Newcomers Unassisted, Tom Lincoln, and William Covington bring a veteran presence that, on paper, will be on par with the best top three in the VHL. However, a lot of the hype for this New York offense will rely on Diana Maxwell and Essian Ravenwing to have a breakout season, which is something I do have full confidence in; and we can't forget New York's sixth forward Phil Shankly. But then we move on to the defense, where New York is certainly lacking. Bobby Digital will not be a liability, the other teams all have at least one elite defenseman. Meanwhile, behind Digital, the Americans have David Hamilton and Elijah Dotran, both of whom leave much to be desired. The Wranglers, although they do have Black Velvet, have a two and three who are comparably underwhelming in Tobias Klingberg and Jim Lahey. Biggu Kyanon for the Bears may not be a good as Velvet, but Felipe Rodriguez gives them a second very solid defenseman; Guntis Petenis is a solid prospect, but he won't be making any grand contribution. Toronto were the winners of free agency, at least when it comes to this upcoming season, in large part due to their big signings on defense. Both Phil and Jeff Hamilton joined the team, giving them two very good players. World B. Free is better than the third best on any other team, and would probably fall in the same tier as Digital, New York's number one. Lastly, let's look at the goalies. Ariel Weinstein (Calgary) and Greg Clegane (Toronto) are two of the best in the VHL; will they allow Jakab Holik of the Bears to join their elite club before they retire? This could be Holik's season to step into stardom, and his improvement could make the difference for the Bears. In New York, the goalie will be Ilya Kopralkov, who they acquired via trade this off-season. Kopralkov was not great in his first two seasons, and last year he didn't get to show much while playing behind Sandro Clegane. He must prove to not be too big of a liability for the Americans if they are to make the playoffs and have a shot at the cup. All this comparing that I've done, however, is on a player-by-player basis. What is going to matter more will be how these players work together. Hopefully the race will be as close as I envision it, or better yet, as close as I dream. I want to see it all come down to the final day. Nothing clinched, with these teams only playing against each other. How crazy would that be?
  11. And you know what? I probably voted for Glover in S28 and he probably won by a single vote. I had to vote for other goalies in that era so I could justify voting for myself! (side note: I actually have no idea if I voted for Glover; it's very possible that I didn't vote for him using the same logic that kept me from voting for Braxton, and kept me from voting Glover for the Hall of Fame)
  12. Bjorkman was S27. I'd have to assume the other was CAL G in S29.
  13. Huh? Do you remember which two seasons they were?
  14. Wait, that happened twice? Were they both for MVP or was one top defenseman?
  15. I "cucked" Frank out of Top GM once or maybe twice idk by voting for myself lolol getrekt @Frank I don't actually know for sure if it cost him the award. buttfuck Frank tbh tho
  16. Remember that time you lost MVP by a vote because I voted for the other guy instead of Braxton? Remember that time? Good times, huh?
  17. I mean, I wouldn't say that a decent prospect and a 2nd round pick is free.
  18. Welcome to the team! @Draper @Higgins @JardyB10 @Toast @Smarch whoever does takes care of this shit, get him in my LR please and thank you
  19. No I'm just noting how similar it could be compared to this roster.
  20. I think the plan is to keep the puck in the offensive zone the entire time.
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