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Everything posted by scoop

  1. Then we'd have a five team VHLM with less than five active players. What would even be the point of that? Just so the new players have an easier time? Why don't we just reduce the VHLM TPE maximum to 100.
  2. I don't quite understand why we would separate the minors into two separate leagues.
  3. @YEAH!stlemania count me in too if I'm still awake, anyway
  4. fyi there actually is a not-very-serious idea that I have in mind, but it'll have to wait! I mean, the idea as I have in mind probably wouldn't work, but it could start a discussion that with community input might actually be good, so we'll see.
  5. four for mist4keeeeeeeeeeeee i've got a blank space baby and i'll write your name
  6. This isn't a very serious idea, which is why I'm not going to devote a media spot or podcast to it. Or even bring it up in the BoG. It's more or less an idea that popped into my head at one point in time. Personally, I think a major point of the VHLM, the number one priority, should be retention of new players. We need the VHLM to be a league that will keep players interested. Yes, recreates matter as well, but for them the VHLM is more of a required stop rather than a place to become accustomed to the league as a whole. I think right now, the way the VHLM is we are going to have seasons where there are a couple stacked teams and a couple abysmal teams. I think my idea could maybe help. In a nutshell, my idea--oh, by the way this is for Maxwell. Where was I? Hmm.. the more I think about it, the idea that I have to present could actually be a good one. Maybe I will bring it up in the BoG for discussion. But I guess I'll wait and see if this thread can get any positive feedback for it. Oh, that's 200 words. Maybe next week.
  7. Fixed, thank you. S38 was in my head as it was the last Yukon championship.
  8. Relocating Yukon Twenty-one seasons ago, I was named GM of one of two expansion teams set to join the VHLM in S31. I chose to take that team to Yukon, and for the first several seasons, the team was quite successful. They got off to a fantastic start, winning the Continental Cup in their inaugural season. Over the next seven seasons, they won three more times. Since their last championship in Season 38, they've lost in the finals twice and have made the playoffs just six times. This is despite the fact that for the past nine seasons, three out of four teams in each conference made the playoffs. I was only in charge of the team for one season last time before I resigned from the position. I took over the team for a second stint in S51, and this time, I'll definitely last more than a single season. When I took over, I had a multi-season plan to bring the team back to a respectable state, hopefully being a favorite in S53 and an underdog contender in S52. I remember my decision on where to locate my team came down to two: Yukon and Anchorage, Alaska. Thinking about it now, especially in terms of the recent discussion, I don't think either is necessarily what people would like to see. Back then, I think there was definitely support for the Yukon, particularly in conjunction with the 'Rush' moniker. Personally, I preferred the Anchorage Owls, but I liked them both well enough that when a community poll showed a public preference for the Rush, I was headed to Yukon. There has been recent discussion about possibly contracting the VHLM. Back in S42, the league went from ten teams to eight, and that number could be dropping to six at some point in the near future. Up until a couple weeks ago, it seemed that Yukon would be the team from the North American Conference that would get the axe if this were to happen, but the recent disappearance of Saskatoon GM Adwyer Eightyseven may have saved the franchise. Or maybe there will be no contraction and it won't matter; that's also possible. Regardless of all that, however, if my team does live on as a franchise in the VHLM, I will be strongly considering relocation. The Yukon Rush were good once upon a time. There is public support for the relocation of the Rush, which certainly factors into my desire to make it happen. If people didn't want it, I wouldn't mind keeping the team here, as it does hold some sentimental value for me. The Yukon Rush are and will remain my favorite team in the VHLM, but moving the team (and adopting a new moniker) won't change that. They'll still be "the team" for me. They'll always have my support. The question for me is "where?" Where do I take the team? Of course, wherever we do go, we will no longer be the Rush. That will be changing, so there is also a question of what the new name will be; but before I concern myself with that, I need a set of possible locations. My first thought in that regard is that I'd like to put the team somewhere in the United States. In S38, we lost the Minot Gladiators, leaving the North American Conference with four Canadian teams. Some locations have been mentioned, and there are a few that I particularly have in mind. My three thoughts are these: Portland, Wisconsin, and Minnesota. Portland was the first city to come to mind when I thought of northwestern USA as a general location; and on second though, I don't think there's another city in the area that would be better, with Seattle already home of the Bears in the VHL. Wisconsin is a state that doesn't have representation in the NHL, which is something that I tend to consider but ultimately don't hold it was a strict rule about. The team could potentially be placed in Milwaukee or Madison. We could even use 'Wisconsin' as the designated location if it sounds better. And then there's Minnesota, which is my personal preference at the moment. As a real life human, I live in Minnesota, so I think it would be cool to have a VHLM team here. Now, I personally would be against using a 'Minnesota' designation for the team location for the same reason that I wouldn't want to use Minneapolis; the three-letter code for the team would be MIN, which has already been used by Minot. That being said, the team could go to Saint Paul, or perhaps even use 'Twin Cities' or 'Minneapolis-St. Paul' for the location (perhaps the latter would be a bit of a mouthful, but I like the novelty of it). Just as I considered public opinion when creating the team, I will definitely be taking into consideration what others have to say before I make a proposal to relocate the team. These are just my first thoughts. Out of all the ideas, right now I'm leaning towards Saint Paul. Or heck, maybe now is the time to make the Anchorage Owls a thing!
  9. Yeah, it's about time Keiji Toriyama gets recognized!
  10. If Moscow and Saskatoon make the finals, it'll be the two teams without an active GM.
  11. @Kendrick the link in the first post links to this thread, not the Twitter account
  12. I'd just like to see the USA get a VHLM team back. Could be out west, maybe Portland?
  13. Ah, I see. As someone who is not familiar with the hockey world at all outside of the NHL, I'm unaware and now I guess it makes sense why we put a team there in the first place. Only reason I know places like Bern and Riga is because I know world capitals.
  14. He meant that there's a team that is newly being discussed. Like, the idea to relocate Riga is new, not the team.
  15. This, and for the VHLM (if we are getting rid of two teams, assuming SSK and MOS) I would say Yukon --> USA somewhere
  16. I mean, I know Bern is in Switzerland, but where exactly I don't know. I'd imagine people are more likely to know of Bern than Davos. But that doesn't mean we should get rid of Davos!
  17. I like the idea of a Wisconsin team just because they don't have representation in the NHL either. Obviously that's not essential when deciding on a location, but I think it's a bit of a bonus especially since I feel like Wisconsin has a large enough hockey market to warrant putting a team there. EDIT: or somewhere in Minnesota (disregarding the point I made in favor of WI about having no NHL team) because Minnesota > I mean, Chicago is fine too. But I'm biased toward Minnesota.
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